It's not rigged

It's not rigged
You're just losing

Other urls found in this thread:

Like I have been saying e need to start gassing Muslims en masse. We have the aircraft and the gas but we do not use it.

What do you believe is going to happen to the middle east when the last petroleum-based car breaks down?

Not that worried, since this is how Muslims were living while white "people" still flinged shit at each other

I imagine myself in Europe, leading my Platoon. Our mission is to stop wh*Te dogs from advancing. We mow down wh*Te dogs but they keep coming. I shoot wh*Te dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering wh*Tes, since wh*Tes are way more psychially inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn’t fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. wh*Tes were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see KARA BOĞA (Tengri) smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in africa, my homeland. My BLACK brethen gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..

Muhammad was ginger you moron (considered the greatest man in Islam also)

>Muhammad was ginger

Congratulation your religion conquered the most shitskin sub human regions on earth. Whites could kill billion muslims with a single push of button. Thats real power.

the muslim are the stupid brothes of the caucasian race know your place faggots

All lies, wh*Te dog.

Cinema is being allowed in Saudi Arabia
Women are allowed to drive
Now women are allowed to join the police force

If there is a hint of what the future of Islam, it's westernization.
Soon the booze will come, then the brothels, then I will fuck your sister and gilf mom.

rapefugees welcome

>fertile crescent
>indus river valley
>literal multiple cradles of civilization
Retarded ass snowmonkey

Know your place dog, remember the Crusades?

pic related retard

future of europeans right there, white dog

holy fuck its the victoria 2 map!

You were kangz 4000 years ago but now you are dirt poor 3rd world shitholes full of shitskin subhumans.

persian were not middle eanstern and never will be it doent matter if they stay 1000 dont compare us

Persians are the most pious muslims inşallah they lead the future Ummah as they always have (Ottomans, Safavid, Mughal, and other states)

Sage and report all off topic and troll threads.
its like you want to be proven wrong.

>Including Iran as muslim
Interesting. I thought you takfiri fucks hated them.

Also how come non-ISIS people are considered muslim ? Why are they getting killed ?

No he only put henna in his beard.

We don't have the time. Nuke Saudi Arabia ASAP pls.

Remember the Reconquista?

My dog has better life quality than you islamic poo skins but its your own fault that you couldnt build a modern society.

hahahahahhaha die you motherfucker ,dont even try to compare us

Enjoy your sand filled shit holes.

>Soon the booze will come
Lying is haram.

Also women were alowed to ride camels back then, why do you think the Battle of the Camel is called that ?
>muh women driving :(((
You have no idea what's coming. People are paying corruption to get Visas for hadj, and you're worrying about women driving.

Fucking Saudis I swear.

This (based) imam is of Persian origin, Muhammad (pbuh) was Semitic to the bone.

Why remember anything? You can talk about the past all you want, but I’m not in war torn shit hole like most Muslims are.

>كان صلى الله عليه وسلم أبيض اللون، ليِّن الكف، طيب الرائحة، دلَّ على ذلك ما رواه أنس رضي الله عنه قال : ( كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أزهر اللون- أبيض مستدير- ، كأنَّ عرقه اللؤلؤ، إذا مشى تكفأ، ولا مَسَسْتُ ديباجة - نوع نفيس من الحرير- ولا حريرة ألين من كف رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، ولا شممتُ مسكة ولا عنبرة أطيب من رائحة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ) رواه مسلم .

> فقد كان صلى الله عليه وسلم متوسط القامة ، لا بالطويل ولا بالقصير، بل بين بين، كما أخبر بذلك البراء بن عازب رضي الله عنهما قال: ( كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم مربوعاً-متوسط القامة-، بعيد ما بين المنكبين، له شعر يبلغ شحمة أذنه، رأيته في حلةٍ حمراء، لم أر شيئاً قط أحسن منه ) متفق عليه.

> وكان وجهه صلى الله عليه وسلم جميلاً مستنيراً، وخاصة إذا سُرَّ، فعن عبد الله بن كعب قال: سمعت كعب بن مالك يحدث حين تخلف عن غزوة تبوك قال: ( فلما سلّمت على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو يبرق وجهه من السرور، وكان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا سُرَّ استنار وجهه، حتى كأنه قطعة قمر، وكنا نعرف ذلك منه ) رواه البخاري .

Every description of him is white or rose red.
Last one literally claim he was as white as the moon.
Are you sure, mate?

