Fuck Nico

Fuck Nico.

Can't this be a ryona thread instead?


hi, I'm nico



I hate nico shes cancer

Nico needs to die


Nico will fuck you up.


Imagine her life in a wheelchair after that.

Why can't we have more abused, crippled girls in anime/manga?


Best Nico

This is a SFW board, user.

Hi, Nico!

you're next

Why would anyone want to hurt such a sweet child

Hurting innocent children is the the most patrician fetish
the more innocent the better

With or without condom?

do u want her nasty diseases?

If I do, then that means that I can keep fucking her

Why is this a thing?

because its hot

Fuck if I know.

I WILL heal Nico's body and heart

People find her annoying like Umaru.

I hate this.



thats an old japanese man

This guy knows what's up.

Is this why I want to trick and rape children?

that better not be a bote

Because she's an annoying character just like that hamster bitch

What, you aren't fond of boats?

why would you do such a things to a sweet and innocent nico-chan


try to stop me

why is does he have abs on his back?