Post yfw the white side in the inevitable race war is called the bro army.
Post yfw the white side in the inevitable race war is called the bro army
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Post yfw the genocide brigades in the inevitable race war are called "Squad Senpaitachi."
Race war is never going to happen
Don't fool youself
Found the Polish commie
Enjoy being exiled with the barbarian hordes you fuck. They'll probably rape you to death before eating you, so at least you don't a virgin.
>bro army
I don't know if it's going to be of any use.
what the hell are you talking about?
I am just telling you that race war will never happen
Deal with it
Sup Forums is such a polite board
can somebody from Caucasus region join as well??? I am ready for race war
why not man!!!1 I am prepared for it
>ITT : people who don't know whats going on.
wait a second
this guy shaved is damn hot
>my boipucci is kind of wet rn
That's normal when you see fuhrer.
> ninja jewrazers (antibankers brigade) special forces
>samurai head chipperoffers (politician squad) infantry
made myself lol at my childishnesssssssss.....
Is Cernovich even white?
He's gorilla.
he's a kike
Justin Bieber is a white nationalist. Once he gets over the trauma of all the years of being raped and degraded by Schlomo and the nigger golems he will fight against the New World Order.
Justin Bieber is unironically a nigger killing white supremacist!
pewdiepie is kinda like weev, joking but not really