Alien life

Does Darwin's theory of evolution suggest that all alien life will be resource-hungry and belligerent?

it suggests it wouldn't make itself known to a bunch of wild apes like us

No, not remotely, what the hell? Literally all Darwin suggests is organisms naturally breed so the ones that fit the environment thrive and over time become distinct species.

I don't think a species capable of traveling galaxies would need anything from us so they won't get violent.

It's not logical.

If it was similar to our current culture and like us, had evolved with violent evolutionary forces, yeah

But more likely it would have already had several centuries of limitless resources from space exploitation and would have other interests

But isn't life ultimately a competition for resources?


No but it would suggest that all intelligent beings would be evolutionarily driven towards assuming the perfect biological form that is the aryan nordic hominid. Any degenerate depiction of alien life as being inhuman or insect in appearance is a Jewish lie.

There's a number of political theories suggesting that they have no benefit from us and at best may see us as pets or wildlife preserve, but more likely pest.

If they are space faring this means they are way more advanced than we are. Read "Blindsight" and "three body problem" for some very fucking good realistic sci-fi approach with political and game theory to it. Especially blindsight it's pure gold.

But if we take another setting say we are space faring and we discovered primitive aliens that will be a whole different story read "Hard to be a god"

They would also almost certainly be a National Socialist in their social and cultural structure in order to function as a successful spacefaring civilization.

Blonde hair is possibly the result of low-light levels (the infant's scalp is exposed to more sunlight with blonde hair = more vitamin D.) If it was a universal aesthetic ideal, wouldn't all humans be blonde?

Thanks for the suggestions. I will check them out.

Going all the way here and getting rid of us may be just more cost than benefit.

Same reason british empire didn't colonize entire fucking planet. They only took the easy places.

The other risk however is that they may not want to have to deal with our shit in the future.

>but rocks evolving into Canadians makes perfect sense.

Only in individualist species which never develop societies. Social species develop altruism which ensures the survival of offspring and provides the benefits that come with the expectation of altruism. Any species that develops society and technology has moved beyond simple survival and resource hoarding, and indeed several specie survive by willingly making themselves a resource.

Only mongrels think this.

I'm pure swede, parents fresh off the boat, but nevermind that I automatically became 56% mexican by growing up in the US. Anyways, swedes are extremely inferior to the lowland Germanics. History backs this up as they have contributed about as much to the world as the japs. They're beta by nature, lacking in creativity, easy to boss around, and incapable of group cohesion in units greater than ~20.

Nordics are the japanese of europe except shit at being bug people in addition to being shit at everything else. If nordics represent a slave race that's good at maintaining a polite, but stagnant society, then I wouldn't be surprised of the lower caste of an alien race were something like them in order to ensure peace.

It's for this reason I'm returning to europe to marry a german girl. The femboi swede genes must be diluted and replaced with the strength of the master race.


Any kind of coloration or melanin is a result of exposure to harmful radiation. it is an aesthetically desirable trait to have skin that is not tarnished by pigmentation which indicates exposure to sunlight. that is why every culture from ancient China to India to Japan to Europe to the middle east to the Aztecs in the New World conflated white skin with divinity or royalty.

A perfected being would entire lack any kind of melanin.

I think it depends on how widespread life is in the universe. If it's widespread then we are quite insignificant by default and therefore expendable, it it isn't widespread then we are either a novelty or a suspicious "alien" rival.

And the whole bus started clapping.

>all alien life will be resource-hungry and belligerent?
yes, only competition leeds to greatness, what these retards always leave out is that is more economical and fuel effective to just mine asteroids, the only way aliens would want to kill us is due to Australia

dropping truth bombs on your dumb asses

aliens created dinosaurs that roamed the earth for millions of years terraformiing the atmosphere of this planet to prepare it for sustaining alien colonization.

we are it.

Aliens will eat us after they finish off the fish. What do we have to
Offer? Rock and roll?

Are you sure it's not because the upper caste in the ancient world was made up of indo-european migrants until they got 56%d into a homogenous light brown?


Once there were three tribes. The Optimists, whose patron saints were Drake and Sagan, believed in a universe crawling with gentle intelligence—spiritual brethren vaster and more enlightened than we, a great galactic siblinghood into whose ranks we would someday ascend. Surely, said the Optimists, space travel implies enlightenment, for it requires the control of great destructive energies. Any race which can't rise above its own brutal instincts will wipe itself out long before it learns to bridge the interstellar gulf.

Across from the Optimists sat the Pessimists, who genuflected before graven images of Saint Fermi and a host of lesser lightweights. The Pessimists envisioned a lonely universe full of dead rocks and prokaryotic slime. The odds are just too low, they insisted. Too many rogues, too much radiation, too much eccentricity in too many orbits. It is a surpassing miracle that even one Earth exists; to hope for many is to abandon reason and embrace religious mania. After all, the universe is fourteen billion years old: if the galaxy were alive with intelligence, wouldn't it be here by now?

There's no need for you to step on a bug you see out in a shopping mall for example but you'd still do it.

Equidistant to the other two tribes sat the Historians. They didn't have too many thoughts on the probable prevalence of intelligent, spacefaring extraterrestrials— but if there are any, they said, they're not just going to be smart. They're going to be mean.

