No discussion on the latest chapter?
I hope coolie doesn't turn bad. I don't think crab would make any of the dangerous extra species evil though.
Monster Musume
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to lick Papi's asshole.
So, that's what happened to TTF
Vampires are bad, aren't they?
I need to know before I put her in here
I wish there were more official papi lewds
>no chapter for 3 months
>makes a general chatroom anyways and tires to pass it as discussion
Quality manga discussion
The latest chapter was a couple weeks ago. I say 3 months does not equal 2 weeks
>Quality butthurt
Quality shitposting
Crab better have a good excuse for a three month wait. This last chapter didn't even end the dangerous species arc.
Is this manga really hated by so many people on Sup Forums? Or is it because of the occasional shitstorm?
Or maybe both reasons?
Her dad's been reaped, her haunted(?) locket crushed, and tummy filled with Kurusu crafted yummies, user. Unless her dad won't stay down a second time, I don't see her turning evil again.
Coolie might be too high maintenance for darlings house. Imagine full power Coolie ravaging the mountainside on a full moon.
I might have missed the last chapter, did we get quality scans/summaries on Coolie's rampage?
The manga is well liked; the fans are pariahs. I can't say we didn't earn it, unfortunately.
>3 month hiatus
>shit arc
Is is time for the daily shitposting thread?
It would be an interesting unexpected twist if she needs to be captured. Everyone would suspect crab to have her stay friendly. Is crab even capable for such plot twists?
MON could deport her back to land or origin?
Still waiting on Korean scans
He's got massive clean ups and redraws on the Expo pages, the usual prep for a volume release, and, hopefully, lots of input into the new OVA and season 2 to do.
I wouldn't worry about it. Most people like the show, but hating shitposters have always been a thing, and they tend to get very loud about it, that's all.
Quality scans - no just summary user's photos.
Summary - yep.
Search the web for 'Monster musume chapter 51 summary'.
몬스터 무스메 아니요 니치 조 + Chapter number usually yields results, but not this time.
They could, but that's a lot of paper-work that Smith would have to do, as well as her having to explain why Kurusu was being dangled at the end of a line during the expo. Never mind the distracting mayhem that will follow from either Guu climbing out of that tanker or Suu getting (toxic) wasted in the parking lot. I'd bet on Kyurii being able to stay.
Are you saying M.O.N is far to lazy to deport her?
Oh wait, Smith in charge.
Dammit Crab, stop making Papi into a bitty-bi-birdie without giving us nudes.
Could be worse. She could be kissing a spider.
I always wondered if Rachnera had Papi wrapped up in her pedipalps at the end of that. It would be in character.
If the end of this arc isn't a chapter with lewds on every page I'm going to be disappointment.
Flying foxes are fruit and flower eaters, but some blood drinkers are flying foxes. I want to see Kyurii walking away in that outfit.
>no chapter for three months
Crab is a shitty hack
Estimate on when translations come out?
I want this arc to be over and to see more Tio.
Two weeks maybe.
>coolie will not be a main girl
>coolie will not be a main girl
>coolie will not be a main girl
>coolie will not be a main girl
>coolie will not be a main girl
Can't believe that her beret stays on through that.
>more Tio
It really is a shame that Crab draws her so skinny.
She can kiss any girl she wants any where she wants, as long as Crab lets us watch.
I personally wouldn't mind a little more muscle tone on cinnamon juggernaut
just a little though.
Too much, thanks. Just give her Cathyl's arms, thighs, and abs.
>6+ months of focus
>not on route to being a main girl
The crabman comi-
Kill yourself
Can't the Monster Musume girls, Dragon Maids and Yetchi all get along?
We already have a surfeit of main girls, user. She'll be a good recurring character, but Kurusu already has a full house; he should stand pat.
I'm just saying, there's so many monster girls now, why can't we live in peace?
When will we deport this fucking thread to /jp/?
/jp/ is worse.
Depends on if the Dragon Maids see monster girls as an inferior species.
When mods get tired of us again and do the right thing.
>when will we deport an anime and manga thread off the anime and manga board
All I see is a daily chatroom.
Didn't Murmomi San or something have a Levithan?
>make thread to talk about chapter
>no one actually talks about the chapter
We haven't had a thread for like 3 days now.
>Cat girls
Is this like, the boom of non-human species? What was the first 'non-human' anime girl to claim the throne?
There was one earlier. It archived naturally because there's nothing to talk about.
>I add "Monster Musume" to my filter and choose the "top" option so I can come into threads I don't use to bitch that they aren't up to my standards
Are we including elves?
I think this maybe the first 'extra species'.
>I use this thread instead of getting a discord
>i sit in this thread like the king of autist and tell people what they can and can not do on MY anime board.
Don't you have some tripfag attention whores to suck up to?
>he makes and defends daily chatrooms on a Vietnamese weaving blog
>he takes time and effort to sit in the threads someone makes to spew his autistic beliefs.
I haven't even been on Sup Forums in a month, and I just see you fucking acting like a bigger autist then the fucking Nintendo faggots on Sup Forums.
>nothing to talk about.
No one talking does not equal nothing to talk about. For instance, is Kyurii's dad gone for good or not? We don't see Lala chucking his ass over the river to the afterlife, after all.
>things will never return to how it was before the /jp/ exodus
>he frequents Sup Forums
No wonder your posting standards are so low.
I smell a 4-koma in the works.
You're not in charge of this board, I don't see why you're so anal about one thread.
>he thinks Sup Forums is any better than Sup Forums
Says the man acting like a Sup Forums poster.
This place is truly shite.
When the shitposting comes to an end.
>Sup Forums goer thinks he knows about quality
I prefer the chop suey version myself. Their watermark is less obnoxious than the hamster.
>Sup Forums goer thinks he knows about quality
Implying it isn't better. There's a reason why people send shitposters there.
It's because/v/ is just second Sup Forums
Lala actually does something useful, what the fuck?
Of course Sup Forums is shit, but you must be retarded to think Sup Forums is any better of a shithole.
>Shit poster doesn't even sage.
Only Sup Forumsermin could think their board is better. Even Sup Forums is better than Sup Forums and they know they're shit.
Only a retard would think it isn't better.
One look at Sup Forums and you can see how awful it is in comparison.
So what you're saying is, you're not from Sup Forums and are telling the mods how to run it? Good to know.
What the fuck
It's somewhat telling how the shitposters never go out of their way to whine about the jojo threads, one page threads, buyfag threads, raildex threads, one piece threads, muvluv threads, aikatsu threads, snk threads, /u/ threads, or /c/ threads which happen just as frequently
It's almost like /qa/ is full of wannabe mod faggots
So, alien oni?
Who are you quoting.
Well, at least it's keeping the thread up.
More time for some cinnamon goodness
I think she's the first one to get famous, yeah.
I still wonder how much of that is in her head. Like did Papi and Coolie see any of that or did she merely pluck the locket off her neck?
As someone who frequents the /gup/ threads. Yes. Yes they do.