Well we have our drama now
Other urls found in this thread:
Tomboys are for
Getting in fights with her
Playing sports with her
Watching kung-fu movies with her and trying to copy the moves
Teasing her and laughing when she gets mad and pouts
Letting her pin you so you can feel her body pressed against yours
Flipping her back over so that you can stare into each other's eyes
Protecting her from bullies even though you know she can handle herself
Walking home with her at sunset after a long day of running around and getting into trouble
Cheering her on and always supporting her, win or lose
Throwing her a victory barbeque where you make all her favorite foods
Massaging her legs, shoulders, and back
Holding her close and telling her you love her
Reassuring her that she is the most beautiful girl in the world when she gets jealous of the more feminine girls
Accepting all of her girlish sensibilities, no matter how much she hates you finding out about them
Patting her head
Getting caught in the rain during a cross country run and having to huddle together with her under an abandoned bus stop waiting for it to pass
Holding her hand in public
Making her try on cute dresses when you're out on a date even though you know she'll never buy one
Buying her sexy black lace lingerie, only for her to wear spats over them
Tracing your finger over the tanlines she got during the summer and feeling how warm her skin is
Having her jump into your arms and kiss you after spending time apart over vacation
Introducing her to your parents
Carrying her over the threshold of your new home to start a life together while she punches you in the shoulder and pouts that she can walk just fine herself
Gently laying her down on the bed
Whispering into her ear how much she means to you while caressing her toned body
Spending an entire night making passionate love to each other
Raising a new generation of tomboys with
Loving unconditionally as you grow old together
These are the things that tomboys are for
How did Tomo manage to pull a cotton?
Ha, the clasick deliquent scene.
Ihope they start to hold hand to prevent this from happening again.
NTR incoming.
Fucking gaijin better not mess with my tomboy.
>There you are!
>*grabs arm*
>Where were you?
Tomo about to get whited.
Title: This one gets lost too
Panel 1
Jun: (Just as I thought...I can't calm down.)
Panel 2
Jun: (When I'm by Tomo's side...she's not here!)
Panel 3
Tomo: Hey, Jun, look! These candy sculptures are so cool!
Panel 4
Tomo: Who the hell are you guys?
Guy: Uh...I should be asking you.
So, who is going to put the beat down this time? Tomo or Jun?
I think they'll only look for eachothers and miss the fireworks.
No fights.
i'm bored.
They seem like perfectly innocent dudes. They look more puzzled than anything. Plus they don't even look like teenage delinquents, they look like they're in their 30s, too grown up to make a move on Tomo.
Maybe they'll give her advice on how to capture Jun's heart and send her on her way
>Meme filename with tumblr or something
That'd be great.
It ain't happening.
The guy on the right with the longer hair especially looks like he runs a child racketeering operation.
>When I'm next to Tomo...
It's pretty funny. Thanks
They're nice guys. goddamnit!
You fucked up.
ShindoL incoming.
>>When I'm next to Tomo...
Not a very exploitable page today... It is funny though.
I'm pretty sure its innocent. Not chapter we skip back to Carol and Company. Carol will do something to make Misuzu comment as Senpai reassures her Carol is a good girl.There are no brakes on this crazy cotton candy train.
Don't delude yourself, they're clearly fucking scared of her.
As it turns out, the true villain was Jun's fucking asbergers
Maybe they should hold hands, next time...
Next chapter? Maybe?
I'm expecting Jun to yell at her for disappearing and how he was worried, he's gonna grab her hand mad as fuck. And Tomo is going to be having an a thousand page inner monologue about how she's wetter than Niagara
Enough of these filler chapters, get back to Cotton Candy already.
It seems like Carol's ridiculously circuitious plan is halfway to fruitiation
Probably, but that would still be really cute
>No edit about fucking like rabbits
>All these faggots going "NTR NTR NTR"
Remember last time with Chad-kun?
There isn't going to be any NTR
Dropout fucking sucks. When will the >tumblr blog come back?
It's called Tomo-chan is a girl; not Carol is an airhead.
What is tha movie from anyway?
That way someone can update it to make it higher resolution and quality
All Tomo had to do was follow the damn Jun, CJ
[SPRAY] time?
Never, they're dead. You may as well never come back.
>NTRfags showing up the instant another guy is shown
You know nothing is going to happen yet you love to shitpost like no tomorrow
>You know nothing is going to happen
We all know she'll fall in love with the cock by Sunday
They're desperate for anything that appeals to they're diseased mind.
>blushing like that
It's more likely Tomo will [SPRAY] them instead.
God, that nose is ugly as sin.
Are people blind or some shit? The dude's look chill, she was the one who butted in. If anything i think the next chapter will be each other looking for one another and she'll have left their side already.
