Pitch me your ideas for an anime.
I know you've thought about it.
Pitch me your ideas for an anime
So you can steal it and make it big on my million dollar idea? I don't think so user.
mother daughter incest SoL
please i need it
a youtuber who plays games and becomes famous. He is in highschool and has a harem too.
A harem where the MC is uninterested in each of the women. each woman has their own harem of men they are also uninterested to and ignore. This leads the men in all the second harems to secretly assist their love interest with getting hooked up to the MC. Eventually the female harems go to war with each other.[\spoiler]
pretty much cucks.
Galo Sengen
A show about fighting games and esports of fighting games set in the tone of kuroko
>I-incredible he's reacting to all my moves before i make them
The Mc has no special abilities other then trying really hard and losing a lot
>my turtle style has no flaws, you will never get past my ultimate defense
He starts off in regionals and eventually makes it international in evo after losing to a regional rival, think like hikaru no go level of rival
>his frame traps, I can't move!
During his first match at evo he loses the first round and then as everybody makes fun of him he picks random and then you find out that after losing he spent all his time training on every character and that he's a genius of hard work
>his style is unpredictable! B-BACKIMONO, HE DOESN'T CARE HOW MUCH HE TRADES
Archetypes are infinite
Oh and it should be drawn in the style of ping pong and it's a seinen not a shonen because the rival had to take the place for the Mc because the Mc gets stabbed by a black man in the parking lot
literally a fishing show but with cute anime girls
and then they teach you about the fish and various baits, gear and techniques.
sponsored by Daiwa, Shimano and Good Smile Company
But we already had a cute anime show about fishing.
looks too gay for me.
this is a cute idea, I'd get behind it if the girls aren't too moe and there's only one or less loli
More of a visual novel/stat raising thing
>You play as a gay high schooler, who has his own crush.
>Turns out he made little kid 'I'll marry you/protect you!' promises to all the girls in his neighborhood.
>He has an unwanted harem, which he has to match up with other suitors, actively make their dates go well, or even pair them up with other members of his harem.
>Make cute girls fall in love with others.
>Bad ending is harem ending.
CGDCT but all the girls are robots.
There are a lot of shows about cute girls doing X, so I don't see why it couldn't work. Especially since Japan has such a huge stake in the fishing gear market. It would just have to be charming and not overly dull. That's why I think it would be best if they tried to make it like an actual fishing show, talking to the camera and all that. A short would be best in my mind.
A boy
Okay, so, swords and sorcery universe. A bunch of gods are going around rampaging, there's like a whole pantheon. The good gods are losing to the bad gods and the mortals are trapped in the middle. Wizard comes along and makes a pact with the biggest, baddest of the bad gods. Wizard says he wants immortality. Big bad gives it to him, but the wizard has to trade an innocent life. Wizard does that, sacrifices some random guy. Big bad says wizard now has +50 years of immortality. Wizard doesnt like getting gypped. Wizard does some tricky shit to trap the big bad, and sacrifices an innocent to him every so often to keep the immortality going. Eventually, the good gods beat the evil gods who dont have a big guy on their side anymore, and we have a swords-and-sorcery era of peach and what have you. Fast forward hundreds of years, Wizard goes to the trapped god and says, I'm letting you go, and all the innocents you kill will further fuel my immortality. Wizard lets the big bad go, big bad starts tearing shit up. Then the MC gets introduced, he's your classic swords-and-sorcery protag, has an adventuring party and a love interest, yada yada, and then he meets the Wizard. Wizard doesn't tell MC who he is or why the world is fuck now, so they go off on adventures. Eventually something happens.
A team of characters must work together to pilot a mecha, but what they don't realize is that it slowly merges your minds after repeated use
That exists, it's called Pacific rim
Try harder
what is Aquarion?
If the angle was actually more disturbing, like a character having nightmares if another's past or something, that'd be good.
