Buyfag Thread
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Meh. Looks like shit.
JAA now offers a Car Export service, what?
It's called Sculpting, you just apply that knowledge to animu chicks and that's it. You could also study prop making or get into Garage Kits.
Kill me.
The wait its killing me
Pre-ordered hard. God bless Australia.
Was just about to say this if he posted it again. Just take a sculpting class, animu girls doesn't make it any special, no need to reinvent the wheel on one of the oldest artforms
I was gonna laugh, but then I remembered that I spend around the same on dakis that I really want.
Poches Inazuma and Akatsuki are getting reissues for July
yeah guess i´ll just research more on that, i have never sculptted something but i´m confident on my artistic skills
It will be a lot of basic anatomy sculpting stuff there are lots of online resources for that. Faces will be different, but luckily animu faces are a lot easier than real ones. You'll probably also want to learn how to make an armature to sculpt over.
/tg/ here. Highly recommend the armature. Sculpting out a solid blob of material is a lot harder than you would think.
He could also get into digital sculpting (zbrush, mudbox ,etc) and wait for 3dprint to not suck so much.
If i buy a fig off amazon is it pretty much guaranteed to be a bootleg?
Also whats keeping third party sellers from listing a used item as "new"?
I'm so sorry, user.
How is the quality of Kadokawa dakis? Thinking of getting pic related
Hobby Japan is releasing a counterpart to the Seven Deadly Sins collection called "The Seven Heavenly Virtues".
I literally just finished collecting all nine sins, and of course they pull this shit. RIP wallet.
Archangel Michael in production now.
Am I the only buyfag here who got milked into buying the sins?
Old news
Also you seem to be from a weird past-future since Belial isn't even out yet.
To add on top of that they are re-releasing leviathan based on the anime design which already got a trailer and is airing in april.
There are four days left in the month. They probably won't go full Alter on us, but damn if I don't wish they'd just announce the release already.
Be happy you have figures to choose from.
I preordered and paid for her already. Hoping she doesn't get delayed more.
How is preordering and paying "literally finished collecting" all of them?
2 way tricot is all the same, isn't it?
Not to mention some of the best figures of the franchise are not even from the main line and we have some yet to come out.
pretty mediocre
>10k for a very generic Tatsumaki
>13k for Albedo
I thought 17k for Hibiki was a lot but she's 1/7 and has bonus parts, these two don't have enough to justify their price, especially Tatsu. I expected 8k.
Why cant this ship everywhere?
This one tempted my dick so unbelievably hard.
Amiami even mentions it , licensing. Most likely some companies seized the distribution rights for murrica and banada.
They'll probably add 2 more heavenly virtues too, like they did with the sins.
Aniplex jewing. They'll be putting the USA orders up on their affiliate shops like Rightstuf god knows when.
You should have trusted your dick
I honestly can't remember the last scale I bought for under 10k. I think prices have just gone up overall over the past couple years.
That said, I bought Tatsumaki anyway. I like her enough that $15-20 bucks isn't a dealbreaker.
will she bin?
>I expected 8k.
Just buy them from china on aliexpress, the quality is great for what you pay.
>Aniplex exclusive
>made to order
No, she's guaranteed to double in price after release. Homura too.
The new Mami is 8.9k and is about the same if not more than the Tatsu.
>buying bootlegs
Yup, this is happening. Why does it always take HLJ so long to put things up, anyway?
Should I get this semen demon?
The sins look better.
Holy shit, that looks amazing. How much?
>That Mami
So it's just one poll running through her leg? And that's supposedly enough to hold her up without having to worry about major lean? Or am I missing something?
>Save it as a png
Fuck you.
Posting real THICC
A little too thick for my tastes, but she's still sexy. I might order her.
Obligatory "Too big comment"
Obligatory Irishman insults
Obligatory Saberfag.
Just saved you 8 (You)s, you can thank me later.
Wait a sec. I'm reminded of Rokka no Yuusha looking at this. Is it based on art by the same guy or am I being retarded?
the hero we don't deserve
I wish the ass was bigger.
umm excuse me i joined the 16k klub a while ago kiddo
note the 16.6kg order i split to avoid customs
Didn't see this in the guide, but why does a figure cost more money every time it's delayed? Is it a compensation issue or something else?
Supply and demand, if the figures are running out of stock it's gonna cost more, Ami will lower its discount because people will pay.
You're wrong it doesn't cost more
What do you even order that ends up weighing 16kg?
Dunno if I should pre-order the Gudako Nendo. It'll go up in price if I don't do it now.
It works for the alter strike witches somehow.
Fuck me, there's a Teru available. She's a rare one. But fuck that price. Now I've got a conflicting choice to make.
Get Teru or get Gudako?
and half a tree in paper
You're gonna preorder her, right?
Some have two like my Eila has two poles technically. But then look at Newer Rocket boost Sanya who is big and heavy at an odd angle and she manages on one pole. though positioning is a bit tricky as she'll tip over if you're not careful. I wonder what they'll do for ME 262 Striker Trude.
Eh, you still replied to me. I think it's more impressing to ship copious amount of doujins than figures.
>ordered Teru and Gudako
Forgot GSC only charge once it's in stock. And fuck Teru was a big hitter but it's worth it having a pretty rare nendo for your collection.
I'm hoping Mandarake isn't fucking me over though with Teru
It's sold out user.
It wasn't when I checked
Sorry for you
When I checked 5 minutes ago it was sold out.
Maybe with me wasn't updated properly, oh well...
The most important thing is that I have a rare Nendo.
I've been looking for her for a year and had no dice.
That's good for you, user
For me it's too much to pay for a nendo, but I get what you mean about getting a wanted figure.
Oh yeah it's definitely way too much. But considering she was a Limited Edition Blu-ray Exclusive I knew she'd be double the normal amount you'd pay.
>buying $100+ pillow case
Yeah, Like the IBRS figma
That would be my poison
Better version
Is getting a tripod the first step in taking good photos with my phone?
>At the first, please read the guide.
>Not ポストをするの前にガイドを読んでください。
>Buy a fag.
>Not 買うのファグ
Killing DJT was a mistake.
this is retarded
But then I can't post this again.
Well, that was a mistake.