Other than the Dark Masters jobbing, what do you think will happen in tomorrow's movie
I honestly don't fucking know anymore. 3rd movie was a bit of a disappointment. Hopefully, this'll pick things up (possibly with better animation).
Crazy shenagins with the Sith Jedi
I thought it was next week.
No, tomorrow.
I want Digimon Jesus to show up.
And maybe Cody too.
Oh boy here we go
The Clown is so fucked if he gets out of that portal.
I can't wait.
Hououmon is my Mega Designs.
A fucking Phoenix is going to purify the shit out of Puppetmon and he will like it.
And let's get this started
Guarantee you they'll tease both sides, and then go straight into fujo pandering.
I'm still convinced Sora is the beard and Taichi is sleeping with Matt is the second bedroom.
Yui's wife- Ishihara Kaori~desu will be playing Bakumon
I'd like that
Be nice to see pata not job for once.
Do you even know the track record of a Seraphimon?
Didn't he fail miserably in Digimon Sentai: Toqger?
That feel when now binging on gay YuiKaori because I can't stop fantasing about how these two should just fuck already.
I've only watched aventures and tamers, and not the movies. Didn't patamon and takeru job for all of 02? He went from being the ace in the hole to being worf.
02 nerfed Taichi and the other's Digimon but Angemon is only useful aginst dark and evil Digimon.
That was bullshit because the towers and fake digimon were made of dark ocean stuff.
I just want to see takeru and hikari deus vault together.
I always thought that this was a stupid thing to bring up at the second to last episode, so I want to see what's up now.
I mean after all that bullshit you can tell they nurfed them mainly from episode 43.
>Read cast interviews
>They're all invested in the love triangle and cite the scene between the three as something to look forward to.
What are they doing? Are they actually going to change the epilogue? Everyone figured Meiko and Taichi would be a thing when she was revealed but they don't even interact.
whats that bottom left keychain? the girl?
The ending is inevitable.
>and then go straight into fujo pandering
Child Himekawa and her partner.
>Himekawa has a Digimon
>And it's Bakumon
I want a Ishihara Kaori~desu Bakumon as my partner now. When I digivolve it into a Skullmammothmon, I will play 'Our Steady Boy' at full blast as it crushes viruses underneath it's feet.
Why is Tri so shit?
I don't think there was really a better way to roll back the clock/make the og digital world relevant again.
The corrupt digimon battle could have been handled better but it was an improvement over the first movie.
>Everyone figured Meiko and Taichi would be a thing when she was revealed but they don't even interact
Implying it's an issue.
This is actually pushing romance though. Adventure 02 didn't.
Filler, filler, more filler, not enough focus on Digimon-Human Relationships.
Let's just hope it doesn't job again. It's had a pretty straight record of losses so far.
Though you also kind of have to remember that as long as Omegamon and Alphamon exist, it's doomed to play second fiddle at best. Holy Knights are cheaters.
>What do you think will happen in tomorrow's movie
Or Jesmon dies for our sins giving his Archangel of Vengeance- Seraphimon the power to wipe out the darkness.
Oh tonight should be fun.
I'm just hyped for Keep On.
>Are they actually going to change the epilogue?
It's confirmed that they won't change anything.
What is with you people throwing the word giller around like it's nothing?
What time are the subs coming out?
What if Piedmon lures Seraphimon or one of the knights, and throws them the handkerchief?
That was OP as fuck
In 2 hours
I agree, but I like Piedmon's fight better.
Do you have a source on that? because hikari ntring takeru was a major sore spot from my childhood.
I don't want to give sauce to a takari shitter.
Do you think they can actually save Sora?
Is it even possible?
What would need to happen?
What do you mean?
I think it's more up in the air than that, yes EARLY interviews claimed that they were going to lead up to the 02 epilogue but thus far there hasn't been a move to it.
I think it really does depend on how well that 02 boxset and merchandise sold.
I think that user, means that over the years people have begun to either dislike or simply become apathetic towards Sora to the point where she's actually the least popular Adventure character.
It's true.
It's not like Toei has never backpeddled on something like this before.
Remember when this was NOT supposed to continue on from Transormers Super-Link? That didn't last.
Yeah Sora is proof that simply just pairing up a less liked character with the most popular character in a series won't result in that character's popularity increasing.
Why are Mimi and Joe the only ones who had some decent arcs in Adventure Tri?
I just want to see Victorygreymon and Zeedgarurumon. Is that too much to ask for. Toei please don't fuck this up
That's not quite fair to say, given that Koushirou is already best and they can't really do much to make him better
I just care more about those two, and Koushiro more than Sora, Tai, Yamato, and Takeru.