After a person dies if they have something unfulfilled in this world they go to purgatory
Purgatory is a game where kami and his angels watch humans go through the 7 levels of Dante until one survives
All notable historical figures are those that survived this game and came back
Ie, Genghis Khan/Hitler/George Washington
There are 10,000 people this decade that are participating
The Mc gets switched every 3 chapters to someone else and to a different artist
After 30 chapters and 10 mcs they move on to the next stage and the fans choose which Mc dies until they get to the final 8th layer and only 2 mcs and authors exist
A powerful wizard saves up his treasure and uses it to travel to a mystical far off place.
Once there he realises that although he can speak to people and understand them he is unable to understand their colourful magic runes (that they have Fucking everywhere)
While riding a metal dragon around in a circle he gets attacked by an evil succubus, although he tries to protect his vital essence the succubus is successful in giving him a hand job between asakusa station and Ueno.
Defeated and ashamed he heads home.
It's also a true story
The series is titled "Eh? The Universe is trying to make me the Main Character of my own life like it's some kind of anime!"
The main character, named MC-kun, utterly refuses to be the main character, and has trained himself to identify any cliches in order to counter them.
New transfer student? MC ignores them.
Only free seat is next to MC? He switches with Otaku-san.
Giant Robot attacking the city and the government needs MC to get in the damn robot? MC lets the horrible crippled girl do it.
Ninja girl tries to knock him out to get him away from assassins? MC knocks her out instead and leaves that bitch to die.
Eventually the adventures begin getting more and more ridiculous, and it will show from various genres like mecha, Kaiju, psychological thriller, horror, SoL, romance, until the Universe eventually begins becoming unstable by lacking an MC.
The MC is transported to the Center of the Universe, where the Universe has transformed into a Loli to kill MC so a new MC can be created.
MC refuses to die, so he finally accepts his status as the MC. The Universe thinks she won, so she begins to break apart back into the cosmos, only for the MC to dick slash her at 300 kpm/hr.
MC says that if he really is the Main Character of the story, then he should be able to decide how it ends. He and the Universe have a massive fight, and the MC wins. Using his vast MC powers, he changes reality to make it so that the Universe doesn't need an MC to exist, and the MC becomes a normal high school student.
The after credits scene shows the MC lying dead in the center of the universe, with Universe-chan removing her hands from his head and walking off as they both fade away.
Based on something similar happening to a friend in our greek village.
Basically a regular childhood in remote village. MC and family move out from the small village to the big city. Summer after highschool family has trip back to the village. Turns out the point was for mc to find a wife among the girls. Forced to spend a week living with each girl in her home because this is anime logic.
However MC has a girlfriend who comes with him to the village. Sister pretends its her friend to save her brothers ass. The couple meet secretly after dark to do their thing. One girl catches them and wont rat them out on one condition.
MC picks her.
She wants to get out of the village and he's her only way out. So he picks her (to the knowledge of the public) so by day they are a couple and at night the real couple do their thing.
Big brother of fake gf is suspicious and he joins the group of his sister, MC, sister of MC, and real gf.
real gf slowly starts to dislike him fake gf slowly starts to like him.
At the end the real gf marrys brother of fake gf. Fake gf and MC end up together.
Generic but still would be fun.
What did yall think?
still waiting for a xcom anime
Cute cats doing cute things
Strike Witches
NEET high school dropout is hit by a truck and dies, finds himself in an alternative universe that works just like a JRPG where he acquires a harem of girls.
Are there beastkin and elves?
Is slavery common in this world?
Is there an adventurer's guild that specializes in monster extermination and miscellaneous busywork whose members are identified by the magic ID cards they carry and are ranked from ranks F to S?
Is there a Demon Lord threatening the survival of humanity who can only be defeated by the chosen Hero?
Does the common currency of the world consist of bronze coins approximately valued at 1 yen, silver coins valued at 100 yen, and gold coins valued at 10,000 yen?
These are important questions that need to be answered.
Futuristic space mercenaries where they fight against space monsters and pirates using magitech and futuretech.
Make it funny and similar to World Trigger character building and you have a winner on your hand.
It's copper, you brain-dead uncultured barbarian gaijin scum.
Cute girls playing snooker in little waistcoats
A love story where a robot falls in love with a Chad.
