Kira kira hikaru.
BanG Dream!
That's a nice mic.
First album when??
Roselia in the anime when?
Kasumi is a dumb autist.
Last boss
Needs more keyboards
My keyboard can also change the timbre, would Kasumi say that it's amazing?
I think the forceful second-hand embarrassment mindbroke me. At the time all I wanted was the torture to stop, but I've been in love with the show ever since.
I'm considering downloading all the episodes of this show and giving it a go, what should I expect?
I fucking love her, and her show.
Is this only going to be one-cour?
I mean, it definitely is, as it's listed as such everywhere, but I don't see how such a slow starting up the band works with only 12 episodes (+ an OVA iirc)
Kasumi is a dumb autist
Just like you.
It does weird things, which is why it's so good.
So Sup Forums who is best girl?
Shirokane Rinko
Not sure yet, waiting for Saya's episode.
Autism and domestic violence
>domestic violence
How so? The end goal in the anime seems to be performing at Space, half a season seems enough to recruit Saaya, play in the bunkasai, git gud and pass Owner's audition. Plus I like how they really feel like a bunch of weirdos slowly banding together, the characters' bonding is one of this show's strong suits.
Also I think it's 13 episodes + OVA.
Pic related, of course.
I'd like that too, hopefully it's coming soon.
Arisa is adorable, but truth be told I'm having trouble actually choosing a favorite.
Can Otae cook dinner? No.
Can Otae cultivate a bonsai worth 600K yen? No, she probably can't even pay the bills.
Is Otae into bestiality? Yes, her 'boyfriend' is a rabbit.
Clearly, Otae is a slut and Arisa is the superior wife for Kasumi.
K-on with band
How yuri-ish is it?
You tell me.
>Boyfriend talk
>Hugs while lying down together
The protagonist is emotionally abusive towards one of her girlfriends
literally fifth wheel
>fifth wheel
>not the bassist
Rimirin has her onee-chan or the lonely Roselia.
1. The final unrevealed seiyu for the Bandori mobage will be revealed today at 6:30pm JST
2. Hello, Happy World will cover some Vocaloid song.
3. .@bang_dream_info is having a giveaway! Follow them and RT the below tweet to win a signed Tokimeki Experience CD!
Giveaway lottery will end when they reach 100k followers, they are currently at 90k now.
based mozart
Who will Kasumi rape on Saturday?
Saya, her sister and her brother.
Why is this allowed?
Seems like a lot is being put into this anyway. K-On took a while to form the band, as did the first season of Love Live. I would expect more seasons what with the idol group, smartphone game, and all the merch.
Kotori Koiwai needs to be one of the 8 girls revealed tonight.
Today's discussion, which version of Butterfly should Afterglow cover?
Or should they do their own version?
Arisa is my bandfu
Everybody else back off
Popping Shuffle best song so far. All others need not apply.
Personally its my least favorite but I don't dislike it
I have to say Otae. She's weird and I don't understand how her brain works, but I can't deny that I love her the most.
>wears a dog collar
I'll stab you.
how much of this show is about music?
Popping party? more like Pooping party.
That was a pretty shitty pun.
If no-one fucks the bassist, can Bassists love other Bassists (HimarixRimirin)?
I guess, but they must first notice their presence, you know, when you pick up a bass you become invisible.
Black Shout single comes out on 4/26
Neat, that's my kind of perk, guess I know which instrument I'm picking up. It's not like I'm getting laid anytime soon anyway.
This may be the silliest thing I've ever seen.
Would buy.
I want to touch Arisa's Arisas while she plays the keyboard until she moans my name.
I want to knead Saya's sayas while telling her not to wake up her siblings.
I want to become Otae's new boyfriend and lie back and let her ravage me while I'm wearing rabbit ears.
I, then want to go to school and tell Rimirin all the amazing things I did with my harem.
That's cool, I want Kasumi and Rimi-rin in my harem.
Also, the imouto.
1. Roselia appears to be able to play their instruments. Drummer Tsubasa is best Tsubasa.
2. The remaining cast of GBP has been announced. Previously announced members in parentheses
Hello, Happy World
(Miku Ito- Vo)
Yuri Yoshida- Bass
Moe Toyota- Drum
Tomoyo Kurosawa- DJ
Azusa Tadokoro- Gt
Pastel Palettes
(Ami Maeshima- Vo)
Sumire Uesaka- Bass
Ikumi Nakagami- Drum
Sawako Hata- Key
Ari Ozawa- Gt
This is going to be good. We have both Gen 2 StylipS, Sumipe and Yuri Yoshida
3. GBP will be released mid-March
>Her brother
Fuck off.
Is this game somehow accessible to gaijin scum like me?
I love Toyota Moe and Kurosawa Tomoyo
Poppin Party will be covering the Shigatsu OP.
List of cover songs so far.
>Tomoyo Kurosawa
>Sumire Uesaka
>Ari Ozawa
Aw shit, nice.
>GBP will be released mid-March
Also nice, I thought it'd only be released after the anime.
>On March 18th (Sat), we will air "BanG Dream! 3rdLIVE Sparklin’ PARTY 2017!" instead of a new episode
This show started later than other shows too so they are really screwed
Lying is bad.
>until she moans my name.
Then you are going to stop when she moans "Kasumi"
why does Xebec suck?
Don't bully Minato.
It's still better than a recap episode or a QUALITY episode at least. But yeah
What about LisaxRimi?
How are you supposed to play when you have Minato's hand in the way?
>Roselia appears to be able to play their instruments
but not to sing
osorano hoshiyo
The first time in like a decade where second hand embarrassment actually bothered me. I thought it didn't affect me anymore.
This show did make it through the three episode rule. I was unironically amazed by the amount of cringe it was able to impose upon me by episode 3 like I've never seen before.
I thought so too and how wrong I was. Kasumi is absolutely ruthless.
Cutest smug
Kasumi is amazing.
I love her voice.