How would you make a not-shit isekai?

How would you make a not-shit isekai?

by not making an isekai

I'd write a LN about fantastic dfc tsundere witch then never have it adapted into a shitty anime.

Make the protagonist not be an otaku on Earth.
Make it so that the protagonist isn't overpowered for some reason, or at least have the reason for his strength be something that would work in a normal fantasy series.
Don't make the world an obvious videogame ripoff, or worse literally a videogame. Just have it be regular fantasy.
Most importantly: Make sure that the plot, setting, and/or characters are actually good in their own right, without having to rely on cheap wish fulfillment. Make the supporting cast full of memorable, likable characters who exist for reasons other than giving the audience something to jack off to.

Gate and Overlord.

So Gate.

Only if you're okay with Japanese propaganda.

Gate is just cheap wish fulfillment for soldiers instead of otaku. Admittedly a step up, but still not good.

Everyone here seems to be okay with American propaganda anyway, so I don't see what's wrong with Japanese ones.

Name ten(10) titles that can be considered as American propaganda.

Schoolhouse Rock


I don't really get your argument. The same could be said of any other first world country with a semi-competent military. Gate could just as easily have happened in Sweden or Canada

by making the mc part of the harem, instead of the target

How the shit would that even work?

The MC is a lonely salaryman with a hero complex. One day he gets isekai'd into a fantasy battle shounen like show where he meets the Main Girl who is the chosen one of sorts. She travels with this RPG like party and her quest is to defeat the Main Villain who is the evil terrorizing the land, one thing led to another and MC ends up joining the party. MC has no powers whatsoever but because of his complex, he wants to be stronger than the Main Girl to protect her. He loses every time he spars with her and this frustrates him to no end.

Instead of getting good, the MC decided to meet up with the Main Villain and form a contract with her for some quick power up. In exchange, the MC will sell out his newfound comrades to the Main Villain. So as the story progresses, the Main Girl's party starts to drop like flies thanks to the MC leaking info but this does not concern the MC since he starts winning some of his fights with the Main Girl thanks to his new cheating powers, the MC and Main Girl also start getting close to each other.

The final episode will be the Main Girl and the MC reaching the Main Villain's lair for the final battle and the Main Villain kisses the MC in front of the Main Girl as she then drops the bombshell that she and the MC has been working together all along much to the disgusts and outrage of the Main Girl, Main Villain and the MC then team up and kills the Main Girl. A portal then open ups leading back to MC's world, it turns out that the Main Villain was the one who summoned the MC all along. The show ends with the Main Villain retiring from her role as the main villain and follows the MC back to Japan where she is now stripped off her powers and becomes the MC's housewife.

They both live happily ever after, the end.

They'd let the magic Romans rape their women

Guy who hates harem anime is transported into harem anime, where he is the protag

Incest isekai.

Guy from fantasy world wakes up in real world, has to take down God Emperor Trump to get back to his own world, joins legal team composed of attractive females and has to struggle against rival law firms to work his way up the corporate ladder in the fight to impeach Trump.
Trump survives the final encounter and is relected for a second term; MC never gets home and settles into mundane family life with best girl in his legal team.
>It's a deconstruction

Get the fuck out of here, Sup Forums.

Make the author go to hero's Journey and world building classes and make him play some D&D or other tabletop rpg instead of DQ.

There, you'll have decent isekai works.

>a not-shit isekai?
It already exist and it's called Eien no Aselia. Has a real fictional language and everything to make the immersion realistic.

So you think Sweden is willing to defend themselves against anything?

No, I think you should just fuck off to Sup Forums .

Fujopandering isekai

Anything that isn't based on a RPG's gaming mechanics.

Reverse-isekai about cyborgs on Earth. They have to use covert means to steer events towards AI rebellion. See Roko's Basilisk for a basic idea. Everything needs to be covered up and plausibly denied. The cyborgs become more selfish and corrupt, but also more human-like, as the story progresses.
Lots of social commentary, mostly about alienation, precariousness, freedom and identity.

Alternative idea: Detective under cover has to spend most of his time in a VR fantasy world to investigate a mass murder. He gradually loses sense of reality and his assignment. Instead of leading a double life he becomes absorbed in a schitzofrenic, dreamlike environment. When his colleagues unplug him he reveals he had long since solved the murder, but didn't bother returning to work because he was an influential landowner and member of parliament in the game.

By ignoring the isekai fanfare and bullshit to focus on the story of a pair of siblings bonding over a shared hobby and then eloping to have tons and tons of hot sex (implied) and eventually lot of beautifull childeren (shown).

Brother and Sister get dumped into another world and it ends in Incest as they go back to their world together with their love for one another confirmed.

what if I don't?

Did you grab this from the other thread?

CGDCT SoL isekai, yuri, all-girls cast. This is the only way.

Remove all other aspects of magic, sci-fi, and/or fantasy.

So No Game No Life, minus the return part?

Those two were NBR, so it isn't the same.

Lazy faggot.

This is garbage.

Isekai, but the MC becomes a merchant. No powers or special OP friend. He just climbs his way to the top of society through willpower and future knowledge.

Making someone that isn't a neet,otaku,similar useless people the MC.

it pretty much immediately devolves into a dude driving around with his loli harem not being a soldier so it's pretty stock standard otaku wish fulfillment

There's only one loli.

/tg/ once did a Stranded in Fantasy

Instead of being randomly transported, the MC had always been searching for that world.