This must be the greatest disappointment I ever had with an anime, I mean, even after watching SAO without knowing that the series would become utter shit after episode 2 wasn't THIS frustrating. Why do you guys overhype this series so much? It's just average at it's best but you guys treat it like it is the Citizen Kane of the shounen genre. I can only think that the hiatuses are the reason that people don't get tired of HxH like it happens with other long running battle shounen.
This must be the greatest disappointment I ever had with an anime, I mean...
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People have different tast
I'm like halfway through Yorknew right now I think? I like it, but it took a while to get to that point. The first few arcs aren't great but they aren't bad. It hasn't really been "good" until now though.
Yorknew is the best arc in my opinion or towards the end of it.
Yorknew is cool and is definitely my second favorite but, come on, Chimera Ants.
Have you even watched Chimera Ants
I feel like if you don't already like battle shounens then you aren't gonna like HxH no matter what.
HxH gets a lot of recognition because it is a very different kind of battle shounen but if you come into it thinking it's gonna outright be a fucking josei or something then the battle has already been lost.
Fuuuuuuck no
It starts off amazing and has a satisfying end
But holy fucking shit, it's unnecessarily long, it's literally half the fucking series
It just drags on and on and you're just waiting for it to end and by the time it does, you're just sick to death of the whole thing
Yorknew City a best
Yes, that's what it's called
It isn't, ヨークシン spells Yorkshin.
At this point I'm just watching it for Gon's legs and Killua's gayness
shin means new
You don't translate names, fuckwit.
CA arc had higher highs than Yorknew, but Yorknew was more consistent with its quality throughout the arc, so I prefer Yorknew.
You do when it's basically a reference and reversal of a very famous city
No, you don't. If it was supposed to be Yorknew it would've been spelt ヨークニュー.
Chimera ant arc might've had higher highs but it also had lower lows than almost anything else, and the pacing alone was enough for it to kill my interest in the show as a whole. Most of the Chimera ant episodes (especially in the palace) were just 20 minutes of boring shit with an interesting cliff hanger, whereas I felt like in Yorknew almost all of the interactions were interesting.
This is the issue. It doesn't feel dragged in the manga.
Chimera Ants must be the worst and most waste of my fucking time thing ever made, I liked the relationship between Meruem and Komugi though.
I agree 100%
Becuase fags cried during the end of the CA arc nothing more.
So... you are making a thread to what exactly? complain you have a shit taste? We can't help you with that.
Admitedly 1999 adaptation tone, music and overall narration was waaaaay better than 2011 but HxH is pretty good as far as shonen goes no matter the version.
I don't know why people think they can back up their judgement of the arc by referring to episodes. Everyone knows you need to judge long running battle shounen by the manga more often than not, and manga CA arc is a masterpiece.
I thought hunter x hunter died a long time ago
i guess not
What are you even talking about? What arc are you on? What disappointed you?
>music is better
come on son
Are there still fucking plebs watching the 2011 anime? The manga is infinitely better, there's literally no point in watching the anime, I thought everyone knew this by now.
I really don't know what to say to you. If you hated HxH, you are just a straight up fucking pleb. It is the best battle shounen anime by fucking miles, it's not even close.
>tfw the 2011 remake was 6years ago
I liked 1999's music a lot better too, but that's only by virtue of most 90's composers being extremely proficient in the ways of "PUT A WARM SYNTH-PAD CHORD HERE, TRANSITION A FULL TONE UP AND DOWN EVERY NOW AND THEN AND WE'LL PUT SOME SAX AND OTHER SHIT ON TOP OF IT". I can't get enough of it.
I loved that mexican music that plays EVERY single time Hisoka appears. '99's soundtrack is vastly superior.
It really isn't. It's no better than something like Naruto.
>>music is better
>come on son
I stand by what i said. It just creates a better overall and more organic mood considering the pacing of the original anime.
2011 does have some stuff where it's pretty proficient but it lacks the soul that 1999 had.
>implying 1999 ost doesn't wreck the fuck out of 2011
1999 OST >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2011 OST
Killua is cute!
Shut up you autist.
I thought you died
HxH is died, user.
Chimera ants was dumb.
Theres just so much wrong with it.
Its just so retarded.
Gon and killua stood like no chance agaisnt the stronger ants but all of a sudden they are able to fight ir defend agaist the strongest ants
And they specifically went after one of the strongest ants with no plan or hope of winning
They knew they were no where near kites level who didnt stand a chance but they went after the guy who could easily kill kite
>basic language conventions are autistic
okay kid
>Gon and killua stood like no chance agaisnt the stronger ants but all of a sudden they are able to fight ir defend agaist the strongest ants
Killua's super saiyan mode definitely seemed like an asspull since it just came out of absolutely nowhere. I haven't watched the arcs following the chimera ant arc but I can see how Gon's powerup wasn't an asspull if he made a sort of "sacrifice" like Kurapika did for his nen chains.
