Pic Related
WTF Did I Just Read?
something bittersweet
A metaphorical vomit of disgust
It's a small picture but is this either onani master or molester man?
>Pic Related
>no one has called OP out on this
>cant read kana
No I don't read moon. Am I right or does anyone here know what OP actually read?
You know what nevermind. I just searched the image. It was Onani Master. I knew I recognized the chick.
Death Note parody that evolved into a bittersweet romance story.
ive sorta skimmed/read up to ch 12. kinda lame so far, just a weird guy jerking off to mental fantasies.
I really fucking liked this manga. Like holy shit were there many times that this could've gone wrong from a storytelling perspective. But no. It was all executed well.
It's worth finishing if you like romance and such.
OH uhhh. Yea, it's real weird isn't it hahaha
What the fuck is your problem, you faggot?
I'm kind of annoyed squirrel girl didn't a got a sort of happy ending and the rest of her school life was shit
It just feels so real.
The life of a man who came buckets.
Have you read molster man yet? If not, then read it now.
Worst ending ever. He ends up choosing the bullying bitch.
reading it right now, weird but it's pretty gud
Squirrel pls
i disagree
You already know! Molester Man was the first. Can't say which one I like better. Characterization is done really fuckin well in Kurosawa, despite the story being balls to the walls (no pun intended).
I agree
>freind took waifu crush
>choosing worst girl
What's wrong? Can't handle a bitch with a soft side?
Typical reddit opinion.
OMK is more funny
MM has cuter girls and better romance
Molester Man did create one of my favorite memes though.
Poorly made normalfag propaganda.
It's not exactly happy, the actual ending was about getting her on a road to a happy end. We just, unfortunately, never get to see it.
10 years later and she's still confirmed sad and alone by the mangaka himself.
user, that was a joke about how she's an eternal loli.
It's disrespectful.
>Chooses best girl
It's something good for once.
You need to go back, Reddit
What does that even mean?
>implying Sugawa is best girl
Typical reddit opinion.
What? A Reddit opinion would be that Squirrel was the best girl.
A typical Sup Forums opinion is that Magistel was best.
Dumb anonposter.
>calling good taste "reddit opinion" to discredit it
That's not how it works here, son
its pretty good
>implying sugawa is not the best girl
off yourself
Where do I find the rest of these?
>big theme of the manga is redemption
>why does he get together with the girl that was a bully in school??? REEEEEE
>but reddit!
Is this Sup Forums?
Mc and Sugawa had great chemistry, they make a nice couple.
Bullying the bullying bitch with your dick is always the best choice
The only rigth answer
One thing I didn't get that I did autistic shit in school, apologized profusely and not a single one of my classmates talks to me now. How did Sugawa just stop caring about what he did and even become attracted to him?
Its easy. Girls like sugawa doesnt exist in our world.
Damn, is the wrestling game is corny as that or is it just hi def graphics, complimentary rpg mechanics and absolutely nothing else?
*the wrestling game
the new wrestling game still
I dont get it.
They make it seem like the megane konata would be one of the main heroine, she ended up just having a small role.
you cant just post 1 pic like this
Just finished this because of this thread. I forgot how good this was.