Why does Sup Forums continue to fall for OBVIOUS baits like this made by that german greek turk for weeks now. baka

Stupid map, Turkey and Iran outnumber the small Arab nations

he put henna in his beard

Who gives a shit about Hajj? Or Islam?
Kill yourself, faggot.


Still doesn't explain why he is white like silk or white like the moon.
You were told a lie.
Muslim men's alpha male ideal is a white man.

>Muslim men's alpha male ideal is a white man.
Then why aren't Muslim girls moving to Europe to get bred, except its the opposite - Muslim men moving to Europe and taking what they want?
Anyway Islam is not a racialist religion so wh*Te humans could be accepted if they stop their degeneracy

>Then why aren't Muslim girls moving to Europe to get bred
>he doesn't know


Bitch, every Muslim girl swoon at white young men.
It's just that you are locking them up by law. Stop killing them when the leave the house and you will find yourself erased from the gene pool.

It's a population density map numbnuts

>كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أزهر اللون- أبيض مستدير- ، كأنَّ عرقه اللؤلؤ، إذا مشى تكفأ، ولا مَسَسْتُ ديباجة - نوع نفيس من الحرير- ولا حريرة ألين من كف رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، ولا شممتُ مسكة ولا عنبرة أطيب من رائحة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
this is seriously gay

Lying is haram but taqiyya is halal.

It really is.
Half of the Hadiths describing Mohammad is just dick sucking this ginger.

average age in this board is 12.5

Iraq – As of 2013, the number of Iraqi’s who have been killed since 2003 was 461,000:

20,050 died in 2014 and another 17,401 died last year in 2015:

Afghanistan & Pakistan – As of last year, 149,000 people have died in Afghanistan and Pakistan since 2001:

Libya – Since 2011 when Qaddafi was overthrown, 4,600 people have died in Libya:

Yemen – Over 8,100 people have died in Yemen in 2015:

Palestine – 9,370 Palestinians have died since the Bush Era began in 2001:

Syria –The damage has been expedited in Syria as 470,000 people died from 2011 to 2015:

Another 21,000 are estimated to have been killed just this year:

Hence, adding the totals of these figures equates to 1,160 521 deaths(Total).

Do you see a contradiction?

I see Chinese expansion in the future, that's what I see

What do you make of the Chinese killing your kind day by day?

I mean high population density = worst places to live in.

What do you make of the Sunni, Shiite divide?
You people aren't even united, stop prentending.


mate intelligent common-sense oriented people are waking up to your bullshit, you wont be around for any longer.

Sup Forums doesn't have enough 17+ year olds to fill a phone booth




>implying that those zone are 100% islamic,and that sunni and shia would live togheter.

>blocks your path as you run up the beach of Australia

what do ?



Which is why you're fleeing your poor, war-mired shithole countries en masse for non-Islamic countries? You're right to hide that flag. It's utterly pathetic of you to espouse Islam while electing to live in a degenerate cesspool like Sweden.


Stop projecting. You're the one hiding your flag because you don't actually want to live in societies in which your ideas and templates for society are borne out. You're not happy in Muslim countries, you're not happy in Western countries, you're a disease. You're basically Jews who happen to prefer suicide vests to high interest rates.

All you did was take advantage of the Byzantine and Persian Empires after they'd been depleted by centuries of warfare, and steal all of their wealth and technology. Then after muh Islamic Golden Age, you slowly declined. All of the residual wealth of those civilizations only lasted for so long, didn't it, parasite?

You need to pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers.


>le taqiyya meme

she's not muslim
and white women are better

Basically its a map of the worst parts of the world highlighted.

So close to Aussie, yet still untouched

Mmh.. really makes you think

Muhammad was a white man it says so in the Quran

Makes you wonder what made those areas so shitty, innit? I mean, some of those places were quite nice, once upon a time. The Euphrates and Tigris rivers were the wellsprings of civilisation, now they're wastelands.

taqiyya is also Sunni


Dana Alotabi is Muslims by name, just like over 80% of youth and young adults. None of my colleges at work gives two shits about prayer or mosque.
These threads are just last minute attempt to save a dying religion.
When people got a small taste of freedom, they realized Islam is garbage. Nothing is worth this religion.

> losing
> implying with Modern younger Ummah
Why is Islam such an utter failure in uprooting degenerate lust of drugs, whores and homosexual relationships around the globe?

