>implying the Iraq war ended in 3 weeks
>implying the war was a victory
>forgetting the US was BTFOd by illiterates with assault rifles
>same shill bread that gets baked every few hours by 1PBTID OP
No thinking occurred.
fuck off faggot
my (not yours) country needs a 2nd amendment of its own
*repeats argument*
>leaves it to anons to defend a negative
Kikery. Hide this dogshit.
>bomb a city full of uninvolved civilians to kill a few people
>use high explosives and tanks on your own populace getting its entirety to oppose you
Nice one user.
>Implying the military wouldn't be on our side
Fucktards with this shit hour after fucking hour. You need to be tortured to death.
Boots on the ground win wars moron.
>end of thread
Sage goes in all fields.
Pic related. You'd have Russia and China with troops on the ground in a day if a civil war broke out in the US again. And it would if they came for the guns.
Yeah, when it boils down to it, all the fancy shit is just some dude holding a gun on a street corner. Dudes are vulnerable to bullets, thus guns work.
yes and there are iraq soldiers STILL FIGHTING the invasion so much that the US has had to give them guns and call them "allies".
not only that, some of them are now in europe raping your children you stupid boat nigger.
>that pic
Holy shit you're right! The military should use f-22s on sheltered insurgent targets. If only they thought about that during Afghanistan or iraq
>be us airforce / marine / seal
>get mission to attack the American people
>no seeing this as being ordered by enemies of the country you are trying to protect
user I can't even...
The 2nd ammendment isn't about being able to protect yourself from the government. It's about the government making it easier for them to conscript people to fight for them against invaders. That's what all the talk about militias is in there for.
>implying a military would fully turn on its citizens
Bait harder faggot
Tell Brock that today's bread is especially stale.
user try replying instead of posting bad assumptions of what could be.
There is a reason "boots on the ground" is an important measurement applied of military force.
Man on the left is SCP-999
Do not engage.
>implying anyone could wage war against 50million strong guerrila forces.
Unless nukes are involved.
And even then
First off, if the country broke into a war on the citizens the military would break up into factions. Some in support of the free citizens, and the others who just follow orders.
You're also forgetting military bases with all the equipment are on US soil, and free citizens would have control over some. How? With their guns.
If bombs and planes were all that were needed for being victorious in war, we wouldn't have all the problems we do in the middle east.
Guns are the foundation of a resistance, not the end all answer. Also, the government wouldn't want to bomb the shit out of its own infrastructure it's trying to overtake.If they are willing the make the United States inhabitable, then we are screwed no matter what.
This argument is retarded. No one suggests guns will stop fighter jets... but that they provide a fundamental foundation of resistance.
>Lol! You can't win against the British, just give up and live on your knees like slaves! Stupid Revolutionaries
God help us all
>Doesn't understand guerrilla warfare
Military members are some of the most pro-gub people there are.
The ZOG wouldn't use actual military strikes on rebels, they would just make secret no-knock arrests and assassinations, guns mitigate these two.
Using expensive weapons to attack your tax base is a bad idea.
Modern wars are still infantry wars. We just have heavier, faster cavalry and our artillery is also fired from the air.
WW2 was an infantry war. Vietnam was an infantry war. Iraq was an infantry war.
The upcoming US/Saudi/Israeli war against Iran will be an infantry war, which is why Iran will win it.
Also OP, If 10 men try to take me with their guns and I have none, I will be captured. Guns allow me to go out with a fight. The government wouldnt want to use military power to kill all its citizens, it wants to simply control them. You cannot control a man who has a gun, or is dead.
Vietnam did it.
>Thinking the military will side with the government
>Thinking an M1a1 somehow prevents a partisan from gatting a politicians entire family in the single moment of lax security
>Believing its possible to root out an insurgency in a country with more guns than people without relying on draconian policies that will only further strengthen the insurgency
You're kinda dumb.
I don’t even remember what it says anymore, I just know that it’s right.
Same British propaganda during the american revelution
whats it like to be such a complete coward that you have to make a thread to advertise it muultiple times a day
You haven't read the oath for the US military have you.
I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).
German IT Bernd here - it takes me less than 200.000 $ , a truck and the will to remove parts of your airforce IT within 72h . hello nsa - why do you employ niggers ? is dat China not a schallange ?
Hezbollah and the Houthis would like to have a word with you.
flares lol
ok , let` s remove the F-16 pilot living in bimboville alabama ( I break his hands and he is no longer relevant for the gov )
Meme not Valid. Plane on defensive mode
BTW there are some words in it you must understand in the way an American does. And know the constitution, which I know you don't ever bothered to read.
Vietnam = 1.7 per 100 people
Iraq = 34.2 per 100 people
Afghanistan = 4.6 per 100 people
US: close to 100 legal guns per 100 people
having to kill your father and brother
having a huge landmass
every person on your side can switch to the other side at any moment at any place at any level
please tell me more about this great plan
enroll for the IT academy - kill 1200 nerds and not a single drone will be airborne - I wonder what kind of people are on /pol
You think that the US military would just carpet bomb its own cities, you are delusional
Yids will never win in a war.
