Who is the biggest whore in anime?
Who is the biggest whore in anime?
Your waifu.
OP's waifu.
you got a problem bitch nigga?
>you will never be good enough to impress 1st Lt. Hayase, Storm Vanguard 1.
Reminder that the OP is a dumb spic who doesn't actually understand what a whore is.
What, he should have use cheating bitch instead?
Hinazuki Kayo
Your blue haired girl is a bro from an apocalyptic hell scape who you know will never be animated
The blue haired girl in the op is both animated and a whore
Your waifu.
How could someone so based be such a whore? Extraverse needs to get fucked by some beta so our girl could return.
You're waifu
Did I miss the memo
His dad is a bigger whore.
She did nothing wrong.
She did, becoming friends with that personality-less blob was her crime and she had to suffer for her misplaced kindness.
Everytime whenever there is a Kimi go noz thread
There's no need to finish the thread on the first reply.
It was BAD decision, it turned out to be a MISTAKE, it pretty much RUINED her life, but it was not WRONG.
Hayase did nothing wrong.
Just let it go.
i think you mean kayo hinazuki from erased
nah this is a rumbling hearts thread
This bitch is fucking huge and has, what, seven? eight people inside her at once?
Definitely the biggest whore.
Some butthurt kid shitting on the pure waifu and the best girl itt
Is Munakata looking at Kazama's ass?
I didn't know Yui grew and dyed her hair? What a slut!
Panty has fucked at least 1000 dudes. I don't think there exists anime girl who's sluttier than Panty.
She's a virgin now going by the end of last episode or did she actually fuck Brief after getting cleansed? I need to watch the series again.
To be fair, that cheating thing only happens in the bad route for the VN. You have to go out of your way to treat her like shit for her to get drunk and cheat. I guess they added it to the anime for the sake of cheap drama.
Stop calling Nagisa a slut or I'll find you and rip off your balls.
>intact hymen
Dude what.
That happens in Next Season too, which is supposed to be an adoption of Haruka's route. I guess anime depictions of Mitsuki are whores.
Does Mitsuki cheat on Bakayuki in Haruka's route in the VN too?
Would fuck
Certainly not best girl.
That's not his dad
How can you slut when every man you touch dies?
Burn bright and fall magnificently oh thy life that turned into a star!
Definitely him.
We know of only one dude she fucked. Like a goddamn banshee, but just one.
She'd also fuck Shinji, but who wouldn't.
That red haired bitch from Gundam Seed who fucked Kira so he'd protect her.
This useless bitch.