Which one?
Which one?
I haven't watched the show, but Mai seems like the best girl.
my nibba
The best one.
Why did I somewhat enjoy this yet can't stand Maid dragon?
Because you have shit taste?
I can't understand YOU, go back to your country, white power
Reina is the cutest and nicest one out of all of them.
if you're talking about ones specifically in that picture then small fairy > loli > koitus > mayonaise sama > sucking
trash taste confirmed
Sounds about right. Big Ruru is cute, too, though.
Nice meme faggot
was this the fake mom?
the girl and reina-chang
How did you get this picture of me?
i would a reinazilla
The one with something close to a personality... so Ruru?
reina because she is a qt
>tfw no sw gf
bcoz maidragon is yurishit
You're right. Even as an anime character she is really special.
None of the girls in this show had a personality other than Ruru.
The patrician choice, obviously.
It's not a harem when Kyoani makes it.
There must have been some mistake. The person in this picture resembles me exactly.
Same as MC.
Not even close.
I haven't even watched this but I understand hayamin voices someone so her
Ruru is literally dogshit. Kill yourselves.
>tfw fake mom was better than your real mom
>being this mad
>Ara ara user~ why did you pick me when there are five younger, prettier girls?
>I guess it can't be help?
If I really have to guess (despite disagreeing with you) it's because Maid Dragon is slice of life moe pandering while Phantom World had more of a plot (though it was a "villain of the week" plot).
Probably because Maid Dragon is slice of life while Phantom World at least had some type of plot that gave it structure.
The answer to every Phantom World-related question is always Ruru.
Are all the specials out already?
>tfw watched the ova the other day
absolutely perfect, sasuga kyoani
Can you marry your mom?
No but I can marry her for you.
So, pic unrelated?
>user marries another user's mom
>another user fucks his mom, while user records it
The best one seems like the red haired one.
Generic genki girl = personality now? No. Mai is the only girl with an actual personality.
>MC exposes dick
>Cake ara ara's
>Other boys smug as fuck
I feel bad for Haruto.
>You will never have taste this shit.
Why was she the only remotely interesting character
She was as generic as villains come.
Since she was only around for the last two episodes where things actually happened there was no fucking around with any plain dumb or uninteresting filler surrounding her character.
She was super interesting.
Haruhiko was the most interesting and complex character, especially after you see what he was like as a kid.
I wish.
A cute little shit?
Isn't Enigma what you get when you make Ragyo and Kira fuck?
She isn't nearly rapey enough to be Ragyo-level.
Enigma isn't an insane autist who rapes her kid and has a hand fetish and blows up anyone who pisses her off.
maid dragon takes a creative concept and makes it generic
phantom world took a generic concept and made it creative
Truly Kyoani's Space Dandy
Ruru and his mom.
Blonde is good for paizuri, and loli is good if you're feeling like a pedo.
Haruhiko best girl
finally somebody gets it
>kyoani will never make a milf SOL with this art style
The correct answer.
But if I have to take only one.
Reina. Only because of cuteness, long hair and datass.
Where did you find these pictures of me?! I've been trying my whole life to hide my identity and now this, I can't believe this is happening.
why not get a paizuri from reina
>youre all free to marry my son
>all free to marry
even the parents want harem ending.
>episode 1-10(11) everything about how mai slowly falls into love with mc
>reina kinda getting more yuri with mai
>last episode ayyyyyy hareeeeemmmm
Where were all these Reinafags hiding?
So the real reason PW has such low ratings is due to angry shippers? Makes sense.
As Ruru is too small to have babies, it is either Reina or Mai but Reina is best
no it´s because of not having a coherent story. Whole anime felt like it were just some fillers or ovas. It slowly had the thing with the computer thing and I thought it would now show some nitro 5pb quality with "there is a whole agenda" plottwist.
But it was just oh look my mom is back, no she is evil, I willl now fight with everything I got, oh look everything fine.
It had a lot of potential, but in the end it lost to pandering, harem and too less main story.
>it had a lot of potential
>first episode has some dumb bitch bouncing her tits
Nothing wrong with a few fanservice scenes.
>hurr durr fanservice it´s shit
nearly every anime has stupid fanservice. Having a little bit of it is never wrong. As long it don´t becomes fairy tail or ecchi harem manga no. 5444888655, it´s fine.
This, it had no potential from the start and I never expected it to.
So who actually wanted the D? None of them seemed at all interested.
Reina, she won the D at least.
They all wanted it, but he's phantomsexual.
Nice bait
Koito is literally me. Literally me. No other character can come close to relating to me like this. There is no way you can convince me that Koito is not me. Koito could not possibly be anymore me. She is me, and nobody can convince me otherwise. If anyone approached me on the topic of Koito not possibly being me, then I immediately shut them down with overwhelming evidence that Koito is me. Koito is me, it is indisputable. Why anyone would try to argue that Koito is not me is beyond me. If you held two pictures of me and Koito side by side, you’d see no difference. I can safely look at Koito every day and say “Yup, that’s me”. I can practically see Koito every time I look at myself in the mirror. I go outside and people stop me to comment how similar I look and act to Koito. I chuckle softly as I’m assured everyday Koito is me in every way. I can smile each time I get out of bed every morning knowing that I’ve found my identity with Koito and I know my place in this world. It’s really quite funny how similar Koito is to me, it’s almost like we’re identical twins. When I first saw Koito, I had an existential crisis. What if Koito was the real me and I was the fictional being. What if Koito actual became aware of my existence? Did she have the ability to become self aware herself?
Nobody really
It's true though.
I pick No one.
What is it with Sup Forums and it's fear of a show being epsiodic?
This show is like all those random harem shows from early millennium, the relationship part aren't there to be taken seriously, it's just a stage/excuse for character interactions.
So, it's closer to magikano/angel tales/galaxy angel* etc than any other harem shows airing nowadays. Those, I can't enjoy because the shipping is too much, and/or filled with pointless drama.
*volcott counts as the silly male MC
PW's character interactions were shit though.
Is this a shinka or a koito pasta?
>picking from the inferior harem
the better questions is, which one?
Mai had great character interactions. The way she interacted with every single character in the show was different.
It was definitely the weakest aspect.
They're all too happy and always smiling. Nothing good comes out of that.
It's originally from Sup Forums or something
Background characters don't get spinoffs, they instead respawn in another show.