>check catalog
>no opt
Guess I'd better start one.
>check catalog
>no opt
Guess I'd better start one.
Eyy senpai you gotta sauce me on this, this looks like straight fire senpai li I fuck with this joy emoji.
>one reply in the thread
>no posters
Give it up, no one likes these boring generals
Is me the only Sup Forumsnon that didn't gave a shit about that.
No, actually i was even happy, that was all a prelude for "the masturbation avenger strike back".
I got way more disappointed when he apologized turning this manga into shit.
>google only sends me to another opt thread
Now that's an interesting developement.
I'm pretty sure it's Is Reiroukan Still Alive?. It's been a while since I read it though, so I may be wrong.
Google tells me its a cartoon, anyone have the sauce?
Its not what you think
> it's an Sup Forums doesn't know how to do OPT anymore episode
honestly you all fucking suck
Kill yourself.
sauce? google has failed me
Love this one, based Jun.
fuck you too user
forever mad he didn't bang the cute sister.
Source? Looks interesting.
Truly the hero we need.
Hinamatsuri, and yes it is.
Reiroukan Kenzai Nariya
No idea if that ones the same.
Found something but the page gives a 403.
Tineye should just include page titles. Would that be so hard.
Sachiare! by Youneki Youko OR Yoneshiro Youko ?
[Jun] Junai Mellow - Pure Love Mellow
Self-Styled Super High Efficiency Maid Robot Maria
Why so many Ero-Manga?
try dragging the full image in image search
use yandex
Good taste user
why would you want him to ruin the comic though?
All this romance and gag.
Not that I don't like those too, but...doesn't anyone read action manga any more?
Is it perhaps the same guy that did Latin, or maybe even another chapter from that series?
This looks like Trigun although I could be wrong.
I read this because of the psychological aspect
Hate to be that guy, but what's the source? Google, iqdb and saucenao fail me.
Always check the Archive "View same" option and open the threads via "View" if you get results. Then check the replies to the image you are looking for.
Also Yandex.com Image search and Tineye.
Also don't be the dolt that does not search the full image on those search engines.
Hint: Thumbnail: i.4cdn.org
Full Image: i.4cdn.org
Also: We should get a guide going for this shit.
All I got was a false alarm OPT thread from those. Didn't search thumbnail. Thanks.
The used URLs are more of an example for Thumbnail and Full Image diferences.
has different URLs of course.
What false alarm thread?
Post pages when your metal detector woke up the neighbors
I figured this is the only place that can help me find this manga.
There's this manga that starts as a generic highschool romcom. MC has a crush, and it seems the crush also secretly likes him.
Now MC has male sidekick who gives this silent/cool vibe. But later on it's hinted that his sidekick might be a girl who also secretly likes MC (artsyle is moe, so any boy could pass as a girl). I didn't know if sidekick actually a girl or not since the TL hasn't catch up at the time. There used to be threads about it 1-2 years ago.
Appears to be filthy bait.
It's part of the same oneshot collection Latin was in, and actually had someone on Sup Forums do a full translation years ago, but the typesetter never got around to finishing it up. No idea where this page comes from, as there appears to be no actual translation up anywhere from what I can see.
shit ending
Are they green
This manga is so comfy for me since I can relate to the 80s fascination the characters have (and I wasn't even born in the 80s).
Source? Can't find it in archive. Is this hentai?