EMIYA dark elf

>EMIYA dark elf
>Underwater Ray Romano
>Generic idol
>The future Anthony Bourdain
So the MC sent a message to the entire kingdom saying "Send me all your talented people", and this was all he got? Is this yet another example of "people in alternative universes are mostly morons to make summoned MC look amazing"?

Other urls found in this thread:


>No saber face
they fucked up

>EMIYA dark elf

Never have wanted something so much and not realized it until I got it.

>Underwater Ray Romano

Sign me then fuck up.

>No saber face

Let me guess, it will goes like amagi shitty park?
with that sento saberface and all

>EMIYA dark elf
>Underwater Ray Romano
Well, I guess I'll be picking this up.

i agree

Insofar as Amaburi was about playing Theme Park Tycoon and this is about playing Civ

Wait until Prisma timeskips to a grown-up Kuro.

Is this genjitsuga?

The very same. It was licensed.

So Gandhi's in here too?

What even is this?

J-Novel also has Ashitfureta on its line up. What next?

Does awooooo~ have a tail at least?

>The mystic wolf race... I thought. I guess those aren’t fox ears, they’re wolf ears.

>She was adorable with her suntanned skin and cute little round eyes. The clothes she wore were just a little shabby, though. They were torn in places and, perhaps because she was tense, the fluffy tail that stuck out from her rump was standing up straight.

>Yup, I want to stroke it.

Perhaps another title from Overlap? If we're going by what people over here know about it might turn out to be world teacher or something similar.

>>Underwater Ray Romano

Dub VO?

Apparently they have an "older but highly popular" series lined up.
This guy thinks it might be Infinite Stratos.

Interesting, but is there really such a high demand for something like IS? Arifureta and other narou titles are understandable considering the isekai craze right now.

It's been too long. Even I forgot about that series.

At least they have a healthy respect for tail touching.

>Artist Pixiv page
>All Fate fanart

Oh, is that why it looks like discount Takeuchi?

I don't even think there's much of the new academy battle harems being published anymore except for the existing ones. They really fell out of fashion.

I guess there is a fanbase for it over here but doubt there are that many.

>its success or failure will determine how J-Novel Club approaches older titles in the future

Hopefully not IS, then. Way too late.

>Antimagic's author's new work is technically isekai
You're probably right.

It wouldn't be much fun if they all looked and acted like him, now.

>Given Sam’s history as a fansubber, his views on piracy are more liberal than what may perhaps be expected from an official licensor. However, he does not outright condone piracy, and he has stridently criticised the quality of fan translations.

>He is also not a fan of DMCAs, describing the procedure as “a pain in the butt“. His policy of dealing with fan translations is summed up as follows: “We ask nicely. And if you refuse, we crush you with our merciless translation quality and speed.” In other words, it is not likely that he will resort to DMCAs.

>In other words, J-Novel Club > Yen Press, as far as the community is concerned, although whether this will translate into better sales remains to be seen.


Is this the shit made by monster author?

The only other probable options are Hagare Yuusha no Aesthetica or maybe Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls, unless they managed to make a deal with a publisher other than Overlap or Hobby Japan.

>EMIYA dark elf
Tell me more user.

>"people in alternative universes are mostly morons to make summoned MC look amazing"
That should have been obvious when the dark elf proclaimed the loyalty of the entire elven race and nominated herself as his personal loyal servant just because he explained the concept of forest maintenance.

The LN came so close to being good
At least I don't have to care about the translator dropping the project

As opposed to, what, writing a thank you note?

The sane response would be to say it's a cool idea and offer to help him out with it.

I imagined he would be pig-like human

Should be more loli.


I always imagined him would be more lazier, kind of Ikta.


>“We ask nicely. And if you refuse, we crush you with our merciless translation quality and speed.
Fucking finally, fuck Yen Press.

>EMIYA dark elf
I recognize this artist as the one that does apes Takeuchi's style really well and draws a bunch of Fate fanart so this doesn't surprise me in the least.

I like that the author is a history buff with all the sengoku 3 kingdoms stuff. The other "fantasy uplift" WN by some engineering dude is kinda meh

the sheer number of wives appearing is getting ridiculous tho

j-novel club translation is certainly high quality, very polished, but I think there's something lost by overlocalization

put maga hat on awoo please

>EMIYA dark elf

What a time to be alive.

This is why nobody like you and invite you to parties, user-kun.

Anime when?

ray romano isn't a pretty boy what the fuck are you talking about

That poorfag in a burlap sack would be a Trump supporter

>Can't read the subtext of what the dark elf is trying to pull
You are more autistic and have less social skill than you think.

