No kf thread? This will not do!
Kemono friends
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What? Previous thread is still alive.
I need fox waifus NOW
I want to rape Shoebill.
You are no longer welcome in japari park.
>fox who is managing an onsen hotel
oh yeah?
That's cute.
She's a lot cuter than the real Pallas Cat
it's happening
I need people to make more videos like this:
Are you a fan of Toki?
I hope Silver Fox is still a tsundere nerd in the anime, but I feel like they'll change her personality since she wasn't very popular in the mobage in spite of being one of the main characters in the story (outside of shipping fodder with red fox, where they mostly ignored her personality anyway).
Wait til she makes the weirdest of faces
I'm her nakama.
What was in that tea
Thats just wrong. Also don't post that shit here.
That's very cute doggo.
so this is what a margay sounds like
what about the fox in manga? which one is that?
I thought Margays went "geeeeeeh"
Friend here's the finished version
What did she mean by this?
Yes, her singing is just so beautiful.
through Friends, unity
Sasuga Ibis.
poglad kota suka
Must not fap.
Even zoo gift shops are catching on
A clumsy friend I see
You just had to make me sad.
some Jap probably thinks that Peru is in the middle east
Alpacas are from South America though
How did they teach that pupper to walk on its hind legs?
I wonder how they handled this kind of thing when it was open to humans.
I mean, some people would go to Japari Park only to see if they can get one of the girls. Even if it's not directly forcing them
>Welcome to ようこそ Jihadi Park
Daily reminder that Japari buns are designed to be nutritionally perfect for Friends.
I'm a fan of her butt.
Shit, this anime's making me really appreciate just how wonderful nature is and how much I don't want to be lost in the middle of it.
translated 2ch comments
Been rewatching the show and I've been thinking there's been a pretty common misconception here. Lucky Beast didn't react to the feather Bag-chan had, it reacted cause she was human. When it saw that she had a feather it ended up turning into a communication device or something for someone who was back at the Savannah area. There's another human out there that's following the main characters.
la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah
it's the houthi alpaca chant
Seeing 2ch comments almost always the reaction is "seems like exactly like here" they notice and comment on the same things. Just less shitposting in the main anime threads.
> Game Shoebill was voiced by Nya-tan
But its natural!
>faceplants into snow
Owls are so majestic.
It's uncanny, that thread is practically word for word the same as the thread we had when the episode aired. Exact same topics in almost similar order.
Stop it now! Don't use Shoebill for your weird deviantart fetish pics!
Pic related.
I ended up just print-screening the ebooks. They're pretty artifacted and I might've accidentally upscaled them, but they're readable.
Owls' fluffy feet are so cute, they're like tiny bear feet but with massive claws.
I was waiting for the owl to pull a rabbit or something out of the hole
Very nice. Good job, user.
I'm just reminding Friends that the natural order exists. No need to be so upset. See, here's a nice comfy picture of Serval-chan satisfying her curiosity about what human meat tastes like.
The one that's a main character in the manga is Red Fox.
It's the most popular one. They even included her in the main story of the mobage just due to her popularity pre-release (although her role still ended up very small).
Thanks friend! I'll give them a read in a little bit.
Well shiet I might actually be able to read this.
I'm gonna fuck this snake
As was I. I think the last thread made me less trusting of webms in Kemono Friends threads.
>voiced by Nyaa-tan
Sugoooi I never knew that.
I remember myself telling others I could follow her next works, I ashamed of myself
Why the hell does Rieshon keep getting serious characters to voice
This is funny, Kemono Friends outranking Murakami novels.
Who's Murakami?
/sg/ please
Their faces are too small
Not kawaii
Pallas' cats a cute
International best selling author often a favourite to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.
>When the curry is too damn spicy but you can't stop eating
Oh. Neat.
>Masayoshi ver. of the OP is almost reaching 1M views on Nico
Inb4 the OP appears on the next ENSON
Who's Masayoshi?
Well it's really good.
I want to make her experience things that she can only experience after getting a human body
He is pretty big fucking deal
An icon of Japanese not-low brow culture. Probably the most famous Japanese author worldwide. Most people who are into reading would know about him I should think. His stuff sells millions of copies.
Like ghost peppers.
Maybe Japanese don't usually preorder books. In particular Murakami is very mainstream unlike LN which are more targeted toward teenage boys and young adults. I suspect people tend to just buy it at the bookshop.
>Masayoshi ver. of the OP
Why hasn't anyone mentioned that in here yet?
Imagine how a bird would react to being able to laugh for the first time.
What kind of theories are out there at this point? Any that you guys have
Those are some nice lookin hooters
The song's author.
I'm in the middle of rewatching episode 2 but after I'm done, I'll start translating the first chapter. Is here okay?
Yes, she sparked my interest in the show.
I thought they'd be かしこい
that doesn't look very かしこい