What's Alex Jones' endgame?

What's Alex Jones' endgame?

He's a millionaire many times over, but he doesn't seem to have lost any interest in continuing his show. Is he going to carry on forever?

What is he doing to do in 10 or 20 years when Trump dies?

he is gonna run for president

screencap this post

Trump will literally expose israel and Alex will be yelling about the globalists.

Trying to expose the gay frogs that pumped and dumped him.


And who would be his VP?

lel, this, he's probably CIA too, pic related.

He's not CIA. He's funded by the same people who pay for Loomer.

>He's not CIA. He's funded by the same people who pay for Loomer.

Proof, then?

CIA warned Russia of a terrorist attack. Alex Jones hasn't talked about that at all.

So no proof then, obvs.

>t. Minion of Arnon Milchan.

He is a showman. An entertainer.
Some people do what they do for the money.
Alex Jones does it because he loves the attention.

t. mentally illbilly

His endgame has always been the Restoration of the Republic.

He's been doing this for 22 years now. It's only over the last 5 years that he's become a multi-millionaire.

He's probably only got about 10 million in the bank for himself. The operation brings in 50-75 million per year, has 60-70 employees, and is constantly fighting court battles. Now you see why they're always plugging their products (which are great, if not a bit overpriced, IMO).

he has to pay 60k a month in alimony to his ex-wife. he's got about 15 more years of that to go btw.

lol, I can make a diagram with no sources as well.


You realize that's how much money comes into the INFOWARSSTORE over about a period of 8 hours, right?

>He's a millionaire many times over, but he doesn't seem to have lost any interest in continuing his show
He's fulfilling his end of the bargain.

Expose Israel? Expose what? So far he's been a great little goy and has committed to completing the Zionist agenda by moving the embassy.

lel, do you actually watch his show? how many time over the years has he said shit like he's got "family in the cia?"

kys, brainlet

*gruff Texan voice*


You know exactly what he'll do

Alex Jones is a CIA kike gatekeeper who cries when people call him out for being a fraud during his moneybombs. He also capitulated to pedophile James Alefantis and apologized like a bitch who is afraid of losing his shekels.

because hes trying to get it blown up by muslims

4D Chess

>The operation brings in 50-75 million per year, has 60-70 employees
where did you get that information?

AJ himself has also been hoarding gold for a long time. Rumors that he is/was getting multiple ounces of gold per week from Midas Resources for over a decade.

He's a fraud but my gut tells me he has info that he can't spill because the public wouldn't believe him if he did.

Ha. Right. More like he's trying to provoke violence that would justify increased US presence in the ME, ultimately resulting in war with Iran and the installation of a puppet state with a Jewish-controlled financial system so that Israel can continue its eastward expansion without any opposition in the region.

Since Trump took office they've really cranked up the "war with Iran" propaganda machine. Obama, who was a worse president in nearly every other way, at least was not interested in going to (((war))) with Iran.

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Roger Stone



How long is he in the game? 20 years? You cannot tell me that someone who is that long in the media (((business))) never even once adressed the jq unless...

attention. what else is he going to do with his time? live a full, interesting life with his beautiful loving wife and kids and all their fabulous, wealthy friends? this is his career it's who he is.

he's hilarious. like a 21st century clown.

Dang so it's 5d+ chess

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JONES 2024

He would beat Zucc in a landslide.
