What happens to magical girls when they grow old?
What happens to magical girls when they grow old?
They stop being magical girls.
Are they magical women?
They become whores.
Someone post that fan manga with Sayaka cleaning her Soul jar with Alka Seltzer.
They become magical cakes who hunt down unsuspecting anons to rob them of their virginities, thus keeping the wizard menace at bay.
Magical girls never grow old. They get mindbroken and used for breeding by pig-men and tentacle monsters before that.
Pic related
That sounds like a great hentai plot.
They become magical milfs.
Magical Cakes
They lose their innocence and turn into witches and monsters.
Wasn't there an anime precisely about this, where the main girl is a cake that don't want to kiss or have sex since she will lose her powers?
Okusama wa Mahou Shoujo. Kind of bullshit that she'll lose powers when she kisses, and then the town's destroyed or some shit.
Too heavy of a plot for a magical milf who wants to cheat on her husband, voiced by Kikuko Inoue.
They pass on their powers to their daughter.
They are just magical girls (30)
They go to the land of unwanted misfit waifus
They shitpost here.
I have a Summer Home there, I don't know why no one wants them, most of them seem pretty nice.
They transfer their magical powers to their unsuspecting daughters. And so the cycle goes on.
A """"""cake"""""" isn't THAT old. 25 and over is still young.
Witchcraft and lewdings.
they become waifus
For the lucky one of the past, they shall become the wise baba that tell relevant plot point to new magical girl, for the modern one only death and despair awaits them, ALL of them beside Sakura, she's doomed to give birth to herself with the seed of her son OR the clone of her son, alternate, as such is the destiny CLAMP choose for her.
In Sailor Moon most of the cast stopped really aging in their 20s.
>she's doomed to give birth to herself with the seed of her son OR the clone of her son, alternate, as such is the destiny CLAMP choose for her.
That's really, really dumb.
In Sailor Moon Usagi goes from a bimbo to what is basically an elder being incapable of connecting with humanity anymore.
They get married and adopt magical girls of their own.
Magical OL anime when?
Kind of like the teacher from dumpire, but with her as the MC.
Be honest with me Sup Forums, and i'm being dead serious here. Why there isn't an anime about grown up magical girls yet? Like, a 40 years old housewife and her friends going to fight the evil?
My dick
Would LOVE to see this!
Like mahou shoujo, but with actual sexiness instead of pretend sexiness.
See Madoka, they never grow old. They die.
They become witches.
Motchie a best.
Prostitution, of course
>Sailor Moon: The After Years
Delete this
Sup Forums made a project of exactly this. I think it's dead now but it was a group of magical miles juggling daily life and crime fighting.
Oh lord that art style is so familiar, but i can't place it who is it?