Questions to Trumpfags

Questions to Trumpfags

How will you react IF there is concrete evidence shown that Trump did collude with the Russians?

Not anti Trump nor pro Trump

Just curious

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fkn cheese eating surrender monkeys, here is your 0.02

Collusion isn't a crime, nor does it have a legal definition of any kind.

I'm not even french you emu bitch

It's a RICO case.
He's going down for money laundering but not before Mueller fucks his son up for lying to investigators.

I did not say it's a crime, I don't give a fuck

I just want your reaction

This will go unnoticed by Sup Forums since none of the Trumpfags want to admit it. Shame!

The investigation has had to move on from the potential charge of "collusion." Mueller has to move on to manufacturing an obstruction charge.

What kind of collusion?

It’s what they were colluding to do.

obstruction of justice, perjury and working as a foreign agent without being registered are all crimes.

Trump supporter here. If theres actual, real evidence that Trump colluded with the Russian government to actually hack voting machines to change the result of the election, i will absolutely fall in line with all of the outrage over Trump.

Anything outside of Trump colluding with the Russian government to actually hack american voting machines to change the result of the election is irrelevant left wing propaganda. So far i have not seen any evidence of that event taking place at all in any way. Ive seen Trump being buddies with Russia, which is still in the realm of very legal.

I would not care.

Nice to see an honest citizen and not a brainwashed retard

Depends on the context of said collusion.
Since no evidence exists of Russia actually altering vote tallies, it would merely be left to funding and morale support (Facebook memes, etc), so I wouldn't give a flying fuck if it were proven.

If action is taken against Trump and not Clinton for uranium one (and the litany of other crimes Clinton has been involved with), that is grounds for civil war as far as I'm concerned.

Its pretty much been confirmed that the dossier is real.

Meaning Trump literally watched underage prostitutes piss on a bed as a part of some bizarre ritual against the Obama's.

Just for that he should be tossed because he's a degenerate. The business deals he made, which positively reek of money laundering, are just icing on the cake.

Incoming butthurt from /r/The_Donald transplants. You faggots need to go back.

That's a big if. I smell a shill.

>didn't watch Comey's testimony stating dossier is "pretty much bunk"

the reddit space was the icing on the bait

All the Russians here on US proxies will flip the fuck out.

There isn't. He's already well beyond the scope of the investigation. Nothing he's probing now could yield evidence of election interference, which was the whole purpose of the investigation originally. Unless he happens to find a transition-dated email from Trump that says "Thanks for hacking those voting machines in Florida, Pennsylvania, and Michigan... you the man Vlad!"

This is how you know Trump colluded.

>responding to such obvious bait
don't do it anons

>Doesn't understand the word if

Depends. If there is no evidence that votes were altered, I'll riot in the streets against any impeachment. If there is evidence specifically of vote changing, then he should be impeached and I'll support it.

Shitpost really really hard

Please tell me you at least believe in climate change since you're championing evidence (which is good).

>Calling us trumpfags
>Not anti-trump.
Kindly fuck off. It is clear to see a time of great social unrest approaches. This is why BLM got its funding cut as they were only hastening it and making the left look worse. It cannot be stopped and now its a scramble for power to decide who comes out on top when the cities burn.

Does it hurt to have to write words like "faggot" just to obtain your 0.02? Does it cause pain due to your liberal bias? Also, does Shareblue offer medical bennies?

>not pro trump
Mohammed detected, stay in france you jew shill

>fall in line with all of the outrage
found the shill. you fagots you spend more time practicing in front of a mirror or with a partner.
Then VP Pence will become President and the attacks on Christianity will intensify. I think well all know what THAT means...

Obviously declare Trump “Lion of the Executive branch” and shower him with awards. Durrr.

That was his reaction

Like usual, by trying to start the race war.

Please, allow me to virtue signal in this totally hypothetical and highly unlikely scenario; OP, I would be the first person to stand amongst a crowd of Trump supporters calling for Trump to be taken to the gallos.

Now, let's talk about what should happen in the totally hypothetical scenario that we find proof Hillary Clinton was actually colluding.

