Flashback Friday - Konjiki no Gash Edition

Looked at all the anime I watched 10 years ago and realized that I never finished Zatch Bell. Tried to watch it again and got into filler hell so I decided the read the manga. Best decision I made this week. I actually had a few laughs from this.

Other urls found in this thread:


just skip the filler.

I dumped the entire manga via daily threads on Sup Forums a few months ago, reading the manga was def the right descision on your part.

The anime's got some amazing music and the adaptions of the songs are 10/10, but in every other way the anime is shit. Give me a few minutes and i'll link a bunch of the shit from the anime you should watch

It doesn't finish the series and the filler is mixed in with the anime (as in, it's not in arcs like the Bounts in Bleach).

this page was the high point of the comedy of the manga. the climax of this arc and the next were some high tier feels stuff. never before have I regretted not being able to cry

Thanks man. Folgore and Kyanchome really fuckin grew on me.

Alright, here:

Folgore's Chichi Oppai dance: youtube.com/watch?v=-dI6fLQzqFs
A song the anime added for pattie's introduction: youtube.com/watch?v=qsCwP6XCQGw
Victoreem's very melon shit: youtube.com/watch?v=h3b8FBtvJAc
Boing Boing's dance: youtube.com/watch?v=wDJV2XnusFI
The Belgium EO fight, which the anime actually improves on: youtube.com/watch?v=3H1nqLkPFBo
The super sentai songs for Coral Q the anime added: youtube.com/watch?v=SPZn4p6cVPo&t=136s

The official anime OST's also includes alt versions of those, see below. There's also a bunch of videos on youtube where people synced up the anime OST to panels of the manga for scenes that never got into the anime, like the parts of the Faudo arc that got butchered in the anime or stuff in the Clear arc. I'd link those, but there's a fuck ton, and i'd rather just link the rar I made for the last dump thread: drive.google.com/file/d/0Bxi90CWdsCj3NU5Qa2FXSzZMZXM/view

This includes those sync videos and

- All the OST's for the anime + somebody's reconstruction of a missing track
- saved versions of all the dump threads
- the fanart folder I found on photobucket
- live performances of the anime OP's by the singer who sung them
- my collection of reaction images I saved/made over the course of the dump threads
- the final 3 volumes of the A-Destiny release of the manga that are super high res

That said looking through the saved threads, the formatting got fucked, you might as well just go on fireden and resave them manually from there, but oh well. I'll make a fixed rar at some point.

I also ran some surveys on people's favorite's fights/characters/"deaths", so the results from those are in pic related, 1/3

so hows vectorball? I dont see any chapters of it no more did translator give up?


Also, as part of dumping the manga, we found a lot of translation errors in the NULL scans, so if you used NULL's scans and want to know what got mistranslated, I can upload a pastebin of those too, since I kept notes on them since I plan on making my own release of the manga at somepoint


I love folgore and kanchome(or maybe its nostalgia talking will have to see) one of the few characters as comedic relief I ever ask myself"I wonder what they're doing right now" or" i wish parco was here"

do you think animal land could get an anime? because it LOOKS like a kids manga but has some pretty dark tones all throughout the manga especially the mother scene had to hold my heart cause I thought for sure MC was gonna come through

Who knows. Gash's anime is getting a BD release in like a month and is getting madhouse figures, pic related, so clearly there's somesort of resurgence going on with it at least

I do not like figures, give me some legos.
but if thats the case I really can't see anyone doing it except madhouse. of course if david pro ever decide to take a break from jojo that would be nice too. and I love jojo

Also, OP, did you read the Gaiden Chapter?

Pretty mad viz never finished translating this series, can any manga publisher do their fucking jobs right?

>Belgium EO fight


oh come on, I was planning on buy the entire volume, fucking hell, now im mad.

Thanks a lot! Really appreciate it. Good luck on the manga corrections. I'll probably want to reread at some point.

I did. What'd you think?

Just wanted to make sure you knew it exists and didn't miss it

Those were good times man