What is it about anime and manga that's so attractive to black people?
And how come western trash doesn't have it?
What is it about anime and manga that's so attractive to black people?
And how come western trash doesn't have it?
>no western
Are you not aware of the black spongebob memes that made their way everywhere?
I didn't know the weeaboo club excludes us negros.
People are usually more attracted to people that are similar to themselves, but nigger whores are literally the worst scum of the earth so any 2d girl will appear clearly superior
>us negros.
Niggers confirmed for evil that must be purged.
Not really, I know many niggers who are moefags.
Latinos are the shonenfags.
What is it about anime and manga that's so attractive to WHITE people?
Goddamn, have you seen the average school anime club, or anime conventions, or heavyset people hovering over the "Young Adults' Graphic Novels" section of the local Barnes & Noble?
Wow, it's like people in general just enjoy anime and manga.
When you're growing up poor and surrounded by garbage, both literal and human, anime and wuxia are a godsend
Why do people enjoy anime and manga? It's all shit.
Well you wouldn't be called "wapanese." Bapanese? Beeaboo?
Couldn't the "w" just stand for "wannabe"?
That's the argument I heard for the term "wigger" (non-black people trying to be black gangsta thugs).
Black weebs are the most hardcore of weebs, but their tastes are also usually the most shallow.
I've only known like two black anime fans that were interested in things outside of the shonen-jump sphere. One became a Librarian, the other was a dude from East Side LA who lent me the Curse of the Undead Yoma back in the 90s.
The first guy I lost track of, the second sadly died from a heart attack when I was still in grade school. I miss them both.
Blacks confirmed satan.
Probably the same reason you like anime and manga
As long as you don't act like a nigger nobody cares
It's niggaboo, you faggots. This isn't a new term.
If I have to guess, probably the same reason why Kung Fu movies used to be popular among black people in the 80s and 90s.
>They're cool and action-packed
>They don't involve/star whitey
The only term I know is "Blackanese", but that usually refers to the children of black people and the Japanese.
Niggers still love kungfu movies
Source: I'm a nigger.
>What is it about anime and manga that's so attractive to black people?
Simple, anime is one of the finnest forms of escapism and as we all know, no one wants to escape reality as much as black people. Just imagine, forgetting for even a minute, no, a second, that you are a nigger, what a joy that must be.
Look again.
But why? They're so lame
They like toriko, DBZ, Final Fantasy and kingdom hearts. I know several black Sup Forumsnons.
To you maybe. I'm not that first guy but I enjoy all of Donny Yens stuff and the old classics like the Five Deadly Venoms.
Nigga you sound like a sad coward.
blacks dont like anime any more than other races. this meme is fucking retarded
>that nigger that can't stop talking about mahou shoujo in school
Fucking niggers, but at least we agreed about CCS being the best one.
You're lame
Anime and Mango make blacks more civilized, not into nigger culture
What's it about dubs being so attracted to this thread?
In my experience blacks aren't more or less likely to watch anime than any other race. This is a Sup Forums tier thread.
Did Thad get out of prison yet or what?
We just know how to hide our powerlevels.
Life as a black male sucks dick. And anime as esscapism is cheaper than crack. I think that's about as much reason as you need.
>believing an entire group of people are insecure
I automatically assume every black guy I meet likes DBZ and the NBA. I have yet to be ever be wrong about this.
What happened to the mods on Sup Forums.
Same. I roomed with a black dude in my first year of college and he would leave cartoon network on all day to watch cartoons and then when toonami came on he would sit down to watch DBZ and some other shows. I also put up a cowboy bebop wall scroll in the room and all of his friends would compliment it when they first saw the room.
the guy on the right is kinds cute
>I know many niggers
I haven't really studied it, but the two biggest weebs at my current college are both Black dudes. One is a huge Neptunia fan, and the other has watched entire genres I've never heard of.
We should convince the DEA to distribute free animu to inner cities.
i thought the w was for white white-nigger=wigger
>Sup Forums
they're too busy on irc swapping cuck stories
you must be 18 to use your site and you shouldn't be learning words such as these you stupid nigger.
I'd rather have otakus than gangsta nignogs
What is it about Sup Forums that's so attractive to underage Sup Forumstards?
Fuck off, not anime or manga.
nice try wang!