Sexualization in anime needs to stop

Sexualization in anime needs to stop.


it makes me uncomfortable and frighten


Without sex and violence and sexualized violence and violentized sex anime would just be your daddy's cartoons.

>Sexualization in anime needs to stop.

Do you have the source for this? iqdb has failed me.

You have failed life.

I agree anime needs more brutality and gore

as long as it is not Sexual then gore is ok

I concur.

cory in the house

The cel animated evangelion is best evangelion along with the movie
Had some deep shit and super psycholgical
the third impact begins when choking occurs

Good meme.

legit had to check if I was on Sup Forums after reading this post

This gore was pretty tasteless though. If done right then it's all good.

you know why

It doesn't need to stop. It just needs to do other things along side it.

On an unrelated matter: can't seem to find the sauce for this pic user, got any?

I don't mind it too much because the anime that's supposed to be silly makes sense and the same for serious. The only thing I hate is the fact that they all have to be so young or related. I have to pretty much stop watching after that.

>Sexualization in anime needs to stop.

>>*Posts picture from Eva*


I'm guessing it's a gore joke, not a serious statement about sexualization.

To stop sexualization in anime, you first need to stop sexualization in humanity. Good luck with that!


I wouldn't have asked otherwise. None of the components of iqdb are turning anything up, Yandex didn't show any results, and google images also didn't return anything relevant.