I remember some user having a fight with his sister when they were young. they had a fight because he would show her his dick. He said currently they both hate each other. I thinking they both have repressed feelings for each other. anime that shit bois
24 Ep. NGE Remake with less Fanservice and an actual ending
Smut Idoru
A MMA sports drama.
Something along the lines of AnJ and Warriors
>MC has a secret power of a direct conection with the game he is playing
>his rival is tokido
>FGC memes
post-apocalyptic zombie survival turning into fallout-like setting with akagi/nishi-like protagonist and 3 other guys from the main cast similar to YYH or HxH
Already done.
Already done.
sukebei anime section
All Rounder Meguru
A mob hitman finds out he has inoperable cancer and only a year left to live. Deciding to live his life to the fullest he cuts his ties to organized crime and finally confess his feelings to the cute girl at the cafe. They hit it off well and go on a trip to Okinawa, where he's spotted by an old enemy. This person believes the MC is after his life and hires a group of thugs to go after him, resulting in a bloodbath when the MC takes them down. Word of this reaches his old association who interpret it as him having gone in to business with their rivals, and to punish his disloyalty they send after him a quirky group of hitmen, some of who have history with him. The MC desperately tries to play the part of a retired salary man in love to keep his girl from realizing what is happening while taking on his old associates.
At the start of the series, an army is besieging the castle of some noble in generic fantasyland.
The daughter of the family manages to escape through a hidden passage while everyone else is butchered. She's found by a gruff mercenary who's getting too old for this shit, with a cool dog. Learning who she is, he decides to take her to some nobles who had been allied with her family for ransom money.
They're later joined by a sleazy archer dude, and then there's bonding and hijinks moments as they try to stay ahead their pursuers and others who might want to make money off of the sole heir of a noble house. They then wander around the woods, avoid the main roads and the big towns and try to make their way to where the girl's relatives are, encountering greedy people who want the bounty on her head, or bandits looking to rape her and kill and rob the men. They also encounter Fairies inna woods in one episode, which turns it all into a psychedelic trip.
As things progress, the dog falls ill and can't be saved, so they have to put it out of its misery. The MC is made to do this so she can grow up as a person and learn some kind of lesson about the hardships of life.
In the penultimate episode, the archer dude sells them out to the enemy, and they're taken to be executed. It also turns out he had poisoned the dog to get rid of it and be able to sneak off to the enemy so he could sell the other two out.
At the very start of the last episode, they're both executed and the traitor takes his money and leaves. The rest of the episode consists of flashbacks to the moments he bonded with the noble girl and flashbacks to his younger sister, who had fallen ill.
When he finally comes back home with the money to pay for her treatment, it turns out she's all better and she runs to meet him with a big happy smile on her face.
Prequel, first season:
The gruff mercenary from the previous series is a young lad who buries his mother after her death. He knows he is the bastard of a knight, but can't prove it, and he refused to acknowledge him. The first episode is mostly a flashback of his mother explaining to him how everything is God's will and how he should put his faith in Him. At the end of the episode he happens upon a bunch of men beating up a man in a monk's frock.
The second episode starts with him rushing to his defence, but the men outnumber them and they lose the tussle. The MC still takes the monk-looking man to his house and offers him hospitality. It turns out he is not a monk, but a wandering scholar who used to be a monk. He offers to teach the MC all manner of things if he escorts him. The MC wants to see the world, so he agrees, and sells his house, buying a sword and some armour. The first half of the series, 12 episodes, revolve around the two of them wandering from place to place, with a portion of each episode dedicated to the scholar telling some kind of fantastical story featuring Elves and Fairies and Giants, each with some kind of lesson in it for the MC to learn, while the rest of the episode is either the scholar trying to apply his quack-doctoring skills to earn money, or the MC doing physical labour and odd-jobs for money. As the series progresses, the MC realized that the scholar is a drunkard, a glutton, a whoremonger, and a great liar, who causes trouble wherever they go, but they still stay friends. When the scholar gets sick the MC cares for him as he had done with his mother until he dies.
