Training Arc is over
New Swords and new enemies
Kimetsu no Yaiba Chapter 50
Have you worshiped Shinobu-sama today?
I'm in desperate need of more Nezuko
Oh so he really is mad.
Oh god I thought he was using normal swords for his fighting and hadn't received his official blades.
Fuck this guy
This demon's eyes look very much like the ones the big boss has.
And done
keep the thread alive until non-korean bro gets here
If the broken sword didn't get you killed during the fight the blacksmith will instead
waifu material
You are gonna have to learn to share, too many characters in-series want her too
Tanjirou a cute.
I've found my favorite mangaka.
how the hell is nezuko supposed to fit in that box
Demon magic.
That's pretty gay
No surprises there, look at how much she shills Shinobu in the manga, that's her waifu
>The two that have fallen behind... They look thinner somehow...?
>51: Nichirin Restored
>I'm not used to putting in effort
>Gradually working and moving forward bit by bit is awful
>Falling behind Tanjirou is embarrassing
>Do like this
>Then this
>I can't learn well even if he teaches it thoroughly
>We really don't seem to get it
Zenitsu x Box OTP
What if Zanitsu only uses his full focus breath when he is sleeping, that would be the reason why he can't fight while awake, of course, besides his cowardly nature
>What Tanjirou here has learned is a technique called the full focus breath
>If you keep trying to use the full focus breath continuously for 24 hours a day
>Your basic stamina will increase rapidly
>You have to get the basics down, it's a fundamental technique
>Of course it's possible
>But it does take considerable effort to master
>Calluses on hands
The details
The hair seems similar too
>Of course you can do it, but
>If by some chance you weren't able to do it
>Then I guess there's nothing to be done about it
>Haah!? Of course I can do it!!
>Don't look down on me, I'll wring your neck!
>Inosuke got worked up
>Work hard Zenitsu, I'm rooting for you
>Zenitsu got worked up
Tomioka is a lucky guy.
>Zenitsu and Inosuke full focus breath training (9th day of progress)
>I did it!!
>I'm a man cheered for more than anyone
>Shinobu was an excellent teacher
>Lady Shinobu...
>And Tanjiou was an awful teacher
>Well done
>Inosuke, Inosuke!
>Our nichirin blades should be repaired and returned to us any moment now!
>Everybody loves Shinobu
>Everybody hates Tomioka
They are complete opposites
>I heard it from a crow just now!
>Quickly quickly
>Over here
>Over here, over here
>You're looking healthy
>You look like the work was nothing at...
>Ha, Haga...
>You completely broke my sword
>Completely, completely
If anyone cares, Rui's number was lower 5, drum-guy was lower 6, the scared kid lower 6 and the other four demons lower 1-4
So the less the number the weaker they are?
>I'm sorry!
>But I really... I was really going to die, so
>The guy I was facing was incredibly strong, so...
>That doesn't matter, it's still bad! It's all your fault
>Because you were weak, the sword was broken
>The sword wouldn't have been broken otherwise!
>I will kill you!
>37 years old
>He was chased for an hour
>That Haganeduka sure is a passionate guy
>He loves swords more than anyone
>Ah, I'm called Kanamori
It might not be ranked by strength
The scared kid looks really weak but he has the same number as drum-guy
The other half of the demon moons is probably way stronger
Wasn't drum guy downgraded by micheal jackson though?
I remember him taking away part of his powers for not eating more humans
>I patched up Inosuke's swords
>I'll be delighted to hear if they help in battle
>Ah, beautiful. They shine a dull blue
>It's a heavy color. Good color for a sword
>It's a relief, since Inosuke's swords were so badly damaged
>I felt the same way
>It's actually my first time making dual swords like this...
Inosuke is love
>I am going to kill this damn brat!
>I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
>So then they said to jump in. It was really tough
>When we trained to hold our breath underwater Inosuke flailed around like an octopus trying to escape
>But I'm glad I became able to do something I couldn't before
>Tanjirou helped keep me motivated
>You've got a good big brother, Nezuko-chan
>Ah, that's right!
>Tonight I'll take you to the place I got these flowers
>What? This is...
>Is that woman in charge?
>The room seems to distort to be centered around that woman
>Lower Moon 1
>Lower Moon 3
>Lower Moon 2
>Lower Moon 4
>The 12 Demon Moon's Lower Moons have gathered
>This is my first time for this
>I hadn't become a Lower Moon yet before
>It moved!
>So did the Lower Moons!
>What is this woman
>Who is she?
>Bow your heads
>Prostrate yourselves
High school AU when?
In the omakes at the end of every volume
>It's Muzan-sama... Muzan-sama's voice
>I had no idea he had the power to change to a different shape and mimic to this extent
>I'm very sorry
>You look very different and I couldn't...
>Do you think you're joking around here?
>Don't spread this out any longer than necessary
>You will only answer my questions
jump full of gender-bending this week
>Rui died, and I gathered the Lower Moons
>I only have one thing to ask
>"Why is one of the demons of the Lower Moons that weak"
>Your place in the 12 Demon Moons is not supposed to end here. You are to merely start from here
>You are supposed to eat more humans and become more powerful in order to become of greater use to me
We know demons can shapeshift
But the idea of them being able to change their gender certainty is new
I'm not really getting hyped up about the Demon Moons like this. Kinda weird to have them chewed out and belittled like this.
Well, if they can shapeshift, there's no reason they couldn't...
>Over the past hundred years I have always known the faces of every one of the 12 Demon Moon's Upper Moons
>Every one of the demons of the Upper Moons that have fallen to the damn Pillars that hunt demons. But what about the Lower Moons? How often do they change?
>If you tell us like that...
>"If you tell us like that"
>Like what? Tell me
>He just... read my thoughts?
>What's dangerous?
>Tell me
And that's it for the week
There's two classes of 12 moons
Lower and Upper, these guys are scrubs to begin with
Thanks translator bro
thanks, notkoreanbro
Thanks big guy
Holy shit, Inosuke. The swordsmith dude have every right to kill him for that.
Wouldn't you do more damage with a jagged sword?
Meaning that if he becomes pretty good while awake he must then become a monster while sleeping now
A straight blade is easier to maintain and offers a cleaner cut. A serrated blade is much like a saw but can snag much earier. Also it's a bitch and a half to sharpen a broken blade like that.
I don't know which does more damage but at the very least we can agree that the serrated blade is going to leave a much more jagged wound.
if it was sharp, but he just seems to be breaking the shit out of it
I want gook posters to disappear.
What? Even KnY have unfinished chapter?
yeah alright I saw that coming
>Inosuki tugging at Tanjirou's shirt
That's very cute.
The wild child has actual friends he cares about.
whoa, hello Escher
Or did someone just use a behelit?
>inb4 Nezuko gets kidnapped
Another guy in Western style clothes, like the boss. Wonder if we'll ever get any gaijin characters
He's fucking scary as usual...
Thanks, user, as always.
She knows the tricks, cute
How can he gender bend tho
Thank you
oh vey! we are berserk now
I want to pat Zenitsu's head
Why was the Art so horrible this chapter?
zenitsu will be so mad
it's bleach all over again
So he wants to say the lower demons change so often he can't remember their faces?
Sup Forums, don't you have twitter and tumblr to harass?
thanks for sharing OP and for the translastions, korean-bro