Who here actually, unironically, with out most respect, go to /r/t_d?
They have great memes are the forefront of the #MAGA movement. Trump personally endorsed them to boot
What is the consensus here?
Who here actually, unironically, with out most respect, go to /r/t_d?
They have great memes are the forefront of the #MAGA movement. Trump personally endorsed them to boot
What is the consensus here?
Other urls found in this thread:
I respect T_D, besides most of us came from reddit at some point
>going on plebbit ever
Hating reddit is a meme and you fell for it
Im fine with t_D the mods are faggots though
>absolute state of plebbit
IIT the ultimate proof that Sup Forums is dead.
This is the only reddit page I'll vist maybe once a week or so. A few of them are awar of (((their))) influence but most of them are still too considerate towards niggers. Lots of hate towards muslims leads them to supporting Israel simply out of spite.
>Besides most of us came from reddit at some point
in all seriousness, they are a good front for the MAGA movement. They mobolize boomers and cucks in ways we couldnt. are they perfect, no. but they are very useful.
now, i did not personally come here from T_D, but i know others who have. T_D redpills people and is a good beachhead on an enemy occupied territory.
They’re the epitome of the alt lite, cringe conservatism movement. They ride trumps dick way too much, even if he is the best thing to happen to the right since 1933. It’s a great starting point for nibbling little red pills but if you get dragged into the civil nationalism meme and “all races are equal” rhetoric you will ultimately end up only a semi redpill that spouts retarded memes and the same figures, never self improving, ect
I'm mostly politically agreeable with /r/donald, but their user base is pretty moronic. Same as the rest of reddit.
Also too much of
>muh red team is better than your blue team on there
its pretty much the only reason I still support isreal. honestly, i still say we should support Iran and encourage the republican factions in that nation, though. they would be a much better ally than isreal, i feel like.
I watched it unfold from beginning to now, occasionally, I'll stop by and check things out. It's great for normies, really. No hate. I really disliked how one of the big time mods there got ousted for being a race realist anti-semite, but other than that, it serves its purpose. Sup Forums is a little harsh on them, but we're talking Sup Forums here; where every OP is a faggot since 2004.
Most Sup Forums lurkers/posters are old Sup Forums folks anyway; currently in their 30s (or worse). It's just the circle of life, Simba.
>le based maga black pede
yeah, fuck off.
Sup Forums - Boomers and Teenagers
You can talk about how much you hate muslims over there and how savage they are but you mention one thing about (((them))) and you're instantly a nazi and the mods will ban your posts shortly after. They fucking stupid cucks and faggot boomers who ruined the USA in the first place. 95% of the people there are faggot civi nationalist mutts with a shit load of niggers, fags and spics who post there because they feel included in the movement. Fuck all of those people they do not belong here and they are not American's. Filled with race traitors.
As long as they stay where they belong I have no problem with T_D...well, I don't like that they're civic nationalists who use niggers as a way to virtue signal and constantly deny that race plays a major factor in politics.
>I respect T_D, besides most of us came from reddit at some point
I have been on reddit twice in my life when looking for very specific tutorials. Kill yourself leaf
They are a tool and should be used and treated as such.
The people on there are the same people you see at his rallies. American's need to be reminded that being American is being White, anything else you're a 2nd class citizen and should be treated as such. America should be 90%+ White at all times and minorities should have child laws like they do in China to prevent them from outbreeding.
I didn’t.
All you reddit faggots need to die.
>besides most of us came from reddit at some point
Sup Forums existed way before reddit. I came from YTMND after it went to shit in 2006.
Reminder that if you use platforms like plebbit, fecesbook, twatter, instagroid, etc, you are a dumb normie and should go back.
What is wrong with this? I don't see what your point is
You Can't post anytthing ANTI JEW or t_d or you will be downvoted into oblivion and then banned.
It's full of israel supporting, jew loving, republicans.
>in all fields
kys faggot
On a rare occasion I can find needed car info.
>not being from GAIA where the LADIES were at
time goes by; you still a busta
It was only fun during the primaries, then normies got ahold of it. Now I just like to shitpost about Jews when given the opportunity.
This is a way to keep the site operational on Reddit. Otherwise the sub would get banned. This is a necessary evil to get more recruits too go to Sup Forums, the true redpill
So they're pawns of better people.
Sadly it’s true. Not every tween and boomer who just installed AOL is ready for an anus full of red pill suppositories.
I've seen plenty of anti ((())) stuff in the comments, you just have to be subtle.
subtlety is an art that most of pol could use to master anyways. it will come in handy in many circumstances, although I admit that it's hard for autists to understand subtlety
Kill yourself. Last thread 404'd for a reason. Leave and never fucking come back.
>Complain about refugees in Europe who don't assimilate
>Don't care about refugees to Sup Forums who can't assimilate
The absolute state of Sup Forums
>It's full of israel supporting, jew loving, republicans.
What's wrong with supporting Israel? I think it's a good thing, Israel represents a strong western democracy in the middle east. Israel will always be an ally to the west, stormfags are irrelevant. Which is why Trump also supports Israel.
I think anti-semites should be banned from Sup Forums too.
What the fuck? Please tell it's not true. Fuck reddit.
>most of us came from reddit at some point
thanks for helping turn pol into a shill board
Thread Theme
Reddit is cancer and always will be cancer. I went to T_D once to check it out and I couldn't figure out how the hell Reddit threads are even structured, I hate the interface and the posts all seem to be garbage anyway. Wouldn't waste my time there, ever. If sites like this are capable of drawing in normies and convincing them to at least nominally support our side even if their reasoning is retarded and they can't think in terms other than stupid rehashed memes, then I'm more or less in favor, but I don't want them to leave their containment room until they're ready to grow up and learn to discuss big boy politics.