Prequel, second season:
The second half of the series, also 12 episodes, is the MC, now somewhat learned and experienced, taking up work as a mercenary and making friends with his comrades, much like the Golden Age arc in Berserk, but without Griffith. They do mercenary stuff and become a closely knit group, with the MC falling in love for the first time with his own Caska. There is no happy ending for them and she dies while pregnant because reasons. The MC picks up a puppy to replace her and raises it to become a war-dog. The knight who is supposedly his father has become a rebel or something and the mercenaries are hired by him to defend his castle from the king's men. The MC disapproves and gets thrown in the dungeon for his troubles. He escapes the castle with the help of his closest friends, but he can't let go of the fact that his bastard of a father is using the mercenary band he helped build for his own ends, and so he goes to the king's men and tells them about the secret passage he used to escape. To his shock his friends all stay at his father's side because of their honour, him having signed a contract with them. All of his friends are slaughtered in a meaningless battle, and he learns that the man who had hired them hadn't been his father, but merely someone with the same name, but much too young to actually be his father.
The MC has lost everything but his dog and wanders around for a while between battlefields until he meets the girl who is the MC of the original series, at which point this series ends.
Second prequel:
The wandering scholar from the previous series is an orphan raised by the church, where he learns that studying and learning are things he is good at. He grows up to be quite an intellectual, but after dissecting some dead bodies and formulating theories on medicine he is caught by the inquisition and accused of heresy. He is tortured until the recants and when he does he is thrown out to the streets and told to never come back.
Disillusioned with the church, he decides to dedicate himself to science and sinning, since both are equally repressed. So he becomes a drunkard, a glutton, a lech and a lazy bastard, and his practice of science and medicine take a backseat to gratuitous amounts of fan-service and comedic encounters with whores, bards, and chronic gamblers, whereby he spends his life accomplishing little else than ruining his health, and even a couple black magic orgies because he tips fedoras, m'lady. Many of the episodes follow the same basic structure as the previous series stories he told to the MC of that once, but with less fantastic characters.
The few times he actually tries to practice medicine on someone, the patients usually die thanks to his bumbling and inaptitude, even though his theories are perfectly sound, and as a result of his actions the people in every place he visits become opposed to the use of "modern" medicine.
He also dons disguises when visiting some places to perform cons, and in town he wears cheap armour and pretends to be a knight, impregnating a woman, but ditching her. When he years later returns to the same town he falls into debt and is about to be beaten up by his creditors, but is then rescued by a young man he soon realizes is his own son. He never works up the courage to confess this to him.
Sequel, season 1:
During the original series the escaping trio had been pursued primarily by greedy peasants and other such lowlifes, but there had also been a leader of a group of soldiers who was simply referred to as "Captain". As it turns out, he was rewarded for the capturing and killing of the girl by being given the title of baronet and an estate in the countryside. The series follows him expanding his retinue, picking up interesting characters to serve him, him meting out justice after hearing complaints from his subjects and trying to manage finances. Time passes and he happens to see a genki peasant girl whom he takes a liking to. In traditional medieval manner he plans to rape her, since her lowly station means he can't marry her. He takes his most loyal underlings with him to keep watch while he rapes her when she's in the woods picking mushrooms, but this fails when someone fires arrows from the forest and kills his men. The rest of the series is him organizing search parties to hunt down whoever did this and trying to get this wench into his power, which he begins by arranging for her to become a maid at his mansion. After his other servants poke around, it turns out she and her brother were in fact children of a knight who had several years ago joined a rebellion against a king and been killed (the same knight the gruff mercenary had thought was his father) and the MC realizes that he could marry her if the legitimacy of her birth could be proved. As it turns out the proof is in the possession of her brother, who disappeared into the woods, and in case you couldn't guess is the guy who killed the knights and sold out the MCs at the end of the previous series. The brother had refused to step forth as nobility due to his own stubborn pride at being able to survive without help from others or some such shit. The MC has to find him for real now.