Some people just have shit taste user. Its ok to be upset when you discover that your opinions are objectively bad but you don't need to make a thread crying about it sheesh.
The series peaks at Yorkshin arc, and then barreling downward to the bottom of the shithole with CA arc. It gains some altitude with DC arc though.
Togashi even threw in some fanservice in the form of Chrollo vs. Shitsoka in a desperate attempt to pull back the crowds that have dropped the series after the shitshow that is CA arc.
I enjoyed chimera arc in the manga and the anime
I don't understand why it gets hate
It's the one that sticks with me the most
I can't name most of the trails that happened in the beginning but I can name every chimera ant by name
Chimera was like watching yu yu hakasho again and I love me some hakasho
I think the asspull was that there was no proper foreshadow for that to happen except killua's chain explanation.
but with that and killua's monologue about how he looks like 30 yeas older at his potential and everyone else talking about how killus might have more potential so basically he converted all his potential into a boost of power for this one moment. but that's my headcanon at least.
>I think the asspull was that there was no proper foreshadow for that to happen except kurapika's chain explanation. but with that and killua's monologue about how he looks like 30 yeas older at his potential and everyone else talking about how gon have some major untapped basically he converted all his potential into a boost of power for this one moment. but that's my headcanon at least.
I need to go to sleep
>what is a bait for $1
it was heavily foreshadowed during his fight against the dart board game twin ant's the narrator literally spelled it out at the end of the episode
you got an episode?
>Gon and killua stood like no chance agaisnt the stronger ants but all of a sudden they are able to fight ir defend agaist the strongest ants
I guess you missed the part where they left the NGL and weren't allowed back in unless they were able to defeat two experienced hunters. They were training for a long time.
>And they specifically went after one of the strongest ants with no plan or hope of winning
The point wasn't to win, every single fight was simply to distract, delay and separate the Royal Guards from the King. They went in knowing that as long as Netero won his fight them eventually losing didn't matter.
If you didn't realise that winning not necessary in the case of the Royal Guards you obviously weren't paying much attention.
>They knew they were no where near kites level who didnt stand a chance but they went after the guy who could easily kill kite
It's implied that Kite overestimated Neferpitou's strength. He judged him completely from his En, which is usually circular, but in Neferpitou's case, was unstable and jagged. That means it has parts that are longer than the average circular En, but some parts are also shorter. It said that Kite likely got the long end and as such thought Neferpitou was stronger than he actually was (since he assumed it was circular En). In addition, Kite lost an arm at the start simply by trying to protect Gon/Killua as Pitou came rushing in.
It's implied that Kite would've been able to take Neferpitou on in a normal 1v1, but he basically fucked up and was very handicapped.
Sounds like a case of not really following it properly.
The hunter exam was by far the best arc
dartboard episode is ep 101
>It's implied that Kite would've been able to take Neferpitou on in a normal 1v1,
absolutely fucking not. At no point in the series has En ever been equated to combat strength. Killua, who is already leagues stronger than the average nen user, had a microscopic En.
There's no implication to be found that Kite was overestimating Pitou in any way shape or form. He rolled a one-handed weapon anyway, an extra arm wasn't going to beat her.
Calm down, love.
lol OP didn't get it
It's easily the best shounen anime ever made. Like, it's not even a close fight. The next best is at least a full point worse than HxH on a 10 point scale.
I liked the first anime, and it's the only thing that I saw.
I thought to read the manga but I found out that Leorio and Kurapika barely appear after, so, as I wasn't very interested in Gon and Killua, I didn't
>what is JJBA
Sorry but Part 4, 6, and 7 take a huge dump all over HiatusXHiatus. There's no arc from HxH that could rival the aforementioned Parts.
HxH peaked at Yorknew, and then it steadily got worse with CA arc being the lowest point of the series. Bait harder, please.
I love when the main character stops being the main character and everything has the edgy bullshit ramped up to 11 for no reason.
The lightning speed reflex command was foreshowed but not super saiyan mode
It's in my 3x3 ! I don't even know why it's there ! Maybe because it's one othe best shonens out there!
It gets good right after the part the anime ended. Read the manga.
>It gets good 11 chapters after the anime ended.
go home jojofag, there's only SBR that's slightly better than HxH, the rest gets stomped
4 is a plot hole ridden garbage with a bland MC and villain.
Except there's a whole bit describing Neferpitou's En, given by Morel. In it he says Kite probably thought he was a lot stronger than he actually was.
When their En is that big they often equate it with their strength, as Kite said "that's a monster" as soon as he senses Pitou's En, simply by the distance with which he can project it. Pouf's En causes Knov to break down. Kite himself was also judged by his En (when they're walking through the forest, being able to keep it up for so long).
Morel gives a lecture on how nen fights come down to the nature of abilities rather than nen power, but it's still seen as a rough indicator of the threat/potential of the enemy.
