Toshinou Kyouko!
Toshinou Kyouko!
Nope, just a tomato.
She's not here at the moment, please leave a message.
Which one would you turn to the dick side?
kyoko and ayano together will be better for my dick in the long run and i would take immense pleasure in cucking chinatsu
Don't you think Chinatsu is unstable enough? Seeing her "prince" take a dick would completely mindbreak her.
>completely mindbreak her.
This kills the Chinatsu
While we're NTRing yurus, how would Sakurako react if she found out Himawari really was doing enjo kousai like those polls say?
The lack of caps lock in your post is amusing.
Sakurako is not noted for her keen intellect. If she saw Himawari going into a hotel with some ojisan, would she even understand what she was looking at?
That's not how it works
Not how what works?
I'm saying HIma wouldn't go into a hotel with some ojisan because she's devoted to Saku
If Akane found the photo, who was the one that took it?
>implying Akane isn't secretly an NSA agent who constantly surveils the house
>no sound in Sup Forums
for WHAT FUCKING PURPOSE, hiroshimoot
There are reasons we can't have nice things.
Man, I miss that show.