Is everybody not in the main cast in this world a delinquent?
What, so we can have endless posts about Misuzu being a lesbian but we can't talk about Jun getting NTR'd?
>I'm just scared because it can actually happen to me
That's just called cheating. And if you're not a pussy, cheating resolves in a broken nose or two and their ass out on the street.
>you love to shitpost like no tomorrow
Why did you ask if you knew the answer?
How long until she takes him somewhere quiet and fucks him?
Because other men being drawn is directly netoraring the page/panel occupancy ratio from the male lead. Dumbass.
>broken nose or two
Yeah, have fun with the court process due to the people suing you for violence.
Have fun trying to find a dead body that's been fed to pigs. They can't arrest you if there's no body.
Crime of passion.
oh shit son is that casey neistat on the last panel??
Boring. Not even the least bit exciting.
Arent the random blushing guys looking a little too reluctant?
They should be ready to pounce especially if its Tomo right?
Prepare for Super Jun to smash some niggas
lmao I guess it was high time for the [S P R A Y] gang to appear
That happened in this one gookshit recently. The old gook was fucking the main gook's crush in earshot, and taunting the main gook during, so the main gook smashed up his car.
Well old gook doesn't take that shit. Pulls up his pants and has him arrested and charged.
>That's just called cheating
All NTR is cheating but not all cheating is NTR
Since when did Michlan become a lawyer?
Get this gookshit out of here, faggot.
Worse fucking cultural claiming shit since Argentina pretended to own the Falkland Islands.
Depends on what circumstances it happens i'd guess. Unless you caught them red handed, then you can probably bullshit your way out of it.
are you uploading these anywhere?
your versions are infinitely superior
No you can't. Your wife could be fucking someone at the breakfast table and you can't assault either one of them. It's not the 16th century/Saudi Arabi.
I wonder what threads would be like if Fumita ever pulled a THE HEART on us.
Taiwanese manhau is good tho
might i know the name?, even if it's shit i need to know how that came to happen
My TL would probably do a backflip in happiness.
So really
This seems like the exact kind of thing that Fumita likes to do. Make a scenario that doesn't require cliche but still forces action. I really am expecting either handholding or arm grabbing.
Tissue thieves
>Random stranger in your house
>Raping your wife
>Implying you wouldn't beat the fuck out of him and call the cops to catch the rapist
>And then divorce the fuck out of her because you know she's a cheating whore
Nah, you're reading to much shoujo. Jun will probably just release his ki in their general direction to scare them off.
pirata touch from here
las malvinas y las tomo-chan son argentinas
Why does he have to scare them off? She'll probably just run off looking for Jun on her own and the dudes will not get any more focus.
Except he's not a rapist just because his dick is inside her. You don't get to make that distinction. Now if she was like "oh lordy I'm being raped", or if you hit him and she was like "thanks bruh for saving me from that rapist", then you may have a leg to stand on legally.
>implying you can't sexually assault them there
>implying you're not allowed to make your wife ahego infront of the man
>implying you can't stare into the man's scared eyes as you demonstrate your sexual prowess
This isn't even counting how destroyed his anus will be by the end.
And then tomo got raped.
The end.
Pic related. All he has to do to scare off literally everyone except senpai because Tomo protects him like a little brother
alright now i know, why do fucking koreans like ntr? so fucked up.
Yes you can, you stupid man. Self defense is not limited to life, and not limited to yourself. We copid this from US law itself.
In fact, we added out own law that says IF YOU CATCH YOUR WIFE HAVING SEX WITH ANOTHER MAN, you can literally KILL THEM and it would be legal. In fact, the law even protect you after you do it.
Because they look vaguely rapey?
>vaguely rapey
>at a festival
>in a group
>without girls
>without hapi
>without prizes
Yeah, they're definitely the "pack of wild festival rapists" plot device.
Michlan youre beyond retarded.
>Except he's not
You don't know that. All you know is that some stranger is in your house YOUR PROPERTY and abusing your spouse. That's already enough for you to get off on a passion crime and get MAYBE a fine.
This layout is worse than having censored genitals.
Why are you so mad you can't prove me wrong?
At least WE have anti-NTR laws, unlike stupid murrica.
Jun lucky this not a h manga or it'd be gg here
I know for a fact you can't in the US. Marriage doesn't mean shit.lmgtfy.com
>implying you have sexual prowess and aren't a 400lb virgin
So if you discover your redhead tomboy wife fucking another woman, is it okay or only men?
>IF YOU CATCH YOUR WIFE HAVING SEX WITH ANOTHER MAN, you can literally KILL THEM and it would be legal
Not technically true in 100% of all cases, but it is a valid defense and has been used successfully in a number of cases