Sequel, season 2:
The MC makes new, stricter laws against "poaching" and organizes foresters to help him track down the brother so he can have the sister as his legal wife. A visiting royal tallyman takes a liking to this idea and convinces the king to make it a nationwide practice, and so they put into use the real life practice of forest law, but with added bits about illegally living inna woods, thus driving Elves to either move beyond the national borders or into legally recognized towns where they would have to pay taxes rather than living free like the forest hippy gipsies they are. This causes unrest, and due to the effects of the law on regular poor folk who used to hunt for some extra income, shit gets even worse. The peasants blame the Elves and there's several episodes dealing with none of the main characters, but rather just the peasants lynching Elves or half-Elves living in their communities, KKK style.
The increasing tensions cause the bad blood left behind by the previous civil war (begun by the rebellion in the first prequel, which was also the reason the family of the MC in the original series was killed) to rise up again, and as rumours spread, the brother in the woods becomes hailed as a legendary figure, the symbol of resistance against the "evil king" and his unjust laws and the oppression of Elves and poor folk. Other peasants take the side of the rebels while others stick by their king and church because they fear and hate the Elves. Also witch hunts begin, because the church can't think of any better way to handle things. This results in trouble, because the genki little sister has been gathering herbs and mushrooms and making stuff with them. Although the stuff she makes has no magic involved, the witch hunters eventually show up to put her to trial, and the MC, despite being the one who started the whole thing by making the new laws in his own lands, now has to join the rebels when he saves her and kills the witch hunters.
Sequel, season 3:
The MC finds himself in deep shit thanks to thinking with his dick, but he can't back down anymore. He has those still loyal to him capture and execute those who would openly take the king's side and begins to prepare for retaliation. He has fortifications built around his estate and has fresh troops trained out of the peasantry who now view him as a hero of sorts, and he raids the churches in the neighbouring areas to pay for mercenaries at the cost of being excommunicated. Assassins come after him with poison, and his life is surprisingly saved by the genki girl he's in love with, who used her herbal brews to make an antidote. While she's nursing him, they finally start hitting it off in a way.
This series takes place exclusively within the MC's estate to emphasise the way in which he's been cut off from the world because of the war and how he's surrounded on all sides by enemies, and there's a sense of paranoia as he begins to seek out those among his retinue who may have been working against him and to uncover the assassins who are after him while drilling the troops and raising the walls. Likable characters from previous seasons are both found out as baddies and executed, while others are assassinated by the baddies. Cont.
The last three episodes are just one long battle sequence as the king's men, led by some count or something, lay siege on the estate. The first of these episodes is spent defending the walls and the besieging army is repelled. During the second they make it through and the MC uses his clever traps and tactics to inflict as many losses on the enemy as possible, but it seems the enemy has overwhelming numbers. Early on in the third episode reinforcements arrive to save the day, and army of Elves and peasants from the surrounding areas charge the king's men from behind and they're forced to surrender. The MC no longer cares about proving if his girl is a noble or not and they decide to get married in a grove in the woods, pagan/Elf style since they're both excommunicated.
Then the brother, who has been living in the woods the entire time and has no clue what's been happening shows up, thinks his sister is being forced to marry against her will, and shoots her through the heart with his bow to save her virtue and honour.
Sequel 2:
The king is getting old, and the realm has been thrown into chaos by godless rebels, witches, oath breakers and Elves. The king's health is not what it used to be, and his physician assures him he has very little time left in the world. He doesn't want his children to inherit a kingdom torn apart in such a manner, and so he visits a pagan magician in the dungeons and offers to give him a painless death if he places a charm on him. The mage agrees, and so the king is made undying for so long as his realm is in chaos, but the moment peace returns, he will drop dead. He finds this agreeable and once the spell is cast, gives the mage a quick death without any torture as promised.
The king then turns to his children and wonders who will become his heir. He has five children, three sons and two daughters. Both of his daughters are married, while two of his sons are, and only his youngest remains a bachelor.
His eldest son is a serious man with a serious life and nothing even remotely silly ever happens to him. He has not managed to produce children of his own, his first wife had six miscarriages until he beat her to death in a fit of drunken rage, after which he went on a pilgrimage to atone for it and never drank again. His second wife also failed to produce children, and so he realized he was to blame. Thus the line cannot continue through him.
To be continued when I can be bothered to make more shit up.
