>nominated for the 9th annual manga taisho award
What a joke.
>nominated for the 9th annual manga taisho award
What a joke.
fire punch
What a masterpiece.
But trash is inarguably a masterpiece. It's shit but it's still a masterpiece.
Golden Kamuy will win though
It already won last year. My bet is Karakai Jōzu no Takagi-san since they're more popularity awards than quality, though what gets nominated tends to be good.
Are you implying Takagi-san is not good?
Not as good as some of the other things on the list, but the list itself is fairly good.
Its quite the treasure
I haven't even read half of the list, but fucking Fire Punch got in
I hope Dungeon Meshi wins it.
I don't get it.
Why is it so enjoyable?
It's not the waifus.
I'd bank on either Meshi or Tokyo Tarareba Musume.
Pure Kino in manga form.
As expected from director-chan.
It's impressive.
Isn't this that piss-drinking incest manga?
Its butt eating and brain stew manga now. With surprise Onee-chan (male)
The series wasn't what I thought it was going to be from the oneshot but I still enjoyed it.
>he doesn't like star wars.
Are you gay?
What is this manga about?
Flaming siscon befriends tranny serial killer, accidentally becomes god
It's good but it's shit. But it's also good.
It's about making a movie.
Nah it's the let's eat your right arm this time for dinner onii-chan manga
Star wars