This is Misa
Say something nice about her!
This is Misa
Say something nice about her!
Nice voice, nothing else.
Despite Light's griping, she was the most useful and it was someone else who screwed him in the end. She deserved the dicking she craved.
Nice body, nothing else
Death Note IQ Charts
L 145
Light 140
Near 135
Mello 135
Mikami 125
Misa 105
inb4 user claiming he's smarter than L because his mom lied to him about his IQ
Weren't N and M supposed to be super geniuses? Their IQ is lower than mine.
it's already happening
145+ is really high, not many people can claim that and not be bullshitting. I honestly expected these people to be in the 170-180 range though
Meekheeial Keele a skit
IQ between 120-150 is genius.
Tested at 136 during highschool, which is far from impressive. These characters are portrayed as being extremely gifted, when theyre nothing more than above average smarts.
ITT: people state their score from a pointless online IQ test that bullshits atleast by about a standard deviation to make them feel smart
She's dumb, I like dumb girls that I can subjugate to my will.
Depends, there are different scales, and IQ tests can be inaccurate. The kind of autistic genius like L are normally in the top 1%. I know many people whose IQ is 120+ and are just your regular smart person, far from geniuses.
That's my personal chart. I don't believe they're higher really
Death Note is shit, just like her.
120 is above average, 130 is gifted, 145 is genius
She's not the most annoying anime character in history.
How is she dumb?
she needs therapy
145 is for regular genius.
L is supposed to be retarded super genius.
Give him 170-180.
105 is still above average though.
Didn't they also spend pretty much their entire lives training to be detectives, though?
Their raw intelligence is only part of it.
would've been a great trip if she wasn't actually a 50 year old man impersonating his niece
She wasn't the worst character in the series.
So, was she or wasn't the girl in the last chapter leading that weird Kira religion bullshit?
She'd kill for her man.
Misa committed suicide after Light died.