The Land of the Two Holy Mosques is ruled by apo-faggots! And Ummah is bowing to their will and vision of Islam!
What "based" is there about lowering Western IQ levels via inbreeding according to Islamic tradition of marriages?
Why the fuck are Islamic governments in Afgan and Pakilands even giving a pass for raping and enslaving pre-teen and teen age boys?
Why do Gulf Arabs still continue enslaving their own brothers-in-faith from foreign lands and rape their sisters-in-faith when they come to work in their lands?

Also: Why are Muslims liars and heretics?
How can you claim that Koran is pure, uncorrupted and full word of God that is perfect, if you couldn't know how to pray to God without corrupted words of men?
Why was such crucial piece of information left out of "perfection" that is word of God?
Why do you compare corrupted words of men to "perfection" of Koran?
Why is it required in order to receive the full grace of God???

fuck the turks

Pic related pink wojaks and massive poverty in arabia. They'll become somalians

> last minute attempt to save a dying religion
can you elaborate lad?
just curious

>I imagine myself in Europe, leading my Platoon. Our mission is to stop wh*Te gringos from advancing. We mow down wh*Te gringos but they keep coming. I shoot wh*Te gringos but I run out of ammo so I draw my Macuahuitl and begin slaughtering wh*Tes, since wh*Tes are way more psychially inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn’t fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. wh*Tes were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see HUITZILOPOTCHLI smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in Tenochtitlan, my homeland. My BROWN brethen gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..

Answer me you lying child lusters!

because islam is a philosophically inferior faith followed by inferior minds.

>destroy the most developed cities you encounter because you think it proves your military might when it actually just shows how backwards and retarded you are but never mind there's an irreligious persian whose ideas we can steal woop woop go umayyads

Lmao, Islam is literally dominating the 3rd world, what are you talking about

You could be a bit more forward thinking.

And when this happens, they'll blame the west instead of themselves for their oil dependence. We just can't do open borders anymore, it's better we start closing up now before it gets worse later.

What do you mean? It's just their way of memetic warfare in the name of Islam.
Everyone is doing it, my dude.
It's absurdly serious.
They are trying to keep Islam in young kids.
When young kids want to fuck, drink and have fun like normal human beings.
Islam is dying and they know it, so they report "Deus Vult" tactics. But it's not working.
I don't remember the last mosque I entered my man, no one cares. IN SAUDI ARABIA!

I think you just made his point for him.

I seriously hope you're right, mang.

> It's just their way of memetic warfare
I figured, hence why I'm spamming my post in every Islam tread
> When young kids want to fuck, drink and have fun like normal human beings.
> no one cares. IN SAUDI ARABIA!
Maybe I should consider visiting in 40 years after the previous generation has passed and yours can improve KSA.
How does youth feel about state wasting money on building projects that will be hard to keep maintained properly after oil money dries out?

well you proved his point right

Ever since Prince Mohammad took over in Machiavelli style the Islamic Police no where to be seen. It's as if they never existed.

They don't care. They want the same things as any youth. Free shit from the government and booze and drugs and not to be harassed when they want to fuck.
Hell by law pharmacies are forced to bring out the condoms from under the counter top onto the front shelf. And you don't needs a certificate of marriage to buy any.

Egypt was one of the fret eastern nation , honnestly we should tanks them without Islam , Europe could not have become so powerful and creative , destructing greater of this time place of education outside of Europe help a lot

Lmao good thing you don't see the reality and only your imagination

Masha'allah Islam will defeat the west

You still haven't produced anything that extended human life by decades not anthing that allows us to shitpost on Singaporean hieroglyph-bingo drawn board.
And that time span is like 500 years

So what's life in SA like?

Answer me you child luster!

Ummah = All Humans
0/10 Bayans for this one

Nah nigger lmao muhammad was white and you worship a white man lmaaaaaooooo WE RIDE ON OUR MUSLIM NIGGER SLAVES AT DAWN MY MOON SKINNED BRETHREN!




Holy shit you can come on Sup Forums ?
Also do young saoudis hate iranians ?

Lmao but Japan is intolerant to islam yet its still colored in...explain coon-chan

Have you ever read a history book before?

But is Islam dominating the 3rd world because it is poor and filled with moron's.

Or is the 3rd World the 3rd world because of Islam?

You know what you should be terrified of? White people adopting Islam. Imean, look at what we did with Christianity. We took a religion based on a guy who preached that you should love our enemies as you love yourself and used it as motivation to conquer half the planet. Now, ask yourself, what happens if whites buy in to the teachings of Mohammed? What do you think happens then? Pretty sure we'd end up going full Jihad on everyone we felt wasn't a "proper" Muslim, which would be everyone else.