Girls und Panzer

Momo is Japanese for peach Peach.
Yuzu is Japanese for Citrus junos.
Anzu's name doesn't match a fruit because she's a potato.

Good for you, Anzu.

Other urls found in this thread:

Her name apparently stands for the apricot, silly butt.

Well Momo-chan does have a nice peach.



No, Momo means peach. Go Google Momotaro.

Maho is Japanese for the best girl.

I meant Anzu's name. Sorry I didn't specify.


Reposting from last thread.

I've figured out why Darjeeling is making that face.

Since KMM is going to take part in tankathlon, who is the most natural opponent for them? Only the top school, which at this point is Bonple. Obviously KMM will plan to have a first match against Bonple, but sign a secret agreement with the vengeful Katyusha known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

Now, who stands to benefit by humiliating two of the big players in senshado in a single match and historically had an alliance with Poland? This is all just conjecture, but I foresee Phony War being replayed, but with actual British and maybe even BC Freedom intervention.

On an aside, the Tategoto match has interesting parallels with Myanmar's history:
>On 26 December 1941, with the help of the Minami Kikan, a secret intelligence unit that was formed to close the Burma Road and to support a national uprising and that was headed by Suzuki Keiji, [Aung San] founded the Burma Independence Army (BIA) in Bangkok, Thailand. It was aligned with Japan for most of World War II.
>On 1 August 1943, the Japanese declared Burma an independent nation. Aung San was appointed War Minister, and the army was again renamed, this time as the Burma National Army (BNA).
>senshado club is disbanded and reconstituted under functionally the same name with help of grorious samurai

Fuck off cancer.

Well, it does mean apricot. What's the problem?

You alright there, bud?

Erwin is cute and she is also my wife!

>that pic
I usually enjoy edgy psycho faces, but it's just too out of place on Darjeeling

Darjeeling is a really beautiful girl, there's no denying that.

I like her subordinate better

She deserves to be taken down a peg though.


They're shit

t. Monogatari fan

>tfw I couldn't get any sleep

Pekoe is very cute, though.

It is out of place, isn't it?

It means that she's done something out of character i.e. booted out Neville Chamberlaine and prepared to invade the Reich.

She sure is

That is sweat, right?

You'll have to find out.

A date with Alisa!

>/u/ shit

Tanya~ Tanya~ Taaaaaaan~

I wonder what else it could be besides sweat

I'm not sure I want to find out.

Love sweat?

Why not?

It's time to leave, /u/. Go back to your containment board you've bullied and lewded the GuPs for far too long, it's about time you were ousted for good.

Beg pardon?


Éclair is cute and she is also my wife!



Nice Hippos.

I want to rape Yukari and afterwards tell her that it was just meant to help her relive WW2 .

Thankfully what you want to happen and what actually happens are two very different things.

Yes, Yukari and Yukarifag will camp out in the forest and have consensual sex in their tent.

Damn straight we will.

Post girls only good for their bodies and nothing else.

No, because all the guppies are good and not just for their bodies.


that she does

If everything really was swapped like this does that mean we'd all be girls too?

Why are you trying to make me sad at 8 in the morning?

I'm not. I'm just curious what we'd all be like as girls. No homo of course.

>have a lucid dream about playing a fairly extensive next gen GuP SRPG that went so far as to monitoring school funds, ammo counts, part replacements and how well crews get along
>wake up

On a different note, wasn't the first volume of Phase Erika released yesterday?


>>have a lucid dream about playing a fairly extensive next gen GuP SRPG that went so far as to monitoring school funds, ammo counts, part replacements and how well crews get along
I felt like trying to make this then I remembered I was a lazy piece of shit.

Is Momo metx guy daughter?

>Oorai is turning his precious daughter into a lesbian
>she refuses to come home and spends all her time with her friends there
He must shut down the school to save his daughter!









Only yuri allowed is sister x sister.



Erika is for ________________

Guys I need some help. I was going to look at pictures of my waifu, but somehow they have been replaced by pictures of a tyrannosaurus. What should I do?


Fap to T-Rex waifus.

Impregnating and not taking responsiblity.

Impregnating and taking responsibility


keeping as a breeding sow.

For a second I thought this was Chiyo, but the middle size Shimada is fine, too, I guess.



dear diary: jackpot


Sorry, but that's what your girlfriend is for.

Maho will execute you.

Idk, maybe we should test that empirically with Mako as the subject. Speaking of which, I haven't seen Makofag on here in a while. Wonder what he is up to.

Worth it

Nah. After I fucked her bitch, she lost her honor and the only way to get it back is to fuck me and make me her bitch.

you guys just got pranked by joke lady

Who else here plays war thunder?

yes i play queue thunder a supreme 6 mins for a RB match.


Would you?

open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur

>no ass
As expected of worst girl

take that back!

So hard that she would need a potato reconstruction surgery to be able to smug again.

Who said you'd be on top?

The face says 'no'

Phase Erika Chapter 4.5


And done. Short extra chapter to coincide with the release of the first volume. Chapter 5 in March.

Why Erika gets a fucking spin off manga and Yukari does not? Is not fair!

i wanna hug the erika and give her head pats

Because Erika is my wife