Why did Gendo authorize this?
Why did Gendo authorize this?
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Good question
Cuz he's not a gay
Little known fact, but Maya is head of PR in Nerv-Japan, and since she is from tech div whatever under Ritsuko she helped design the suits to suit her tastes and the PR needs of the project.
Yuri: not even once.
it was his idea
For his dick
Why is so much of it see-through? There's like, 1 inch before staring at her becomes a crime.
How could you sale an anime without fanservice ?
Don't question a good thing.
Easy identification of wounds?
what you should really do is question where touji would have hidden his junk if he had to wear that shit.
Yeah well sympathetic wounds are bs anyway so whatever.
Good characterization, fascinating storyline, astounding art?
It's not the 90's anymore, son.
A gift to his son. His son was too much of a pussy to appreciate it.
Not even Shinji is crazy enough to stick his dick in that.
He didn't even see it.
Asuka gave her blessing to Rei's pursuit of Shinji, so obviouly she now needed to expose her erogenous zones to find another male to mate with.
you are obviously an homosexual.
thank you mrs. skeltal
user, weebs just want cute girl to self insert with.
>Asuka even vocalizing how slutty the new plug suit is.
Anno you pandering scum
Anyone really think Asuka would be ashamed of wearing that to work? I didn't think so either.
Kind of, but not really. Anime is, or used to be, a very varied medium. Everyone wants something a little bit different.
I got the idea that Rebuild 2 was explicitly and intentionally fanservice and pandering
>what if Shinji was a BADASS!
>oh lets put Asuka is a SEXY outfit!
>what about a big titty megane that lands on Shinji with her TITS?
And then Rebuild 3 is a response to it explaining why pandering and fanservice is bad. Not that it did a good job.
But Shikinami isn't crazy, Sohryu is the one unhinged.
I think he might not even know her name.
I don't think Asuka ever gave Rei that blessing, she looked defeated in the elevator when Rei said she had feelings for Shinji.
How did her shit from the elevator survive? Like I get why this is included and it's an aight symbolism but Matsushiro's a crater, Misato was knocked cold from a mile away, and the skin cream got out unsinged.
When her entry plug was quarantined in that scene, I wonder when she was released.
To sell figures.
Because this is the timeline where he loves his son
Oh you'll never know, that happens in the 14 year time skip that isn't ever being detailed. Make up whatever you want about when and how Wille recovered her as a warded mummy and put her back into service.
>And then Rebuild 3 is a response to it explaining why pandering and fanservice is bad
Sure, ignore that 3.33 kaworu is 10 times wors pandering fanservice.
And offered to pilot so they could have their Ikari family date.
More than replacing Toji in 03, she also takes over the scene of declaring Rei to be in suki immediately beforehand.
why was asuka even interested in shinji in this version
I stopped watching after the original series and EOE. I thought gendo was dead?
What is that leg up thing she does? Why?
If I had the power to dress Asuka like that you can bet I would authorize the shit out of it.
Well she did sleep next to Shinji the night before she is to test Unit-03. Most of her scenes is her brooding over Rei spending time with Shinji.
The rebuild are sequels but remakes with something something that we don't know until the last movie explain everything
I used to watch evangelion for the awesome dynamic angled scenes of evas fighting angels
is it still like that or all CGI shit and mostly fanservice?
Asuka likes nice boys who cook, she gets defensive when Kaji brings it up.
The guy has a swimming pool sized tub filled with teenage clones of his wife. You can't put 2 and 2 together?
>or all CGI shit and mostly fanservice?
CGI and Fanservice, don't waste your time.
Decent amount of scenes with CGI and equal amount of fanservice with NGE but in movie lenght IMO
Jeez Gendo these don't seem appropriate for piloting robots in.
>people bashing the cgi
It's sexy
Girls like feeling sexy and appreciating their sexiness
is this a remake of the original series or a continuation?
Hope this helps. If you don't want to spoiled by reading, then the short answer: It's like a new universe where things repeats again, but differently.
Is that fucking thing Translucent? I never noticed.
The one thing that doesn't make sense how do they go from the choke scene to 1.11?
people appear from the LCL?
Why the fuck would shinji pilot the eva again from his dick father? I thought gendo fucking died and never made it to lcl but got cut in half some how
We don't see them appearing from the LCL ocean but I guess we are supposed to guess they do. Still doesn't explain why Shinji and Asuka lost their memories.