A /k/ommando drives a bus filled with lolis and a huge pile of guns. They all behave like they're at an amusement park. Each episodes teach cute lessons about cute guns.
Pure genius.
Desperado Double-Decker. That's the name you're going to use by the way.
A Reboot/Sequel to Princess Mononoke, But with cyberpunk
I just want to hear a synthwave version of the Soundtrack with some dope visuals
Can anime that can turn me into a little girl
Also this
An anime based of the trials and tribulations of the band Asia
This series sounds like it could be a really good kind of pure suffering
It could get mad edgy and I think the prequels past the one in the first season are beating the viewer over the head. Maybe just the one 2 cour season, and flip the cour order to make the betrayal hit harder, him dying for literally nothing would mean alot more if the viewer already had an established relationship.
The concept is sick though.
>MC is some normal person who lost hope in himself
>everyone around him is enjoying themselves and able to do what they want but MC is too afraid and fears failure
>there's a battle between abhrahamic angels and demons
>MC by sheer accident runs into a demon attacking an angel and saves the angel
>MC inherents a subtle yet quite potent angel power and the angel that gave him this power teaches him how to live
>7 truths man must or must not know is brought up and plays heavily on the show both plot wise and the characters psyche
The main character of our story is a man who has, since childhood, had a single dream: to be the most exciting announcer in the world. Throughout the series he seeks out sporting events, street fights and even battles between superheroes and supervillains so he can narrate the events and collecting various quirky side-characters to act as an all-knowing council of commentators regardless of the situation.
The first episode would be him over-dramatically explaining a battle between two stag-beetles back in elementary school.
Androgynous MC is reincarnated into a fantasy world with their video game characters serving as a basis for their new body. Except that each video game character serves as a different body, including a strategy game character giving a battlefield view and troop command/base building abilities, various characters from the same MMO, and characters from porn games that they are completely uncomfortable revealing the exact number of(though it is clearly shown to be in the high triple digits). Starting off only having one body at a time, but as time progresses the MC develops the ability to have multiple bodies at the same time, and eventually gets to the point that they can no longer go back to only having a single body.
Each character also has an affect on the MC's mind, making them more like that character, and eventually when they have many bodies it seems almost like they are separate people. Except that each body is also having an impact upon the MC's core personality, swaying it by how long they have a each character manifested. As the MC starts to lose the ability to go back to a single body they also realize that rather than having just started to lose who they once were, they may in fact have actually completely lost who they once were.
Rather than having some overarching plot with a antagonist such as a demon king or anything, the MC is in fact just trying to build their own stable nation in a world where magic often reshapes the landscape. The series actually focuses more on the level 1 resource gathering characters than the level 100+ combat characters. With such high level characters actually largely being gimped due to the fantasy world just basing new bodies after them rather than just transferring everything over perfectly.
The series setting is a multiverse where multiple worlds exists separated from one another.
It is guarded by a species of dragons who live among the regular populace of the worlds. When dragons come of age they go on travels across the worlds until they eventually find the one they want to settle down in.
The series follows one of these dragons as it travels across different worlds and has adventures in small 1-2 episode arcs.
Basically Kino's Journey in a Sword and Sorcery setting.
SoL about a very cute straight trap's journey to get other girls to step on him. Loses his shit when they so much as step on his foot. There's an equally cute reverse trap with an undisclosed bust size that is almost hopelessly attracted to him but she doesn't know about his fetish. Both of them never expose their actual gender. Both MCs work at mall shops right next to each other.
Occasional gimmicks include a bossy female side character who knows about the fetish but not his gender and steps on reverse trap to tease him, little lesbian sister of the trap that's into him but forgot he's a guy because he's been a trap for so long, gay who can't accept it coworker of reverse trap who is attracted to her because he thinks she's a dude, bi cake boss who "secretly" owns both that wants to get in on all the obvious sexual tensions flying around but is too shy.
I got one. A 12 episode show about a shy schoolboy and a perverted, female phys ed student-teacher want to try out a double ended dildo together, but they cant get one out in the country side, so they they take a fun and interesting trip to the big city to get that dildo.