What's your Anime Homo OTP?

What's your Anime Homo OTP?

Do fujo only ship gay couples or some of them also like straight and Yuri ones?

do yurifags ship homo male couples? no you retard

You posted them, OP.

>or some of them also like straight and Yuri ones?
I personally do but not everyone does and it's hard to tell how common it is because it's not discussed that often.

Ai is ai.

>tfw this is vintage homo now

What if I'm a straight guy who ships gay couples?


Fuck off, you attentionwhoring cancer.

Be careful... or I might BUY you.

I actually forgot this existed.

>do fujos like yuri
Some do, and some don't. Some hates any female character but these people tend to be teenagers who don't know any better.


No one fucking cares

Fuck off to /r9k/ or /soc/ if you want to talk about females.

Why would you redirect to /u/ of all boards?


He's most definitely a mad yurifag

Immersion therapy?

Because you're talking to a newfag fujoshit who wants to treat Sup Forums like her tumblr blog.

Says the attentionwhoring tumblrtard who wants to advertise her real life gender on Sup Forums.

Go show off your legbeard on your containment board

What part of "straight guy" indicates that I'm a girl?

Is it cheating if I prefer the manga version?

Petshop of Horrors was fun. Shame only a little got animated.

Hetro is fine too.

I mean look at the imagery here. Shimizu is Seki's boner.

This counts and I refuse to believe otherwise.

>not embracing Kashima's princely femininity
Fuck off. You don't deserve them.