Pewdiepie Star Wars Movie Review

The review we have all been waiting for:



>the most jewish movie in years was amazing

>Pewdiepie said he hates social justice
Bump for escalating

>Got kicked off Disney
>Now shits on Disney.
I didn't see that one coming.

literally who?


Yes but I am white


We all mix down here, Augustino...

Yes, you are white... 56% white, to be precise

>literally who?

/ourguy/ with 58 million subs on Youtube.

>pokes fun at movie bob

>two males arrested for dancing without females permission

lol he's an active polack, we were discussing all that shit he's talking about in the past two days.

his videos are deffo diffrent now, my little cousin sent me this link on WhatsApp after watching the movie with his friends. This guy is doing good and redpilling more normie kids than i ever could.

>be Chile
>be 0% white

wow he really said he hates social justice and forced diversity in movies, he gon get raped by tumblr and twitter sjw

Well ya. Why would you be able to redpoll thousands to millions of normie youngins?

>I've seen some people deflecting saying 'OK if you don't like Star Wars, that means you hate social justice'
>Yes, that's true. I do.
the madman

>its Czech
>American education
>99% white

This doesn't belong on Sup Forums but I always bump threads about our Fuhrer.

Pewdiepie is as much /ourguy/ as Trump. Meaning they canĀ“t show their full power level

Well it does tackle some political issues with movies today

true there


Fair enough.

Through the whole video he exposes ways the movie goes out of its way to further the (((agenda))) , while calling them misplaced 'jokes', he even says it is to 'further the __ story' [agenda]

>I hate diversity

wew lads. What did he mean by this???

He is literally coming out in this video.
>Some people say okay if you didn't like Star Wars you hate Social Justice
>Yes I do.
>"I hate forced diverse casting".
Absolutely based.

>I hate *forced diversity

But pretty much anyone who isn't full blown SJW hates those things.

Those words wouldn't come out from any other youtuber's mouth. Even Sup Forums's favorite friend simulator redditlettermedia is mocking people who are sick of Rey the Mary Sue in their newest review.

Does it count if all my grandparents are Czech and english

>Seeing them (Finn and Rose) kiss in the end was like watching someone kiss their sister, it was disgusting
Holy shit Sup Forums's reddit brigade is going to have a go at him.

Haha the Chile can speak English

"Star Wars is different from any other movies to me (mainly cause i'm a huge fanboy). But it is a lot to take in when you watch the last jedi.
Felix.. I like you but you are just a casual viewer when it comes to Star Wars so i must defend it.
A second viewing makes a big difference for big Star Wars fans when it is so different from what we have seen before in the franchise..
Pls dont ever make another Star Wars video :)"
the state of youtube comments


I remember that club from my student days. What's Newcastle like these days lads


I imagine he has watched this kraut debacle and will act in a post skeptic manner. I feel it was an important event in the ever changing conversation of race realism

>JonTron and Pewdiepie known for their comments against racialism.

Why are famous gaming YouTubers unironically redpilled?

*for racialism

>Finn and chubby chink kissing disgusted him.
What did Felix mean by this?

>I hate forced diversity
This triggers the average Sup Forums tourist.

That webm. basically sums it up except more coke and trebles. Lovely to wander around at Christmastime!