This is secret best girl.
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Agreed. This guy cracks me up every time.
Needs more screentime.
Yes secret
greatest bromance of all time
>darkness jumps into the ropes
Oh lawd
Leave the demon king to me.
What if he is the demon king?
I thought the same thing.
Oh shit user.
What does the demon king even do? Why does he need to be defeated?
watch the show, dumb dumb dummkopf
>that armor
Worse than boobplates,jesus
What are those used for?
The one on the left looks like a back massager
Bottom left is an apple corer.
Bottom middle is a cheese slicer
Right I have no fucking clue.
Demon King
That's the guy who dreamed of being an afro lady seducing cute young dudes in the succubus episode, isn't it?
He's the artisan weaver
Top left is an ass scratcher
Bottom right is an ass shaver
Top right is an ass whipper
I don't know about the bottom left.
he has to much free time.
ass peeler
This guy is totally the demon king, ri--
Okay, I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this way. He's definitely the fucking king.
He's a noncombatant so it's just his fashion.
Artisan Weaver is the manliest guy on the show.
He does nothing bad really, Axis cult and crimson demon village start the war with them and made rumors all time about the demon king and his army
He is a combatant and all armor works on the principle of magic.
The more magic your armor have, the more protection it afford regardless of size and shape.
This is why a thin jacket can offer strong protection stronger than of a full plate armor.
>Artisan weaver
I hope he never meets Ken.
>user never play DnD or any MMORPG the post
Very appropiate filename
He looked pretty cute here.
also secretly the final boss
Is that a compliment? Who the fuck brags about playing MMOtrash?
This is one of the few recurring jokes that I love every time it pops up because they don't run it into the ground so it's always funny.
Wasn't he dreamed of being cute boy molested by the afro lady?
Kazuma is always cute
When he's not grimacing because of his retarded party members
Megumin got very upset when Kazuma showed off some dynamite he made and didn't speak with him until dinner.
hello darkness my old friend
>Kazuma invented the condom
>now everyone in fantasy australia can have sex all day
He saved that place
demon king is actually a god just like aqua and eris and in order to justify the gods existing and keeping their jobs they send a god down to be an antagonist in a universe to make it look like they're needed and helping
You know it.
And he still used dynamite to kill the girl that saved megumin when she was a kid
Why is he so evil
How does a NEET even do that?
I can understand condoms if he found a rubber tree to harvest sap, but TNT?
how the heck did a japanese neet know the chemical formula for dynamite?
Or did he just use his luck stat to make it?
Well to be fair it was imitation TNT, it doesn't work exactly like the real stuff does just kind of similar principle.
Also apparently his crafting skill gives him insights on how to make stuff, though not sure how that works on parallel world tech but maybe if he is already familiar with the item it still works.
It's not really the same, he used a magic explosive potion to make it.
He tried making blackpowder but couldn't find the chemicals. That "TNT" is just some overly priced magic jizz Wiz sold at her store shoved into a cartridge
makes sense
Did these two fucked?
Aqua is not for fucking
Aqua is for bullying
He just repurposed otherwise useless Wiz goods into an explosive. He doesn't know how to make black powder or nitroglycerin or TNT like a normal Japanese schoolboy.
But she is thirsty for the dick
She can't be thirsty user, she is the goddess of water
Makes me wonder how come she thinks the tea she makes tastes good when everyone else only tastes water? Also how can she get drunk when the alcohol would be purified into water as soon as it touch her lips?
Someone did not think this out good...
Maybe it takes more time to purify the alcohol than the tea, since tea is already 99% water
Why does Aqua look so gormless here?
She can control her purification. Only alcohol is important enough for her to pass the filter.
Is Konosuba worth watching?
Sell me on it, Sup Forums
No the better more intelligent show to watch this season is Maid Dragon,
The writing in that show the animation and the drama is much better than Konofaga.
Just wait until next month and then play the game it's based on.
some will call the animation shitty, but its an endearing trait to others
reminds me of stuff from the 90s and early 2000s.
the story is generic fantasy with humor thrown into it, which is fine but triggers the shit out of alot of people because theres been a fustercluck of those recently
>the story is generic fantasy with humor thrown into it,
Have you completely missed the point of Konosuba, It has those tropes to play off and make fun of them hence why it is called a fucking parody of Isekais.
Its not really parodying much. I mean tons of narou isekai have funny death and transportation, godesses/gods being ridiculed like in nidome no jinsei the guy punches the loli as soon as he meets her and so on.
The execution and the constant focus on comedy is what really carries it.
Secret? Is it because he was the one who requested being a muscular brown amazonian afro girl pinning down a petite little boy?
where can i find the LN online?
Just read it on your kindle.
I hope you find this useful
You can buy the official translated ones in amazon if you feel like supporting the author since it is already proven by the authors themselves they get royalty from the English license sales.
I would like Aqua as a best pal. She's a bro but a girl. But not for sexualizing.
>Luck: 860
OP as fuck
>walks around nopan all day
>not sexual
Rank the girls from sluttiest to purist
is there a gif/webm of yunyun getting her yunyuns slapped around from the ova
completely wrong
>That one lady from the guild
>Everyone else.
>Mitsurugi Kyouya
>sign licensing contract mandating you to advertise the book and never discourage people from buying it by saying you dont get much from the sales
>buy the english book lol
Did you get this out of your ass too as usual, Sup Forums-kun?
My word is literally as good as the authors word, unless they posted their contract online and you can tell exactly how much they get.
In the art book short story Megumin beat Mitsubishi in a 1 v 1 already
How can that guy be so weak even with a cheat sword?
Didn't Kazuma beat Chris?
Nice to see you are true to form as always, Sup Forums.
Back massager
Apple slicer
Don't know what the last one is
Megumin grabbed it out of his hands while he was giving his introductory speech
Are you psychotic?
Like you just see people using Sup Forums as an argument and you though it applies everywhere because you're literally mentally ill?
it shows in LN that learning non comat skills such as blacksmith will give him knowledgr about it. All he needed was to put his points on knowledge and use ideas from his former world into reality