If we can purge democracy, they'll NEVER win.
Bye bye OP, better luck next time.
Guess the second amendment was never needed, imagine a militia with flintlock rifles being able to defeat ships of the line, mortars and cannon. Yep, you'd have to be a complete idiot to imagine that could happen.
check real estate , buy home near raytheon HQ , check best schools nearby , send your nice daughter to this school , meet raytheon employees , invite them for the best german x-mas market in dat town , 90% of raytheons skill turns up and gets machinefucked by the white resistance , no drones airborne , no clusterbomb being produced
be a service engineer , have access to any army/ airforce infrastructure ,meet friendly airforce personal - kill them
the invaders were the government then you idiot
Wait... then how will we overthrow Drumpf?
>You don’t need a gun to protect yourself from the government because the government would kill you, your family and everyone on your block using aerial bombardment.
>narrative BTFO
Use the AR-15 on the soldier's family.
They live next door to me.
He is too busy serving the Jew.
I would, but... the kids are mine.
lol the soldier is delusional if he fights for a government that just uses his body as fodder.
Go serve the state more so you can fight for national interests along side of women, faggots, and trannies. I'll just be cool back her fucking your wife in the ass.
the us mil is WASP controlled my nigger ( ok , on they show DR.nigger being a huge IQ nigger at the army - that is PR - not reality - and the WASP has the kikes under control ( well - sometimes ....sometime your us kikes trade F 35 blueprints to China . ask your local aipac and adl - have fun with your kikes
You can't really claim the British were still the government or had any rule over the US after they proclaimed independence and wrote the constitution.
>airplanes have to land somewhere you know
>they have to get refueled
>people fly them
The classic
yes, the newly formed government wrote what blasted the previous government's anus - yours - into the constitution
to ensure that the Brits can be raped again if they come again
while you are in a trench somewhere getting shot at... I'm shooting loads into your woman back at home.
You do realize that if the civi population turned on the government they lose all the infrastructure to keep that shit in the air right?
If this were true than the Vietnam War would have gone a lot differently. Same with the Soviet-Afghan war, or anything post-2001. It's almost like 4-10 airstrikes a day do absolutely jack fucking nothing against guerillas in caves
Yeah, what happens if 30% of those fighter jets decide not to fire on their homeland, their neighbors, and the people paying taxes to buy their jet fuel?
>starting a world war in the US
Kek RIP the atmosphere then I guess
this is what you are fighting for.
you have been cucked for years and you don't even know it.
Why are you fighting for the jew?
Stay at home, impregnate bitches.
Let minorities, women, faggots, and trannies enlist and die.
forgot pic...
If you are not in a local militia with a pregnant wife, you are worthless.
You're right, what we need to keep legal are antimaterial rifles. Shoot out all the engine blocks before they take off.
It's true.
Russian bombing in Syria was more of a morale shattering shock than it was an effective action.
I mean, it turned the tide of the battle, but it's still an infantry war.
Let fags and trannies fight for their way of life.
No Christian or any person of faith should serve in the military given the current state of things.
Stay at home and prepare. Stockpile food, water, ammunition, fuel, and medical supplier. Get to a gym and get fit, learn to shoot your rifle, get your lady pregnant.
Yea the Vietkong beat the US using farmers with pointy rifles, kys
the US doesnt exactly have the best track record with gorilla warfare...
Saddam was pretty dumb not to have EMPs.
You have to be able to annihilate packs of niggers and spics.
Which is exactly what I said in my first post. If the US got invaded, the 2nd ammendment means they can conscript random citizens into "militias" much more easily and at less cost because they'll all have their own guns.
It's not written in their so that citizens can buy hundreds of weapons to save themselves from the government that created and upholds that constitution.
People don't like the fed. A civil war today wouldn't be about "slaves" or "states." It would be everyone vs. the fed
Op is a fag. Civilians with assault rifles win Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Not to mention on the Mexicans and blacks in the military will attack US citizens by and large
Right, that's why the Taliban are in power in Afghanistan and Assad has been overthrown...
I guess the civilians should be allowed to own these types of weapons to help ensure that the government cannot control them and the human populace stood a fighting chance then OP.
Thomas Jefferson disagreed with you.
>It's not written in their so that citizens can buy hundreds of weapons to save themselves from the government that created and upholds that constitution.
Check the constitutions of North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia, and then get back to me
What is this honestly suppose to prove?
If the American military does start to attack its own citizens there would be complete anarchy.
Good luck bombing the entire country up including your own facilities and buildings and 10 million armed militias provided 10% of Americans decide to fight against you.
all of this
>implying that in a revolution, the united states military wouldnt be totally broken
why are europeans so fucking stupid
literally living proof of mass European Dunning Kruger Effect
enjoy the invasion faggot
>file name
Fuck off rabbi.
>Sec. 5. Allegiance to the United States.
>Every citizen of this State owes paramount allegiance to the Constitution and government of the United States, and no law or ordinance of the State in contravention or subversion thereof can have any binding force.
I got this far into NC's, what do you want to discuss?