OP is such a faggot he larped as the founder of T_D.
No most of us left 4 chan to go to reddit (because it used to be better) and then came back to 4 chan after reddit started to become a censored propaganda psyop site. We really will be stuck here forever.
> tfw no 40 year old Sup Forums milf to berate me and call me a nigger
>I'm from Reddit
Pic related.
I was on the chinz a fair amount from 05-08, and returned sporadically until the election.
The only time I've ever used Reddit is T_D, and then only for data mining, you can create a list of saved articles and whatnot.
It was also useful during wikileaks email dumps, very good breakdowns of the relevant emails.
Even though it's probably 25% soy these days, it's good to take a break from the shills when it gets really bad here.
I don't personally visit reddit for any reason, and really I don't care about their little get together for whatever reason.
If they can't handle Sup Forums, and need to be else where, good. Whatever. I'd rather them over there than over here.
Reminder that this site used to be a liberal haven before T_D redpilled and took the site
dude reddit won. Did you really think it would last?
go to infinity chan, its way better
>tfw you find out it was all just satire
Good people. Nazis can fuck off with their Muslim allies.
>reddit chan
Everyone got more informed, overreacted to all the problems and nihilistically turned to Donald Trump.
>Israel represents a strong western democracy in the middle east
We don't need a strong western democracy in the middle east. The civilized world needs to just completely isolate that whole region of the world (and the rest of Africa while we're at it) and leave them to kill each other.
Most of the boards here are still liberal dummy
The problem with Israel, is that they get us into unnecessary conflicts. They cost us a shit ton of money and resources. Things were going great in the middle east, before Israel came along. Muslims did not hate America.
Now Israel, wants to start a war with Iran, for whatever reason. Even though most terrorists are SUNNI, Wahhabi, Jihads.
Meaning WE will be at war with Iran. Israels Army is too small to sustain any conflict of attrition. Meaning the USA would be fighting the war. We would be funding it and fighting it FOR them. It's never ending.
Speak for yourself,faggot.
fucking really?
T_D is a safe space for intellectual weaklings.
Fake news and propaganda are a staple there.
Take a look at this fake bullshit:
5152 upvotes and almost 400 comments in support of fake propaganda.
Either there are thousands upon thousands of gullible idiots on T_D or it is a showy propaganda machine run by bots. Either way, if you have any self-respect, you don't post there.
You should kys
it's obviously a PSYOP. Sometimes a product isn't meant to be sold. Its very existence is the attack.
I left that site years ago and I haven't looked back since.
It's the fact, that Jews are above criticism on T_D and pretty much anywhere else, besides Pol. It's bullshit.
Every other race gets torched online, with no consequences. Yet it is impossible to criticize Jews.
reddit is for faggot normies that dont understand that making memes into a real world thing is cringe and autistic, your movement is literally the most autistic thing in the world
Why do you embarrass us leaf? Oh your a leaf. Kys.
>I tried Sup Forums but it was too confusing
Bitch please, Reddit is a perfect example of a modern web design clusterfuck. Sup Forums is one of the easiest sites on the internet to use.
>mfw the first time I tried to use Reddit
Never been there since.
I want Reddit to leave. All of you go.
i used to go on reddit all the time until buildup to election 2016. then i only went on t_d. i stopped reddit altogether when i got banned from t_d for being antisemitic. that says enough.
i just upvote good posts i see there. but im sure they dont show up on r/all anymore for non-subscribers of TD.
Neck yourselves reddit scum. And most of all, get off my fucking board.
>What is the consensus here?
Pic related.
Exactly. People act like if Israel did not exist in the middle east, our foreign policy in the region would come crashing down. That is retarded as fuck.
We would probably be much better off. There would be less conflict in the region and less terrorism worldwide.
Speak for yourself leaf
> Meme flag
No they aren't. Most boards aren't/pol/-tier but nearly everyone here hates social justice bullshit.
Why am I even replying?
hurrr ia reddit
I love you big strong redditor.
Please breed my pony wife.
I go to thread if they're linked here but I've never went to the main forum.
Fuck off youngfag. I was on Sup Forums before reddit existed.
Nah reddit is trash for having actual discussions. It is an echo-chamber by design. It is nice if you want to discuss non-contentious topics though, or for hobbies and shit. Otherwise prepare to be banned/shadow-banned if you disagree with whatever dick sucking mods they have.
it's time to go back sweetie
>The greatest memes
jokes require shock/suprise value to be funny, leftist/alt-lite memes can never compete
not to mention there are so many things that you have to think like a racist to find funny, like pic related.
Wow, nice blog post faggot
>this fucking thread
Lol you are fucking delusional
I go for the same reason I come here, to leer and gawk at the human freakshow.
Name one place you can criticize kikes other than *Sup Forums
>r*ddit spacing
>can't write correctly
please return there at once
Are you really surprised
Sup Forums has been reddit garbage for like a solid year now
No Sup Forums board is safe, except /biz/ and /fit/
It used to be fun during the election and primaries. It's shit now.
Go to The_Donald and start complaining about the influence in America of the Israeli Jewish Lobby and see how many up-votes you get.
At the DNC convention. UN. EU. British parliament. Every college in America. Every school in Europe. Probably all Africa and Asia not to mention south America and here now you Ahmed.
>besides most of us came from reddit at some point