"Sasuke will never be coo-"

>"Sasuke will never be coo-"

You're welcome.

>Implying he's cool now

Woo boy

>Implying he ever stopped being cool

Teenage Sasuke was such an asshole, the adult version is literally an entirely different, almost unrecognizable character.

Looks gay as fuck.

That's cause he's a massive fag for Naruto. They were each other's first kiss after all.

Sasuke was at his coolest when he was full DARKNESS

>the adult version is literally an entirely different, almost unrecognizable character.
Because it's utakata pretending to be sauce


Sasuke is the coolest Naruto character

>hax eyes power
>still carry a sword

Literally why?

I've gotta admit I like Sasuke a lot more now that he's not a retarded edgelord obsessed with muh revenge.

Now he's just an op Gary Stu. Lot more fun to watch.

>narutard(s) will never stop making this thread over and over again
moot was a mistake


That's Obito "The Coolest Guy Uchiha.

He was always cool.
Many anons here are in denial because they are repressed homosexuals.

He looks like a zombie.

Naruto is the gary stu.

You're right, let's just have another "This is your date tonight" thread

sasuke's second timeskip designs look pretty cool

Fuck niggerstream


Still looks like a fag.

I haven't watched Naruto in a long fucking time but I remember this guy being the coolest on the show. Has he fucked that chick on the left yet?

Fuck off Narutards

yeah they had a kid

I like how he doesn't have a fucking hand.

>best boy procreates with best girl

I guess they got something right at least.

OP is a ban evader. Couple of his threads 404ed last night and he is back to spamming again.

I wasn't here last night nigger

Whatever happened to his irreversible curse mark anyway

Sure you weren't, Sasuke spammer.

If your first kiss wasn't with your best bro then you're doing life objectively wrong

>Coolest guy

I think you meant bug man and he never married as far as I know.

Why doesn't he fix his arm like Naruto did? Such a fucking retard

Fuck off cancer.

I dont get this meme

He's either mad that I brought up Shino or he's late to the party to shitpost about his dissatisfaction that the horrible gateway anime is being discussed.

I've been on Sup Forums since 06 but avoided Sup Forums like a plague because I was told it has extremely limited tastes and the mods banned and deleted anime that didn't meet the board's standards, something most boards did not have (including Sup Forums, who's wished they did that for years).

When I finally decided to check it out, it appeared it was all a myth, except it wasn't. At some point the taste and sensibility policies stopped and any anime or manga series could be discussed..

Now it seems a lot of older posters are incredibly angry about it and feel the need to scream at people for liking things because only very specific slice of life anime can be discussed here.

It's a JoJo refrance.