It might seem almost too obvious a conclusion. What is Human history, if not an ongoing succession of greater technologies grinding lesser ones beneath their boots? But the subject wasn't merely Human history, or the unfair advantage that tools gave to any given side; the oppressed snatch up advanced weaponry as readily as the oppressor, given half a chance. No, the real issue was how those tools got there in the first place. The real issue was what tools are for.

To the Historians, tools existed for only one reason: to force the universe into unnatural shapes. They treated nature as an enemy, they were by definition a rebellion against the way things were. Technology is a stunted thing in benign environments, it never thrived in any culture gripped by belief in natural harmony. Why invent fusion reactors if your climate is comfortable, if your food is abundant? Why build fortresses if you have no enemies? Why force change upon a world which poses no threat?

Human civilization had a lot of branches, not so long ago. Even into the twenty-first century, a few isolated tribes had barely developed stone tools. Some settled down with agriculture. Others weren't content until they had ended nature itself, still others until they'd built cities in space.

We all rested eventually, though. Each new technology trampled lesser ones, climbed to some complacent asymptote, and stopped—until my own mother packed herself away like a larva in honeycomb, softened by machinery, robbed of incentive by her own contentment.

>dinosaurs that roamed the earth for millions of years terraformiing the atmosphere of this planet to prepare it for sustaining alien
I doubt even dinosaurs would like niggers

But history never said that everyone had to stop where we did. It only suggested that those who had stopped no longer struggled for existence. There could be other, more hellish worlds where the best Human technology would crumble, where the environment was still the enemy, where the only survivors were those who fought back with sharper tools and stronger empires. The threats contained in those environments would not be simple ones. Harsh weather and natural disasters either kill you or they don't, and once conquered—or adapted to— they lose their relevance. No, the only environmental factors that continued to matter were those that fought back, that countered new strategies with newer ones, that forced their enemies to scale ever-greater heights just to stay alive. Ultimately, the only enemy that mattered was an intelligent one.

And if the best toys do end up in the hands of those who've never forgotten that life itself is an act of war against intelligent opponents, what does that say about a race whose machines travel between the stars?

At some stage in it's evolution yes, but if we come into contact with them chances are they are going to be so super advanced they've evolved beyond needing to be belligerent for resources, however they're going to be so far more advanced than us they probably wont even bother to talk to us or like accidentally kill us during an experiment or something like how we don't take into consideration the saftey of the bacteria in a test tube we're putting acid in to see what happens.

Why aren’t giant ants at the top of the food chain?

That's part of it. Pretty much every civilizational development worth it's salt is attributed to ancient aryan accomplishments. Any alien civilization able to get his shit together well enough to become a spacefaring power obviously realized this eugenic fact long ago and culled out their entire non-Nordic populations from the gene pool and would most likely do the same on earth. The difficulty is that it is likely that a parasitic race would evolve parallel to them just as the Jews on earth evolved parallel to the Aryan. If only we had a red ourselves of that burden 70 years ago we would be that spacefaring alien race that other worlds dreamed about..

So close to greatness

in all likelihood, they're going to settle the fuck down on our planet with minimum casualties, in order to gain the most resources while expending the least

The argument was straightforward enough. It might even have been enough to carry the Historians to victory—if such debates were ever settled on the basic of logic, and if a bored population hadn’t already awarded the game to Fermi on points. But the Historian paradigm was just too ugly, too Darwinian, for most people, and besides, no one really cared any more. Not even the Cassidy Survey’s late-breaking discoveries changed much. So what if some dirtball at Ursae Majoris Eridani had an oxygen atmosphere? It was forty-three lightyears away, and it wasn’t talking; and if you wanted flying chandeliers and alien messiahs, you could build them to order in Heaven. If you wanted testosterone and target practice you could choose an afterlife chock-full of nasty alien monsters with really bad aim. If the mere thought of an alien intelligence threatened your worldview, you could explore a virtual galaxy of empty real estate, ripe and waiting for any God-fearing earthly pilgrims who chanced by.

It was all there, just the other side of a fifteen-minute splice job and a cervical socket. Why endure the cramped and smelly confines of real-life space travel to go visit pond scum on Europa?

And so, inevitably, a fourth Tribe arose, a Heavenly host that triumphed over all: the Tribe that Just Didn’t Give A Shit. They didn’t know what to do when the Fireflies showed up.

*had rid ourselves of that burden, rather

Monkeys have different social organizations based on humping newcomers. What if their first act is to rape everyone?

user they are here, we call them jews

Nordics are degenerate aryans, inbred to an extreme and selected to be docile and disorganized creatures that don't so much build civilizations as they hold them together well enough. Weaker than Aryan stock, slender, gentler. They're meant to be slaves.

If aliens are anything like us, they will look like the German.

Not really, user. Darwinism is the process which organisms adapt to an environment by natural selection, with the fittest individuals (i.e. those most suited to the ever changing environment) propagating their genes.

Might like the taste. They smell like salty week old pork.

Why not the German mind in the Nordic form? Peak aesthetics meets peak intellect and character.

Raped and eaten. Wish we hadn't sent the voyager out there with the porn and chuck berry record.

>Might like the taste
huh, that may explain why my hounds want to kill them on sight, it can't all on be me, no not at all


More truth bombs liberating your dumb asses.

There are planets with dinosaurs on them where paying clientees can hunt for game.

wouldnt you like to hunt a dinosaur or two? huh you blood thirsty mammal?


they should be able to mine asteroids for all the metals and elements they need