Because they're the least-weighed down by drama
They're the most superfluous characters of the cast and have less connections to the other characters, therefore easier to write.
That's why they should be paired up together.
While that would make sense, from my understanding it's not happening.
The impression I had was Koushiro and Mimi being a thing was a fanon thing up until Tri happened?
>The impression I had was Koushiro and Mimi being a thing was a fanon thing up until Tri happened?
Same to me, I was sure Mimi and Joe were hinted to be couple but now I don't know.
None of the cast seem hard to write. It feels more like more drama is being added onto Sora, Tai, and Yamato to cater to the fans with mixed results.
>spic subs are out
Fucking americanos
I think that Yamato and Taichi are fine on their own, it's when you add Sora in there that I find myself not caring. I'd rather watch an episode of Yamato and Taichi being thirsty for one another than watch them with Sora.
And I don't even ship Yamato and Taichi.
Link pot favor???
>And maybe Cody too.
>wanting Iori back
>wanting any of 02 back
There ya go. But it's in gringo.
it seems Puyasubs have released the episodes, now just need to wait for the english subs version
Fact: Dukemon is the greatest digimon, anything else is complete visceral garbage
Okay Sup Forums
Sora with Tai or Yamato. No why, just the answer.
Hard mode: no "neither" or "each other"
Yamato just to fucking shut everyone up and establish that outside of OWG, which was only due to the director doing his own thing, that Sora X Taichi is pure fanwank.
Best answer is Yamato and Taichi are better off with each other.
>Hard mode: no "neither" or "each other"
But if she really must end up with one of them it should be Taichi.
Canon =/= Good
I'm gonna go with Tai, because at least it makes sense.
Yamato and Sora were a product to the director of Adventure doing his own thing too. He literally only chose to pair them up together because he thought that Main GirlxMain Guy pairings were too common.
That being said Sora actually has the least interactions with Yamato, and none of them are romantic.
Yamato. Status quo shall be preserved AT ANY COST.
Taichi can fuck off himself with shitty megane or nameless manager-san or a last minute love interest or turning him into a wizard and making babies via cloning.
Pffffffttttt. Sorato was planned since preproduction.
The 02 kids getting cucked as usual.
Probably weren't acknowledged again right?
Gennai is quite rapey, isn't he?
>Status quo shall be preserved AT ANY COST.
Why? The status quo is hot garbage.
Face it. It will be a last minute girl introduced in the 5th or 6th OVA. Said girl will die when giving birth. Thus, Taichi will remain widow and single forever.
>Canon =/= Good
I don't care, neither pairing had any real ground to stand on but Kakudo is autistic and he thought he set all the ground work for Yamato X Sora even though no one thought that. Both pairings have no grounds to stand on logically but yamato X Sora actually happened.
>Yamato and Sora were a product to the director of Adventure doing his own thing too. He literally only chose to pair them up together because he thought that Main GirlxMain Guy pairings were too common.
He's still the one who was largely in control of adventure, too much so for 02, and be decided that Yamato X Sora is canon.
>That being said Sora actually has the least interactions with Yamato, and none of them are romantic.
There's no romance between any of them in Adventure. They are fucking 11 years old. All shipping involved with adventure was strictly headcanon.
Yeah by solely by the director of Adventure who also decided to not tell anyone about it. So most of the staff didn't know, and therefore didn't have them interact. He wanted to keep it a secrect even from even his colleagues, and the head writer thought that his whole idea was stupid.
The director literally had multiple chances to increase Yamato and Sora interactions with one another but he keeps deciding against it because he honestly believes that just declaring two characters are a couple is enough to make them believable together.
Also no surprise he's never directed a romance before.
>There's no romance between any of them in Adventure. They are fucking 11 years old. All shipping involved with adventure was strictly headcanon.
You can't just pair together people who have had little to no interactions with each other, that's incredibly bad writing.
It's called "show don't tell", it's a basic fundamental of writing.
>YFW every VA was blindsided by Yamato/Sora
They we're all expecting Tai/Sora haha
New movie doesn't have any shipping shit, good sibling closeness though.
Yes and they had them interact and develop who they were. They didn't do it through romance. Nothing you said contradicts what I said that people who ship anything in Adventure, outside of maybe Tailmon and Wizarmon, are basing it off literally nothing.
The Director (Kakudou), the Series' headwriter (Nishizono) and the Producer (Hiromi Seki) decided that.
I love this.