>go to the bathroom
>those 2 are blocking your path
What do?
>go to the bathroom
>those 2 are blocking your path
What do?
rape the maids
*whips dick out*
>yo i gotta take a fat shit doe
>occupies your bath
Wait 2 seconds till they start insulting each other then walk past.
fuck rin, then fuck luvia, then fuck rin again with luvia
*unzips dick*
tell them to fuck off, im about to shit my pants and im not going to speak to ugly whores
Why would you shit in a bath?
Rape them violently from behind while slapping their asses and watching their butt fat jiggle.
They are strangely cooperative at insulting you this time.
kill them both.
they can't tempt me, for I already have best girl.
>inb4 shit taste
>inb4 dumb worm poster
>inb4 she is slut
Cut their lines
Dumb wormposter with shit taste in sluts.
call old men to get rid of the flatty
It's mindblowing that girls can just exist naked around eachother
>calls Archer
>barren womb
Freak out because they have no nipples.
>showing nipples on christian imageboard for little girls
Let's not get on the degenerate side.
I really like sakura.
My usual taste is for girls with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a flat chest, but I just can't not like her.
I normally am not into the whole best girl/waifu thing, but as soon as I saw sakura for the first time, I instantly had thought of her as waifu.
Even after seeing all the shit she did I still like her, and you can't stop me even if the majority of Sup Forums says she is shit.
Don't worry user, you are free to love her if you want. She's still shit and is a wormslut though.
>kids are little shits
what's your point, user?
also good job on actually trying to say something other than "but she is shit" or "but she is a worm bag" or "but she is a loose slut"
I know she is a wormslut, but she will always be best girl for me.
>this is an anime for kids
>hasn't read the manga
Caren best girl.
is it actually barren?
i don't know
didn't it say they just removed a placenta?
yes it was to harness the magic or something because sex/sex organs = magic fuel
>sex/sex organs = magic fuel
what retard wrote this nonsense? are you saying if i had lost my virginity before 30 i would have been a wizard? why did i wait....
probably pop a huge boner and try to hide it
it's because it was originally an eroge
what I don't understand is how virgins like Shirou and Rin can use magic since they have said that sex = magic
Well, I guess it's time to turn on my Mana Transfer Device, if you get my catch
I don't.
Don't worry, you'll catch it, between your hips, if you know what i mean
well I guess either you're lying or you're a filthy secondary
if it's the first then this is all i have to say (pic related)
Find the two better girls.
They're my wives so I go inside with them.
Get the fuck out of the way I needa take a shit
Quality thread.
When a loli dominates the butch.
How acrobatic you need to be to catch something with your hips??!
I still don't get it.
>his toilet in his bathroom
How degenerate.
ask one of them to pull my finger
Post more Rin
>you will never breed Luvia's titpussy
It's true that it's a little difficult for the inexperienced, so just relax and let me do the swing if you get my line
Luvia a shit.
No way, fag.
im normally not a feet fanboy but ishtar makes me think otherwise.
Has TYPE-MOON explained how drill hair physics work?
Pick them up as if they way nothing without missing a step.
Make them both hold my massive cock and aim it for the toilet.
Put an out of order sign on the door then spend the rest of the day raping/tenderly loving them till they can barely remember their names or how to walk properly.
Reminder that Ishtarin was bought out with gems.
Pictured: Ishtarin and her pimp.
Can you use Rin's anus as a toilet though?
I've seen it once in a doujin and now I feel very kinky about the idea of peeing inside of a girl's anus.
>gilgamesh got to bang both saber and rin
woah he's almost on the same level as shirou
Are you implying sticking your dick in worms is supposed to be commendable?
I'd get in with her. Worth a try.
Ask about her non-existing nipples.
>those long legs
This is what she'd look like standing up
Midget please
I subscribe to the belief that in all timelines in which Rin does not win the Shiroubowl, she becomes lesbians with Luvia
I luv Luvia
Please move.
As expected from best boy
She ends up marrying some random dude in HF if Shirou dies.
>Luvia's tits wider than her body figure
Squat down and do my business right in my trusty diaper.
Gotta be vigilant and press forward. If they're not gonna move, it's their fault, not yours.
I'm getting some old war flashbacks here.
>literally the goddess of fertility
>literally adopted to become a heir
Your meme makes no sense.
"Excuse me ladies but I need to take a massive shit"
>"Excuse me ladies but I need to take a massive shit"
Who the fuck shits in his bathroom?
Shit inside a bottle while ladies are busy taking the bath.
>Shit inside a bottle
What if it's too big, or messy?
Why are there literally no good Luvia doujins? It's fucking unfair.
Luvia is garbage and she can only parasite on Rin's glory.
Without Rin she's fucking nothing.
As much as I like Rin there's two things Luvia has that she doesn't.
Rin is perfection.
Someone call an exorcist! Please get that spirit out of best girl!
>Someone call an exorcist! Please get that spirit out of best girl!
Exorcist failed and now you have 2 (two) Rins possessed by old goddesses
It's just Rin pretending so she can get away with being a whore.
>someone jabbed printscreen 32 times just to get some lewdvia
Rin a pure
Fuck Rin, let the other one get in the bath and watch.
watch what
Jesus christ, I love her. She's perfect.
>better body
>better hairstyle
>better fighting moves
>better finances
that's at least 4
I can't stand someone who can't just own up to their own feelings and thoughts. Trying to be in a relationship with someone who wishes they didn't love you is going to be pure hell.
>can't slap the tsun out of tsundere with your dick and tame her
What are you, a beta cuck?
I want to have sex with Rin ontop of Luvia while fully neglecting and ignoring Luvia almost as if she wasn't even there.
Question why they'd decide to fuck in my bathroom.
We'll. I'm over 30 so I guess I qualify as an Old Man so I know what to do with the black haired girl.