Kite is said to be stronger than most Nen masters (by how long he kept his En up in combination with the range), and was probably the 2nd strongest hunter in the arc after Netero. By that time Neferpitou hadn't developed any nen abilities, relying on pure bruteforce, so he wasn't as strong as he was in the palace invasion. Kite was caught by surprise by Pitou's nen power, and his first thought was to get Killua/Gon away rather than prepare for it. If he had known the ants had something that strong he would have gone alone from the start, in which case he wouldn't have to worry about them and would've been able to defend himself from the start. And losing an arm, even with a one handed weapon, is still a major handicap.
I agree with that guy. You're an autist. Let them translate whatever they want. In no way does it ruin the show. Plus, the whole point was that it was new york backward, so not translating it would have just been more confusing.
that sounds so mystic, magical, adventure, hunter x hunter
>They knew they were no where near kites level who didnt stand a chance but they went after the guy who could easily kill kite
Gon would've done his shit, Killua thought he was just going to die with Gon and didn't care
what can i say? i love hxh and jojo, i think both have their magic
Ant arc took forever and involved the (typically melodramatic) development of an entire cast of "side" characters before getting to the point. It would have been just fine, great, as a stand alone anime. But Yorknew was like 15 episodes and the same quality of writing. Just more enjoyable.
If you took Yorknew, made it 60 episodes, included 8 extra characters to fully develop, developed all the villains individually, included geopolitical subplot elements, it would be in the same format as the Chimera Ant arc.
>anything lower than GI
surely you jest
>Bait harder, please.
you too, famalam
>not taking the time to appreciate Kurapika and Killua's cute little boipussies
Different people have different tastes. People that like HxH usually have a bit more IQ points than the ones that don't, unlike things you would love, like naruto or bleach
>anything about hxh being better than part 5 or 6
There were 5 episodes in the CA arc when they invade the palace at the same time were the narrator said it only has passed 10 seconds since they started the palace invasion.
Don't know how anyone can like that shit.
>don't really like Bleach
>don't really like Naruto
>don't really like HxH
>think all 3 are ok at times
>love One Piece
What does this say about me, user?
Why is he so perfect?
Well, I should say that I love pre-skip OP. Recent quality has been unsteady.
taste is one thing. quality is another.
"taste" comes from self-insert potential, fap material and cool looking drawings
"quality" comes from narrative structure, aesthetic sense, character development, etc.
hxh was the best shonen overall up until 2003-04 when the major hiatuses began near the end of greed island arc.
at the time OP had alabasta, skypea and building up enies lobby, bleach was at soul society and naruto had chuuni exams, konoha invasion and were in the sasuke retrieval.mission
that was TEN+ years ago. when most of Sup Forums majority were like 7-9 years old
and that was back when the REEEE FILLER ARC meme existed.
up until yorkshin
I sorta agree with OP, its generic and boring for the first 100 episodes then its starts picking up and becomes a really great series. So in the first 100 eps all the shounen tropes are present and i had to watch like eps a day because thats I had in me. After that, the pacing become perfect, the antagonist gains emense depth, the MCs switch with each others archetypes, not a single wasted moment, the stakes become real. I marathoner it as soon as I got home and perhaps, for an anime adaption, the CA arc is the best shounen arc I have ever seen.
>for an anime adaption, the CA arc is the best shounen arc I have ever seen.
Then your library is piss poor.
Hunter x Hunter would be a much better series if Togashi didn't give us a huge exposition dump in every fucking fight. I don't need a play by play of every second in a battle. There are fights which are almost completely ruined by over explaining certain characters abilities. Chimera Ant Arc is the worst offender in this case. Almost every fight loses all its tension because of the annoying narration.
Another thing I like about '99: It treats the main four as equals throughout, even with Greed Island, whereas 2011 dropped Leo and Kura as early as Heaven's Arena.
and the constants hiatuses. dont forget that user
Yeah, I was strictly speaking about the manga's content that we have. His hiatuses are bullshit though, guy needs to either quit the manga industry or stop whining.
I still think it's one of the best series with over 100 episodes. Sure it had shitty episodes too but it still kept me hooked till the end. My favorite arc was Yorknew city arc but Chimera was amazing too despite having those "shitty episodes".
In terms of >100 episode shonen shows I think Hajime no Ippo is my personal favorite
>different shonen
Really? I never felt that way. I just feel like it is standard shonen archetypes done right.
>young protag
>adventure and world building
>training and tournament arcs
>powers with intricate system
>shadowy organizations
And so on and so on. That's not to minimize the series in any way, it is one of my favorites in the demographic. Togashi just puts them together really well and knows how to string plot lines from arc to very smoothly. The lead up into Greed Island was absolutely fucking amazing.
My boy.
Thank you.
people who realize Naruto is a better show tend to be more intelligent than the autistic hxh and Jojo memers.
It's a little unfair to compare HxH to Naruto since at least Naruto has a proper adaptation since they've adapted all the material. CA arc and the 4th shinobi war arc are equally bad though. Naruto has much better fights though.
after the Nen stuff showed up the shonen levels became too high for me to handle
so you read/watched about 1/6 of the series?