Same way most of the world remembers living before Second Impact and can have international programs and ecological preserves directly continuing from it. Everybody is lying and a hologram.
Wasn't this confirmed for bs By Anno?
So the children are the only ones who have amnesia?
Parents are crazy for Grandchildren
This is essentially Asuka being Yui for German Nerv connections
No, they still remember growing up in this exact setting, it isn't weird to them that their food is suddenly artificial and only old people know what turtles are. They have to be part of the simulation. The only possibly real people are Seele interacting with the program from outside through the monolith interfaces.
Here is a crazy theory: The events of Rebuild are just an Instrumentality dream. Like a Matrix simulation or something.
If their information was as good as having everybody's actual first-hand experiences, their reconstruction would be better than all the references in the wrong places, forgetting Asuka's name and only knowing she had something about dolls, and adding an extra girl when they lost count. It's gotta be new aliens trying to figure out NGE after they found Unit 1 in space.
Wasn't it confirmed that only shipperfags care what that faggot thinks?
Time loops is bordering on schizo evageeks tier territory
That would pretty nice, but I don't know if Anno has it in him to make plot twists and good story telling anymore with Eva.
Why would he not?
GOAT finale scene
That's interesting as fuck, thanks.
You're forgetting that Kaworu is basically Anno's jerk off fantasy to get over Ikuhara rejecting him. And he hates Eva fans, so any work that is designed to cause anal rage in the fans will also have other lubing material for him.
Thinner/more permeable material=better nerve connectivity.
>we don't know until the last movie explain everything
Just like 3.0 will explain Mari's backstory and how she DOES have actual relevance to the plot beyond figurine sales, am I right?
Not according to Ishida. If it's not time loops, it's parallel universes.
>v1.6 31-dec-2011
Holy shit, that's over half a decade ago now.
It's hard to believe people were exited for the new rebuild at one point.
Didn't they say Mari will have almost no screentime in the next one?
"They" say almost everything under the sun when no source is provided.
Reminds me of how they recently said that Anno will animate himself into 1.0 + 3.0 and anally rape Rei at the climax of the movie.
Asuka is worst girl. But I'll admit that's hot.
Sadomoto said it in an interview, although he isn't part of Khara he said he heard things about Final.
"since she appeared in Jo, Ha and Q, I wondered what her role in the story would be, and when I asked the staff, they told me that it won’t be possible to really go further in one film, so they had to tie the main story up, and that Mari may have almost no screen time."
Man, if that's true it just illustrates how hysterically poorly planned this whole thing was.
Movie format was a mistake, particularly for a story like Eva's. There's just not enough time to develop the characters.
Reminds me of how those Code Geass Akito OVAs both got delayed AND added a whole new episode yet still had important plot points that were "tied up" in a 30 second throwaway scene during the credits and had retarded characters somehow end up even more retarded via attempts to explain why they weren't actually retarded.
You'd think that if it was your livelihood you might find it more important to carefully plan how you will develop your product. Though both Eva and CG are everything short of guaranteed money printers, so maybe they know they don't really need to worry about quality.
Anno better not deliver an ending à la Sadamoto.
It's too easy to make it seem like nothing ever happens, everything can be redone blablabla
Anno is doing this so he can fund other projects. Then he wants to hand off his IP, "like Gundam".
Don't get your hopes up. The man cannot disengage from Eva, even while heading other projects. That much was clear with Shin Godzilla.
Though Shin Godzilla was a lot of fun.
I'm not forgetting that. I'm sayong that if Rebuild is any sor of 'pandering and fanservice' critique, then he's a fucking hypocrite.
I prefer the old plug suit, this one just looks trashy
>last movie explains everything
It's never coming out.
So Evangelion only exists to sell toys and appeal to shippingfags?
No, because Anno thinks pandering is okay as long as it panders to the people he personally likes
Anno hates otakus and otaku culture but likes fujoshi and their communities. He's not denying it even. Is that news to you?
I know this guy who took a while to realize it was translucent and not just a different color.
D-don't get the wrong idea, it wasn't me, it was somebody else!
Back in the 90s he used to accept lots of interviews from fujoshi, some who were even popular for their Kawoshin doujinshi, his bias is as clear as day.
Anyone who is surprised by his favoritism is a newfag.