Would you watch an anime about magical old business men?
Would you watch an anime about magical old business men?
Yeah, probably. Anything to escape the endless torrent of recycled tropes, even if it's only somewhat off-kilter.
Probably, but my standards for watchable anime are pretty low.
If the MC is Harry hell yeah. Or if it's in a JoJo parody style, muscly guys doing poses.
You mean Fantastic Beasts?
Wasted potential on drama CDs.
If it is interesting enough and done well, I'll watch almost anything.
As long as their costumes were business suit themed.
It doesn't sound like an awful premise
I like crack
Yeah if they were little girls sure.
Wakamoto and Nakata voicing rivals please
Came here to mention those two. We can't a cast of old men without those in there somewhere.
Make it about magical cute and busty business girls.
Fuck old men, they do their best and ruining everything nice about real life and everything else for their ""muh feels"" garbage.
I have been at that anime stage where I will watch pretty much anything because I exhausted everything good to watch years ago.
This. Something genuinely good comes about 1 in every 5 seasons. That doesn't make for much content, especially if you aren't autistic enough to watch the same handful of things multiple times. So I'm down with anything that sounds like it might be worth a few laughs, and this sounds like it would be
If it was drawn in Jojo style especially. Middle aged men going through the day, coming home after work and wallowing briefly in their bad relationships and materialistic desires. Night time comes and they need to fight against demons that materialized from their daily hardships. And carrot at end of the stick for beating enough monsters, "promotion"