I hope [gg] subs will save Code Geass S3

I hope [gg] subs will save Code Geass S3.

That pic… muh dick


>the crossover I never knew I wanted
How do you keep doing this, Sup Forums? Drawing out new crossovers that make me abuse my dick even more?

I want more slave CC

Less gg, more CC

Any artistic gods out there that can put a collar and chain on this pic?

I think I'd cum so hard I might actually die.

>I want more slave CC
It was really boring part of C.C.

C.C. should always stay kinky, smug and confident.

We can still have that with a collar around her neck


CC is not for lewd


>that post
>that pic
user, you just contradicted yourself there.

Well her butt is a piece of art and is not lewd.

Here's your drink, user.

>not lewd
This is blatantly wrong.

>follow the green fairy, user

Okay, what's lewd about her butt?

>she likes to show it off
>gateway to the pussy
What's NOT lewd about her butt?


It's just the way it is, only lustful men make it lewd

>that frown on Lelouche
Could this fag be any gayer?

Lelouch is a babby who doesn't know how to handle a girl.

Hopefully he'll learn how to do that in S3.

Look out! We got an alpha over here!

>still no c91 creyus doujin on panda

I just want more news.

i hope so too

Pretty sure, they will.

pertty please?

CC pleases my PP