On the next episode of Dragon Ball Super...
Dragon Ball Super
Only one correct choice
San Gokoh is the final boss
Any /o/ fag here?
What kind and brand of bike is Toriyama using.
magetta is cool
Maron has best body.
Haksy/Blonde Launch has best face
18 for both
Not even ten posts and the thread is already cancer
Thanks for contributing.
lol was this made before the ep from 2 weeks ago? Also, of course the one female GoD gets heavily sexualized by that guy
>mfw it's not Vegeta's child
With the sudden cuckold trend it could be possible lads
>forgetting the best girl
you forgot launch too for that matter
no dipshit . this is best girl
she's a tomboy
>that animation
jesus this hurts
That's some good QUALITY right there.
Dragon Ball Super confirmed to have the original Mexican voice actors
i love naoki tate
objective list
Gure >>>>>>>>>> 18 > Mrs. Briefs > Bulma > Violet > Videl > Zangya > Launch > Fasha/Slypa > Tights > Erasa > Ranfan > Fanfan > Hasky >Gine > Chichi > Princess Snake > Cynthia > rest
Fuck yes! They learned after the train wreck that was Kai
db kai. not z
Reminder you can't change the Son Gokou
that makes it even worse, they could have fixed that and didn't
That "The Son Gohan" font triggers my autism and OCD
>Aura just stops
for what purpose
Do you really want to cockblock an immortal angel of unspeakable power?
can some one tell me the story? did they not even get mario for the db mexican dub?
Can't wait for the tournament of QUALITY.
Honestly this is overatted. Super is just as good if not better. And Super is 16:9, in 1080p hd, with better color and no grain filter like shitty shows from the 90s. Voice acting and sound is better too. Story is iffy but it's hit or miss. I would post a webm but I don't know how to convert and make files small and shit, so the link is all i got.
>Zamasu going after Whis's mom
I didn't know he had it in him
>implying I don't think all Dragon Ball tv series are shit
why do you hate supporting the official release?
You wouldnt fuck an immortal loli flat chested God of destruction would you?
thats just crazy and degernate
Nah, Toppo screams "vegeta opponent".
All I'm sayin here is that I ain't gonna stop her.
I can already hear Castañeda using a fucking sexy voice for Goku Black
What about Launch?
>two bodies in one
>Yfw it turns out that Zamasu is the loli angel.
For whatever reason the android/cell saga had much worse animation than the rest of Z
Blue or Rosé Sup Forums
Cell sapped away the budget for his Perfect form.
wasnt it obvious
It's because of this asshole.
He's also the reason GT looks like a bad hentai most of the time.
Rose with its dark red aura looked surprisingly good.
Of course he isn't cool, he eats lava. He is more than likely very hot.
Uchiyama is fucking cancer.
But that begs the question. Uchiyama or (current year) interns for DBSuper?
how come the fights are so slow? last episode was talking half of the time. I wanted to see more majin buu. he's a fucking badass
wasn't this to make it cheaper?
Toei is probably trying to avoid animating as much as possible since their schedule is shit.
>Dicasty is so retarded he thought the spoiler was about U4
kek this spic is too much
It's so that they could make multiple episodes in parallel.
Murata makes toyotaro look like a grade shooler its not even funny
What did 17 mean by this?
Honestly, Uchiyama is worse because he made "corrections" that were just atrocious. Super's animation and art has actually gotten better now that the animators have more experience and time on their hands. It's still got plenty of QUALITY issues, but very few are done as intentionally like they were when Uchiyama did an episode. Because Uchiyama was intentionally cheap and had an awful art style.
I could barely hear it over the obnoxious faggot screaming
His art is great no doubt, but too bad his fights are lame.
I like it
Murata is one of the most talented artist in the business.
Literally how autistic do you have to be to know who directed each episode of Z
Holy shit imma be honest I am impressed.
is xenoverse worth playing
Mexican Kai was a whole new cast of amateurs + Krillin (was made to dub Trunks).
It was awful, so much Kai stopped being aired in favor of the old runs, Gohan had a literal girl voice and all actors where afraid to scream.
>too bad his fights are lame.
If thats the case then toyotaro fights are non existent
you are in the wrong site bud
>non existent
Not until Rose Black comes out
I hope we get far along in the anime to get Toppo/Ayy/Brolina as the last DLC
You're overusing this meme it already lost his sense of meaning.
Ironic isn't it
not bad, does big butt champa got one yet?
>Dragon Ball fans
>Not autistic
Might as well ask if water is wet.
i mean i haven't played the first game, should i bother with 2
Go to sleep pedro your brain has clearly given up on you
If you want too, XV2 is pretty much an extremely polished version of 1 and is pretty fun.
Going by the DB game trend, XV3 is gonna be GOAT.
On the next dragonball episode Gohan dies because he got slapped by his wife.
>take brown person
>make them white
fucking cumskins
There was nothing to argue to begin with and since when is calling someone pedro offensive?
>haha le Gohan is le cuck haha look at me I'm so funny!!
Have an upvote friendo
Fuck off