Fuck off Tanya, the REAL MC has arrived
Youjo Senki thread
>Why don't we talk about what our first impression of the show was or how we came across it?
I first came across the series when a guy I know online sent me two of the manga pages, the one where she's thinking of being promoted to staff officer, with all the mini-tanyas around the border, and another where she's skipping down a corridor, stops to salute a guy, then keeps skipping
Reminder that Rerugen dies of diabetes
>literally Mary Sue
She's only a Mary Sue if you have a Sup Forumsack's understanding of morality and a jarhead's understanding of warfare. She is supposed to be a thoroughly disgusting person, in both lives.
Yup she is basically a anime protagonist if this is a normal anime. But we have the best MC ever.
Mary Sue is literally one of those overpowered weak to strong amazing growth potential retarded moralfag MC with plot armor you see in any other self wank novel, where she's good and she's on a revenge plot to destroy Tanya the evil is the antagonist and the bad empire that killed her family. Except this this story isn't actually about her and the people around her aren't one dimensional retards only there to increase the "MC"s importance commonly inserted into those retarded self wank stories so even her allies realizes that she's fucking retarded and starts disliking her.
Tanya is a villain, but she's still the protagonist. It's her story that we follow, and it's her story that drives the plot. The antagonist is Being X. Not every story has or needs a hero.
What i mean, Mary Sue's progression in the story is the basic Hero in a anime, while Tanya is the antagonist. I prefer Tanya over Mary any day.
no, they are talking about the CHARACTER Mary Sue, who is a literal Mary Sue, who fights against tanya, our main protagonist.
next episode discussion is going to be fucking confusing
Oh that skipping part, that shits adorable.
I think I'm already confused.
But i really hope that Mary is not a loli, because in the LN she is a Teen, slightly younger then Visha
On the side of the allied powers, who are fighting Imperial Not!Germany, there is a character, family name Sue, first name Mary. Her 'character' can roughly be described as adhering to an archetype known as a 'mary sue' which amongst other things involves being perfect, well liked, and obnoxiously moralizing to everyone they meet.
Our protagonist, fighting on the side of Imperial Not!Germany is Tanya, who is an awful, ambitious human being that really wants a rear-echelon position but keeps getting pushed to the front lines. All of her plans backfire, which prevents her from being categorized as adhering to the 'mary sue' archetype.
Anyone else besides me curious about the story behind this image in Volume 3?
Underrated post
Tanya get's gangbanged
>Los! Los! Los! [Full]
Such voice, such power!
I'm assuming this is our Mary Sue in Volume 7.
Bath house celebrating
Yup she does not want to go to the eastern front when she was helping partisans at notSweden
this can't be Tanya
hair too long
may I have some lewd?
I hate having to wait on the translations of that LN's which may take years to reach 7, welp time to study the language.
But anyways, I really hope they go as far as to make a Season 2 if this is doing popular, that's just what worries me because some studios almost never do sequels.
>jarhead's understanding of warfare
hey dude we marines are just being realistic here
And Lt Col Drake in the background. Very different from the anime version. He was the main guy at the observation post (which Tanya blew up) in ep 6.
>LN doing good
>Manga doing good (I guess?)
>For some reason the anime is doing too dam good
SS2 is possible
so who the girl?
That smile gives mixed signals.
>Mary Sue
she probably just wants to hug you.
This is Mary when she's older? Is there an older Tanya pic?
>Mary Sue
she is a little bit younger then Visha, was never a loli
I haven't fell in love with an anime this much since Spice and Wolf and that took Yen Presses ass forever to get to Volume 17 - but the series is now continuing again so they have more to do.
I mean this anime is so fucking ridiculous and stupidly different but in a way that makes you think "you know, this kind of combination makes no sense at all but I'm genuinely interested to see how it plays out" so now I'm just hook on the absurdity of it all.
I think that's where the author failed in hopes this wouldn't go far, sometimes even trope cliches can be interesting when done in a certain way.
I finally see the pattern
feel so dumb
Are you sure that's the smile of love and not psychotic?
But those hips. It's worth the risk.
/qa/ detected.
Stop being so tsundere already.
Of course. There's nothing psychotic about that smile.
She's a sociopath, not a psychopath.
I'm not an M but I really like Tanya's sadistic moments desu.
It looks like she's getting buttfucked. I genuinely thought this was a rape scene.
