It's growing on me.
It's growing on me
It'll be shit
So they are already a canon couple now right?
I'm surprised, i want to read more.
Does the manga start after the events of the movie?
Be straight with me, you guys are really interested in it?
My main caveats have been the art and character designs. I also really don't like how the series started in media res with an edgelord and Bolt looking like a douchebag. Similarly I dislike the idea of Naruto possibly losing everything he fought to protect, that's super lame.
Of course, I also just plain loathed the original Naruto series after a certain point. That said, I greatly enjoyed the final chapter and mostly enjoyed Salad's story. I didn't give a shit about snake boy's, though he seems like a bro so that's nice.
It starts after Naruto gaiden(sarada) and changes the story of the movie. Especially after last chapter it seems to be getting interesting. It tries to keep be like part 1 Naruto in comfyness but will eventually get serious if we believe the first 3 pages of chapter 1.
The artist also got better over time drawing characters best example is Sasuke from chapter 1 to 10. The only bad thing is he has trouble drawing females imo.
I am kinda getting hyped for the future. It has much potential but it could be all thrown away
Kind of? It starts out with a flash forward, that takes place after the movie. Then the story proper begins retelling the Boruto movie.
I'll be honest, I would've preferred this being Sarada's story than Boruto. Boruto just doesn't interest me. The parts of him that make him differ from his dad aren't really that likeable, and so far there's no real end goal that he seems to want. Sarada has the same end goal Naruto did, sure, but she's still a different character and without all the stuff like being ostracized or being a jinchuriki, you can expect her path to be different from Naruto's. Plus I got emotionally invested in her thanks to that Gaiden, while Boruto got a whole movie and it just didn't work as well on me. At most I just don't dislike him as much by the end as I did in the beginning.
Why is the art utter shit
The little fucker idolizes Sasuke of all people. Who in their right mind does that.
Anyone who isn't a moeshitter.
Cry more Narusaku cuck
All he knows of Sasuke is that he's a super strong ninja that does secret and important missions outside the village and is a far better and loving teacher than a father.
He doesn't know MUH DARKNESS
He's an edgy kid I guess. That's pretty normal for kids.
Boruto learning to fuse rasengan and chidori soon
At least they're not idolizing Obito.
The manga starts with an adaptation of the movie
Is there a possibility for Boruto meeting a girl moon people of his age?
Didn't Naruto call him super cool tho?
>Similarly I dislike the idea of Naruto possibly losing everything he fought to protect, that's super lame.
That would be a great deviation from standard shonen cliche though, what's wrong with you? Nothing Pain, Obito, or Madara said was wrong, and while they may have had just as shitty plans for fixing it, the problems they predicted should come true.
Will his love awaken her Sharingan?
Naruto thought Obito was the coolest guy around and Sasuske is a demi-god in his universe.
It's already awoken.
>female characters in Nardo
>getting any significant powerups
Like a tumor?
She's the chosen one. Although is she does anything usable with it is another matter entirely.
Like Hinata's breasts after public backlash.
But he's the coolest.
Are Hinata's tits finally back?
So does he just not like drawing tits in general? Seems like he is going out of his way to diminish her assets.
The artist probably likes slender figures.
>Bleach director is going to be chief director of the Boruto anime
Too bad for the Bleachfags hoping for more anime.
It's called Stockholm syndrome.
You mean titless characters.
No, I think it'll go to shit, and ruin even more an already decadent franchise.
That hair is so shitty.
I want to see more of those skyscrapers we saw in the first chapter.
I'm such a sucker for destroyed cityscapes.
>Son of man is no longer human after killing a god
What did he mean by this
other than the fact that her supposed goal is to be Hokage, she shows all the signs of Sakura 2.0
are they telling me that Naruto has special blue eyes this whole time?
He is phil collins.
I can kind of dig it, but at the end of naruto we had literal gods fighting so the fact that these kids are going to come up against big bads that outclass their parents is going to leave a shitty taste in my mouth.
He is an aryan ninja, of course he has blue eyes,
I've invested too much time to stop now.
That's hopefully only this arc, and the big bad was defeated by the five kages and Sasuke mostly. Bort only landed the finishing blow with chakra Naruto gave him.
>Be straight with me, you guys are really interested in it?
Not anymore. I was hoping to expect something different out of Sarada and Mitsuki as characters, since they had an interesting introdutions as characters, but it seem they are bent into making them Boruto's cocksuckers.
Other than that, aside that I have no hope for Shikadai's team, much less Metal Lee doing something significant. I'll be dropping this now and save my time from reading and watching this Naruto GT. The downside of all of this is that this GT is going to end up fairly popular than the actual Dragon Ball GT.
>Edgelord Bort
He's a spoiled kid who's alienated from his father lately but doesn't actually hate him, trying to establish himself but is clumsy at that age almost like a tsundere. He's talented but since he's compared to his dad every day he doesn't feel talented at all and feels like he's always shitty and far away, without realizing how much Naruto also sucked in order to get where he is, and if anything Boruto has a real head-start.
He's no edgelord at all, he's just an awkward kid. This is a very strange critisism, he's not edgy, he doesn't get off on pain death and darkness at all. He's a fucking normal kid although pretty flawed as a character, which isn't that bad.
>So does he just not like drawing tits in general?
Yes, take a look at every other girl in the manga. People only rail on Hintata since its most noticeable with her, since we know she's got nice tits which is why its odd when they're gone.
All the other girls are pretty much flat here, if he drew Tsunade she'd also be flat.
You can tell either the fans or editor keeps bitching about it to him since he corrected Hintata's tits twice now to get slightly larger in some scenes. You can see how much he hates it since he keeps trying to go back to drawing them flat.
Why did the Ninja get weaker for like 2 generations then suddenly get stronger again.
Edo Tensei Madara>5 Old Kage
4 New Kage> Guy who is at least Jyuubei Madara level
And implications is that all of them will be surpassed by their kids. Fuck the Madara past Boruto's pasta will eat him and shit him out and make him stronger because just being covered in Boruto's shit is a powerup.
I hope not. Sarada is too good for Boruto.