I hope he colluded with Chechens to kill fags lmfao

You get your good goy points for the day.


hacking the voting machines isn't necessary for it to be against the law though. All they need to prove is that they sought the assistance of the Russians, which is looking like they did on several occasions.

Not that Pence is going to be any better than Trump, but at least Pence didn't literally sell out his nation for a chance to be president.

P.much this tbqh fampai smdh.
On the other hand I've seen plenty of evidence that the entire left and most of the upper end of the justice department are thoroughly corrupt

sage this faggot french nigger shill thread.
also to the climate change fag fuck off man made climate change is fake as muh russian scandal.

>knows something isn't possible
>still asks hypothetical questions about it

hi shill

/r/The_Donald transplants. Get the fuck off Sup Forums. We don't need "greatest allies" like you.

Why doesnt Mueller just call them up and say "Hey Vlad Mueller"


"Yeah the guy who dropped off the uranium prior to you sending a pile of money to the Clinton foundation"


"Its good to hear the bribes for that uranium are paying divedends. I'm calling to ask if you helped Trump win the election?"


"Yeah I know it doesnt make sense to spend mid 9 figures bribing one side then get the other side elected."

Climate change is real, but it's the solutions proposed by politicians that are big fat lies.

hi shill

mad made climate change is fake you faggot leaf

Ever heard of dystopia? Can you imagine or are you so retarded you can't

Never mentioned anything about it being man-made.

Keep dreaming, cunt.

Literally won't care at all. I supported Trump and wanted him to win. Why would I care how he got there?

ok achmed go walk in a paris no go zone.
then tell me whos future is more dystopian

The polite thing to do would be to thank the Russians.

Blood will be spilled. By the fucking truck load.

What does collude even mean? Like receive information that the Clinton campaign was involved in illegal shit. How is Trump finding out that Hillary is a criminal worse that the crimes Hillary committed?

Trump fired the guy who did that kind of stuff and he didn't even talk to the Russians until after the election, and the conversation was about defeating ISIS lmao. This Mueller investigation just exonerates Trump more and more everyday.

but that doesn't change the fact of you being a faggot leaf.


I'm not french
Just on vacation
Paris is pretty ugly if you ask me

Now murilard answer the question or fuck off thanks.

I don't give a fuck about that non-issue.

>Trump did collude with the Russians?

Tell us exactly how he could "collude" with the Russians

Go on, we'll wait.

Why are some people doing the effort of clicking on my thread just to say they don't care? Just keep scrolling, don't waste your lives more than you already do

the question is too stupid to answer so fuck off and im surpised youre not shilling with a meme flag


My opinion that he is the lesser of two evils will remain unchanged. I didn't vote for him, I voted against Hillary.

fuck off shill nigger maybe because its funny seeing you ass pained about nobody taking your what if thread seriously


If Trump did something illegal or unethical with regards to Russia and winning the election than it goes without saying that I would turn on him. I reserve the right to decide if the charges against him, if any are brought, are believable.

And before anyone tries to argue that statements made by the Deep State should automatically be taken at face value, just remember that yesterday the train derailed because of an object on the tracks, and today the train derailed because it was going 80 in a 30.

I disagree with his opinion
Better call him a nigger! That'll sure show him right!

Sup Forums logic

well stop acting like a nigger you dumb nigger

What the hell are you on about?

Stop sucking Trump's dick
It's bad for your health

President gets assistance from one of the other most powerful nations on Earth? Better Russia than China.

awww...yu mad?

wait so you are retarded enough to believe that asking a what if question is the same as having an eductaed opinion

Keep talking

proof shill?

France you really want to start the steady bombardment of French jokes and analysis of your lack of testicles?

doesn't know sage shariablue isn't sending their best also enjoy page 3

conservatives are against aggregated gas warming theory because it has never ever been scientifically validated. it has never predicted an accurate warm trend, not once, despite decades of research, millions in funding and thousands of scientists manipulating the data to fit their hypothesis. even if you can get an agreed upon standard of evidence to establish that we are in a warming trend (ice core samples), you cant prove that aggregated gas warming theory is true, or that it accounts for the warming trend. thats two layers of science away from being fact already, but even then you would have to prove that man is the cause of the AGW theory warming trend.

so after all this money and time and lies you have nothing. the democratic party infiltrated the department of education to brainwash america with "greenhouse gas theory" as fact, when in reality it had never been verified and never will be. thats not even the name of the theory, that's how disingenuous they are. then they called it "global warming" next "climate change" WHICH IS A TAUTOLOGY YOU IGNORANT PIECE OF SHIT.

but no im scientifically illiterate because of how i voted. sure.

proof he's not faggot?
>you got none
cry more nigger.
trump is going down for fake condo deals to russian mobsters. go cry in your fookin maga jammies.


