Why didn't BnHA take over the west like Naruto, Bleach or OP did?
What does it lack?
Why didn't BnHA take over the west like Naruto, Bleach or OP did?
Because it sucked and was boring
There's already enough capeshit in the west.
Ugly ass character designs?
Dude, Naruto characters were also annoying as fuck.
I don't think BnHA aired on western mainstream media like Naruto did.
It was only 12 episodes. Naruto has a bajilion.
All Might should have been the MC I would have continued reading it
It doesn't lean as hard into gags like OPM and isn't particularly novel like Naruto and Bleach way back when they first arrived on the scene. The question is why would it take over?
Naruto became a staple at Toonami, much like Bleach. Once BnHA gets it's Toonami run, then you'll be able to ask that question. I don't think it'll catch on, just because it won't have that Japanese flavor that Naruto has. BnHA is another superhero comic in a Western world filled with superhero comics.
It has the appearance of a capeshit comic but I think it's still Japanese as fuck.
>Why didn't this twelve-episode series from 2016 take over the West like these multi-hundred-episode series from 1999-2004 did?
Are you seriously asking this? The last WSJ series to make a real splash in the West was Death Note.
more episodes
I know and OP too but BnHA takes the cake but I give props for the bad ass art but the Designs are hideous
Too few episodes, and I don't think it was broadcasted in any popular network.
I don't think any manga/anime will get as popular as any of the big 3 did simply for the fact that it isn't the early 2000's anymore.
Yep, the prime time of anime in the west is over.
What was the latest successful anime in the west again?
You wouldn't count SnK? Granted that's not WSJ, but still.
you mean AoT? Speaking ebin elite nipponese doesn't make you seem like a patrician.
Character names being too Japanese
No actual competent adults who aren't there just to give way to the kids. It's a kid-centric show at its core, and western anime viewers these days don't want that.
Attack on Titan
Constant releases for early adopters and having an assload of content to marathon for late adopters is the formula to building the most batshit insane fanbases.
Once it gets to that point normies get caught in the vortex and boom you've got a successful franchise.
What's your deal, user? Did you not realize that everyone in this thread is referring to Boku no hero Academia as BnHA instead of MHA (My Hero Academia) and I don't see you screeching like an autist over that?
The name is Shingeki no Kyojin. Fuck off.
While you're not entirely wrong, (as globally the market seems to be slowing down or even shrinking at times,) but for the US I think it's less that the prime time of anime is over, and more that it's just become a normal part of popular entertainment.
Excepting the established followings older shows like Dragonball and Sailor Moon had before their resurgence in exposure, the early '00s were the time that a lot of anime became normalized in the US. Toonami was on the air after school and on the weekends airing relatively popular shows and niche channels had anime features, making any amount of popular exposure significant for US audiences. Today, there's still a bunch of shit that gets "popular" with normies, but it's not remarkable anymore because anime isn't some exotic branch of entertainment for the general audience and enthusiasts don't have to evangelize the works to get eyes on them.
I think for BnHA's case, it's that the west isn't that interested in MORE capeshit even if it's from a japanese point of view. The framing narrative just isn't that interesting or unique, and no amount of individual, fun character moments (which BnHA is even spotty with,) will get people into a series if the concept sounds boring.
It doesn't air on american television
It's nowhere as iconic. The golden age of shonen is gone.
a hundred and fifty episodes
Hero market is very over saturated in America
Also Deku isn't very marketable either as a character
Its Eotena Onslaught you fucking disgusting secondaries.
The characters look horrifying
Because Deku is a crybaby faggot
a cheap, constantly airing, abysmally paced adaptation
I liked season one but it's not paced in a way that screams "longevity". Naruto felt like you were getting into something grand. People will support something if they know it'll be around.
BnHA didn't even take over japan.
Now that I think about it, there is no big thing in japan nowadays.
Fairy tail, Black Clover are utter shit and not as popular
I'm not being facetious, by the way. I seriously think having a new episode every single week is what makes the difference here. bnha anime ended before hitting its stride, and most casuals never care to read the manga.
One Piece is still insanely popular. Unless you mean something recently started in which case I am very disappointed that BnHA isn't leading the pack
Deku a cute. Cute!
It's not really that good.
>I am very disappointed that BnHA isn't leading the pack
What is?
>Naruto, Bleach
Neither are those.
> Tried to appeal to western audiences by copying their style.
> Ended up being a poor ripoff which alienates western comic fans and anime fans alike.
This is shit right?
Couldn't tolerate more than 10 minutes when I usually give new anime 5+ episodes before I drop them
Really dude?
I think the designs in this show are great. They're not all anime sameface and people have varying body types and whatnot.
>What does it lack?
well for once its a 13 episode season
Its just beginning, anime is starting to be way more mainstream. The people that grew up with anime are having kids. On r/anime you often get parents asking for recommendations for kids. Crunchy Roll keeps growing, both Netflix and CR are gonna start producing anime. The real mainstream success of the medium is still to come in the west.
Also the upcoming Olympics are gonna give anime major exposure.
I've only read one piece, but I heard that Naruto and Bleach had strong starts.
One Piece
Then boruto
Then black clover from time to time
BnHA growth is very slow, and it don't look like its gonna explode.
Unless it pulls an arc akin to SS arc for Bleach (which made it explode)
They should adapt the zoo manga. Superior author's work.
Since when BC and Boruto outperform BnHA?
12 episodes and doesn't have autist appeal
ninjas are cool; superheroes are kind of overplayed
every anime ever
True man of taste that values objective truth spotted.
This. This is always the answer for why x wasn't the next DBZ or Naruto.
The internet allows us to read and watch pretty much anything we want whereas 10+ years ago whatever came from the west was what we got. Also the limited information of what we knew or had meant only the most popular shit was mostly known.
Also the anime hasn't even started airing on TV in the US.