Hopefully backed by nuclear weapons

>The other "fantasy uplift" WN
release that witch? I actually prefer that one. fucking idols aren't shoe horned in for the otaku appeal.

Fuck you nigger, Release that Witch is the only isekai that's actually good and makes a bit of sense, without forced idolshit and a million tropes.

So is the fat guy supposed to look like a hobbit, or is it just a coincidence?

Every time someone on Sup Forums says a translation is of good quality, I go and buy it and get gibberish with errors on every page. LN readers have no standards. Which kinda goes without saying.

is this the kingdom building WN? I didn't know it got a LN licensed. Too bad I'm over my isekai phase.
The pacing went to shit at volume two.

>explained the concept of forest maintenance.
>to an elf

Why did Stiyl dye his hair black?

>explains that things are edible to a starving population
>causes culture to explode over night by singing a few songs over magic radio
>doesn't touch any of the technology that would actually have an immediate impact

I get the author is more focused on rhetoric, but his tech tree is pretty retarded.

But what is he aiming for, Cultural victory?

>>EMIYA dark elf
>>Underwater Ray Romano
>>Generic idol
>>The future Anthony Bourdain
Unlimited Kek Works

The elves just live in the forest, they don't maintain it.

>explains that things are edible
This one is forgiveable, you know how hard it was for some European kings to get their people to accept that the potato could be a good staple food?

You'd think elves would be all pole-proportioned dendrophiles instead of forest NEETs.

How long until golden age for that sweet +100% tourism?

Survive nuclear overflow ghandi first.

well the first two chapters are free so you can see for yourself

So out of the people in OP he has one Great General, one Great Writer, one Great Musician, if you really stretch it maybe one Great Scientist, and I have no idea what awoooo could be classified as.

>This one is forgiveable, you know how hard it was for some European kings to get their people to accept that the potato could be a good staple food?
However, it is very easy to demonize a cuisine or a safe food product if a small group of your populate are highly insecure by the people associated with them.

>Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls

Please not again, the first 3 episodes were fun and the ink was refreshing, but it's just the usual harem we get every season

Great Awooooo~

Has any country denounced the MC?

>and I have no idea what awoooo could be classified as.

what mane-ga


What is their UA?

He is denounced by and ends up at war with the city-states he normally levies troops from.

Yeah, but it's because the dukedom hated the kingdom. In the end it becomes kingdom's territory though.

The idea that people who have lived in forests for thousands of years don't know basic forest maintenance is fucking idiotic in itself.

eh, we didn't really start conserving and replanting our forests IRL until the 17th century. But then again we don't live in the forests, we just use them for timber and sport.

Why are almost all the men japanese and most of the women european?

But they're not?

Hero summoning, obviously.

Fantasyland don't have specific nations like real world nations, user-kun.

what is this?

>Fantasyland don't have specific nations like real world nations
Most fantasy have kingdoms and duchies and principalities and so on. Who cares if the Peace of Westphalia was in the 17th century.

What I meant is they don't mimic real life nations completely.
So stop with your humiliating insecurity about a Japanese author writing about a fantasy using popular fictions as his base.
I don't think your parent raise your for more than several decades just for you to waste your life doing that.

Potato was an exception, people were amazing at foraging back in the day.

Its just a case of ancient people are stupid, I am smart because im from future. Its trash

>Is this...
yes, author is a hack, not surprising really given the consumer base is full of manchildren who dont know any better

People in this specific kingdom were stupid, rather. And that's why all the other kingdoms are taking advantage of them.

>Potato was an exception, people were amazing at foraging back in the day.
Wasn't he introducing actual foreign crops like rice and soybeans, you ain't gonna forage that shit

Do the MC keep using basic economy to amaze everyone ?

Only to amaze his own people mostly

> humiliating insecurity
>self-insert fap fic about japanese men and their harems of non-jap women

Is this Anime or Manga?

It's some kind of Pixiv fanmade thing.

It has a Mangaupdates page, so take a wild guess.

I mean the EMIYA elf is nice and all but I wish you people would keep LN discussion to JP or whatever if there isn't even a manga adaptation.

So it does.


Why the fuck would anyone want to farm rice over other stuff? What the fuck

Fair enough.
It's basically the self-published webfic of a Pixiv guy with illustration by another Pixiv guy who specializes in imitating official Type-MOON art.

>but I wish you people would keep LN discussion to JP or whatever if there isn't even a manga adaptation.
That's the same as telling people not to discuss LNs at all. The vast majority of LN readers are on Sup Forums and nobody wants to discuss them on /jp/.