If you were to create an ethnostate would you keep the funny Jews around just for entertainment purposes?
If you were to create an ethnostate would you keep the funny Jews around just for entertainment purposes?
Hi user are you coming to the jew-zoo?
Id keep the eskimos around for fishing and seal clubbing purposes
they would be the first to get a free one way helicopter ride over the nearest ocean courtesy of Pinochet Airlines.
I'd rather keep the niggers around
Yes, but every honoraryan jew has to kill at least two other jews and be castrated to show loyalty and commitment.
That’s just a meme propagated by hollyjew.
t. yankee
No. They have to go to Israel, where they belong.
Literally what? Fuck Jews, they're the reason you shitskin spics are here , they're the reason all the other non whites are here, they're the reason feminism is here. There is literally zero point for a white ethnic state that allows Jews. Might as well allow niggers , they literally do less damage to society
nope. out goes the trash
>they literally do less damage to society
If there were no non-whites, Jews could not do the powerful blows to the Europeans like they do now. It would be merely economical/societal, but they wouldn't last long anyways without wogs
Dance, kike! Dance!
>if there were no nonwhites
So we're living in a fantasy world now where whites aren't a small global minority ?
>The Jew zoo
Underrated post.
worried and unfunny, Jew detected
Jew Zoo will be tolerated; it will be a reproduction of a New York Coty block like they have on back lots in Hollywood.
Guests will be able to throw shekels through the cage bars and can, for a special price, throw a canister of Zyklon B at the comic doing stand up.
Lampshades and soap available in the gift shop.
I like
This will keep getting funnier as the white race keeps declining and when there are no more white people left (soon,) the joke will be over :D
Post more of these
They can't resist being subversive.
Larry can stay.
Only Jews we will keep are those with Khazar Milkers, who will be used as breeding stock.
Get up and take out the top you kikes, you can.
Won't that just make more Jews, though?
Here I do magic trick wa!
No. The entire (((Drumph))) family would be sent back to the Kingdom of Khazar.
no. I like Larry David and I think he's funny but he has to go back.
To stop them from stonewalling and de-platforming more talented goy comedians would be my biggest priority desu. Also we're post-irony now, so, it's gonna be a hard sell fucking irregardless.
Don't question it fagget his reasoning is sound.
To fight each other in the colosseum :^)
Say what you will but hebrews are very good at comedy
he is going to make zion great again
If you are going to be an statist cuck, there is no point into making an ethnostate.
Just devise a huge test to be taken by migrants and another test to be taken by kids, those that pass it can stay those that can't are deported/stay out.
Debunked for being fake.
And who would want to live there? Who would fight for it? Who would create it?
Any jews as long as they're not liberals or Commies.
If 0,001% of the worlds population supports the idea and invest on it, that is more than enough.
Are you honestly telling me that you can't see the appeal of living in a place where everyone has a certain level of intelligence, education and fitness?
I would let jews be part of my white ethnostate but they would have to assimilate.
Jews are pretty much white desu eventually they would become full intermingled and swallowed by the white genes and probably bring the IQ up a bit desu.
None of you shitskins will be spared.
Only if you accept the insanity that is Jewish descent laws; how fucking cucked is it that you had to decide inheritance based on maternity rather than paternity as literally everyone else did?
[claim needs substantiation]
just because you want it to doesn't mean it is you ass
Ewok fucker