Oh my God I didn't see it like that till you said it, now I can't unsee it.
Thank you very much.
HNNNNNG those hips
I keep hearing about Mary Sue. What's her personality like?
Thanks, I'm blind as fuck.
>sneaks a mary sue into a fanart
>hfw Tanya
Kek that foreshadowing
so this Mary Sue at some point 1 v 1 Tanya and lost?
That explain the crying face picture up there
Got rekt hard and found out Tanya killed her dad and has being angry ever since
Nice vishas.
Yes. But she nearly kills Tanya the 2nd time around, only being stopped by friendly fire.
Angry buttsecks. But I thought this too actually and the follow up comments made it seem like she was bribing the officer.
Don't get my hopes up user, I've been hurt many times before.
>posting imageboard-adapted chain email messages
This must be Sonzai Ekkusu meddling again.
Would have wondered why she wasn't gangbang by her fellow colleagues by now. I would understand that they won't even dare to touch Tanya because it's pedo. Must be Visha's ugly frog face that they need a paper bag on her head before they want to fuck her
Don't believe everything you read on the internet
>implying never happen in the LN
they are german analogs not russians or americans
Unlike LN and Manga, anime Visha is ugly as sin. I would not be surprise that anime would retcon anime Visha getting fucked if it really did happened in LN or Manga
does lewd of these two even exists?
You sir have shit taste.
I can see vibres of junko in that mary
Is there plans for an official English LN ever?
Tanya only treats Visha as a coffee vending machine
>literally no curves
it's uglier
This is All Kek's Fault!
"muh curves"
spam Yen Press request for Youjo Senki
but I can see it happening
not now
but soon
There's literally nothing wrong with a sociopath who never actually hurts anyone. They can and do serve a utility in society. In a lot of ways, they're less dangerous than your average person as long as they don't get some batshit political ideology under their skin.
You have a teenager's understanding of the world, if you think there's something amoral about doing a job like that. That family man was understandably upset, but the thing is that he was a family man. He and the kids would've been better off, if he took a job that didn't follow him out of the work place so often.
That is, if he had handled the situation sensibly instead of committing first degree murder in front of dozens of people. Maybe the whole firing thing was less about sociopath than it was about him literally racking disciprine.
Anything in the second life is kinda understandable too. A sociopath who's now scared to fucking hell of dying again in a world that's even more senselessly violent than the last. Fuck, he's probably not even sure any of the shit is real. The whole thing might just be God fucking with him, since God apparently hates this sociopath in particular.
Why do I get the feeling that we'll get lots of Mary Sue sympathizers after episode 7?
Is the church in the Empire Catholic or Protestant?
For now we should just enjoy the fan translations I guess and pray to Being X that Yen press doesn't fuck up and actually gets them out fairly quickly.
I need more Tanya. :(
In manga seems to be Catholics
Has Yen Press actually taken any action towards licensing and translating it yet, or is it just assumed that they will?
Maybe the anime will make her really unlikable.
>seeing how the fan translation still going
we are assuming user
How the fuck is Mary more powerful than Tanya
Sonzai X.
Just the manga is all I know.
>CZ asked fujoshit chara designer to make Tanya 'ugly' and unwaifuable
>still gets massively waifu'd and lewded
>Make Mary Sue beautiful and attractive
>no one cares
Because Mary is literally a mary sue but Tanya always outsmarts her in and rekts her in the end.
I wonder if we're ever going to have a Team Tanya v. Team Marry in the community. Then there will be those in betweeners cursing Sonzai X.
first we have to see how this Mary Sue turn out in the anime/manga
If she can do some badass stuff then maybe
Team Ambition vs team Benevolence? Now where have I heard hat before....
[Spoiler]Dian Wei/Vishal doujinshi when? [/Spoiler]
Can't wait until Mary cucks Tanya by taking her coffee maker in full view of all her comrades like so
The actual fuck am I looking at?
Mary sold her soul to Being X to be more OP than Tanya in WN
But in selling her soul, she gave up everything that makes her a Mary Sue archetype including her plot armor and her passive ability to be 'liked by everyone' which is why Mary died in her final confrontation vs Tanya the way she did.
I'll get you guys your ludes, just hold on.
huge spoiler there user
But since I don't take WN as canon~
Here, I put the ones I know that exist into this: imgur.com
Saber pulling a Lancelot