Does liking lolis make you a pedo?
Does liking lolis make you a pedo?
Adam Smith
Justin Brooks
Benjamin Sanchez
Yes, it's the definition of a pedophile you fucking idiot. Just keep your sick ass fetish and lust to the fake girls and ignore what Milo says and I won't shoot you.
Aaron Cook
Jaxson Rivera
But is a mere label enough to stop you from loving your waifu?
Nicholas Brooks
It makes you a lolicon. Not pedo.
Jaxson Adams
>what Milo says
what did he say?
Owen Stewart
No, cartoons are cartoons. Pedo only relates to real life.
Andrew Kelly
depends , if you want to impregnate a child or not
Connor Hughes
This is like asking does killing innocent people in vidyas make you a killer, take a guess.