Will there ever be an anime about a cute girl dealing with pregnancy in high school?
Will there ever be an anime about a cute girl dealing with pregnancy in high school?
why not an anime about cute moms to be doing cute pregnant things?
>teenage pregnancy
nips arent that stupid son
because isn't set in some 3rd world shitholes like latam
girls cannot be cute if they have ever had sex
this is a fact
Bitter Virgin anime when?
If girls can't afford the time to get pregnant and raise a child during their career, the only logical option is to do it before they get a job.
I think your mother is very cute, user!! You should, too!!!
I recognize that doujinshi
>pregnancy tag on sad panda
>last page only and wasn't even the focus
why is this allowed?
I require pregnant schoolgirl SOL doujins.
What tag may I find them at?
Manga or anime? There's a couple manga that focus on this but it isn't too happy.
I want to get knocked up like the cute girl.
>tags: pregnant, netorare
What is the name of this, I need to know
>tags: pregnant, netorare
Eh, Japanese public schools are pretty 3rd worldish let me tell you, only that you never see those kind of schools in anime. Just a fun fact, not arguing with anyone here.
Are you sure? It's not what you think
That a boy if anone is wondering who want to become pregnant by his sister because she have bigger dick than him
Is the other girl the father?
They're brother and sister. The sister became a futa and impregnated her feninized brother
It's for science, just need the name
Google even worked on the thumbnail.
>impregnated her feninized brother
What did he mean by this
I'm unfamiliar with netorare. What is that?
Wait what?
This isn't what I expected to read.
Boys can get pregnant!?
The brother has a uterus in his and gradually became more effeminate as he became addicted to his sister's cock
Cucking, newfriend.
this isn't even pregnancy. it's cum inflation
>you will never exprience how it is to be filled full of cum
Why live?
Even better
its preg at the end. it's even in the name
I'll cum inside you, user.
Anyone already mentioned "akkan baby"?
>I still believe Japan is like it's portrayed in muh girly cartoons.
Is it time?
where is the slut shaming?
Reminder that Abdominal Pregnancy is real thing.
nips are barely managing to get adult pregnant
Oh THAT one...
cum inflation is the only acceptable form of inflation
You guys.
It's pregnancy.
It's a doujin so ain't got to explain shit, but he became addicted to dick, got feminine, and got impregnated.
Makes as much sense to have a guy with a uterus as it does to have girls with dicks and endless supply of cum.
Been reading some Korean webcomic called Teen Mom that's been okay so far.
>tfw you will never get dicked so hard that your prostate gets turned into a womb and get impregnated
>cute girl dealing with preg
>posts not a girl
I'm afraid I have some bad news OP
Are there any other works out there with this type of genderbender?
>I still believe Japan is like it's portrayed in muh pornos
My Secret Life of an American Teenager......
>no one posted the definite teen pregnancy mango