>maga jammies

dont you tease me pedophile democrat!!!! there's no such thing!!! *covetous amazon search*

>How will you react IF there is concrete evidence
There is evidence and Mueller is going to JAIL for it

>condo deals to russian mobsters
You do know he cant be impeached for shit he did before he was a president right?

he works for clinton. next year is going to be a red wave

>trump is going down

Hhhhmmmm, it feels like I've heard that before. Keep crying, snowflake.

doesn't fucking matter to me because I voted AGAINST HRC not FOR DJT.

They can all suck my balls.

He might get fired like the last guy but probably not jail time. This whole thing is gonna turn into 1 big blow job.

you seem upset

It will be interesting to say the least. But people who hate trump and his administration have their head up their ass if they think impeachment is possible for republitards

Thats why I encourage everyone I meet to look for and support POC in the democrat party. We need a liberal party in this county that reshapes the narrative of the left. White female democraps are the reason identity politics are a thing. I have yet to hear a radical argument from left POC. They can even use POC activists as useful idiots. No one seems to realize that this neo-marxist bs is coming from rich white females who want to power grab the federal government and shut out men. But ask any POC about their leadership and the message is pretty clear, they want a free and just society.

Its because POC know that neo-marxist bs will end their identities too. They don't see "allyship" as a way forward because white people are fucking nuts. Even when they are moderate, they go crazy like Bernie.

I say we kick out Perez, get an actually black american back as DNC chair and fix the party first before we focus on 2020. We need real change not chump change from the privileged rich.

>You do know he cant be impeached for shit he did before he was a president right?
That doesn't mean he can't be INVESTIGATED for shit he did before he was elected.

Depends on how "Concrete" it is.

Every other day CNN is publishing "Concrete" evidence.

I honestly wouldnt be suprised either. Russia and the USA need better relations.

>Implying that Sup Forums will actually choose to objectively believe hard evidence that goes against their narrative
>Implying that Sup Forums doesn't have cognitive dissonance and will apply that to anything that disagrees with their narrative
>Implying that Sup Forums can be objective, impartial and non partisan about facts that disagree with their presupposed conclusions

I really don't think there was any major collusion with the Russians - at least not to the point where it's a crime. Nor do I think that every single person on Sup Forums is as described above. Yet I do think that 75% of the people on here will try to initiate major mental gymnastics to justify anything wrong, if it's their own side doing it(Moore is a recent example). Just like the mental gymnastics the left went through justifying Hillary's bullshit.

>in all fields
kys faggot

proof moore did anything shill?

>That doesn't mean he can't be INVESTIGATED f


Collusion to do what?
>Dig up dirt on Hillary based on evidence that Russia could provide
Comfy as fuck, actually. Shows prudence as a resourceful and open minded leader.
>Rig an election to win it
Pissed as fuck, but also understand that Trump and his team would have done it with good intentions. So, in a way, like Comey felt about Clinton's extremely careless handling of classified material. "Disappointed, but nothing criminal, so meh".

See how that shit works, froggy?

>Knee jerk reaction is to call me a shill

Ffs dude, I'm not saying that Moore did anything 100%. In fact I'm pretty skeptical of the evidence too. That doesn't change the fact that if Moore was a Democrat running against /pol's/ preferred candidate, you guys wouldn't meme and scrutinize the living shit out of the Dem for being a pedophile. The fact that you call me a shill when I'm sitting at home drinking a Laker 6.5, about to go to the Beer Store, seriously illustrates that you can't filter out the bullshit that you read on here.

He didn't. But even if he had, it wouldn't matter, as "collusion" is not a crime. The dems and Hillary did exactly that and it was called, "opposition research".