This is a pure sibling relationship.
This is a pure sibling relationship
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I've fapped a considerable amount to that doujin
if your not gonna post a name or link then don't post anything at all you cunt
The more they fuck, the purer it get.
>incestuous boy
Fuck off, saucefag. Not recognizing that author is bad enough in itself.
I forgot him.
From what i remember he draw nice lolis but he make fucking depressing stuff.
You wot
Who bought him that shirt?
God-tier artist.
This is too real.
His sister, of course.
Oh, now i remember...
I must totally find this author again. This manga was sweet stuff.
The one were he drank piss was better
Why do his lolis look the same?
It's depressing because the MC only gets to watch.
OP and everyone who does this kind of shit, are massive faggots that should die of cancer.
Sauce is Kyoudai tte ii na, by Shimanto Shisakugata. You're welcome.
You're fucking cancer newfag, I haven't even heard of the artist and found it in a few clicks.
Contrary to popular belief, you CAN leave if you don't like it here.
The same can be said to you, faggot.
I read somewhere before that nips just think English looks cool on shirts and don't necessarily know what those shirts are saying. It's like how you sometimes see shirts in stores with Chinese characters on them accompanied by some designs and whatnot. A bunch of people have no idea what it says but think it looks nice in a aesthetic way so they buy and wear it.
That's only two of his dozens of works, as far as I remember.
so whats the name of this family friendly manga?
never mind I found it
it called siblings sure are great
I pray for japan
this little gem will keep me warm at night
Reminds me of a guy who got a tattoo while in Japan that had バカ外人, and he was telling his friends it had some kind of deep meaning or something.
It's the same concept as a guy getting a tattoo with Chinese letters. The foreign makes it seem cool.