Did Araki explain why he dropped manliness?
Did Araki explain why he dropped manliness?
In Nipland, huge muscular men are seen as gay as fuck, and twinks are perfectly A-OK.
>implying Jojo was manly in the first place
>implying Jolyne Cujoh isn't the manliest character in JJBA
Part 5 are a bunch of juvenile delinquents, not even older than 22. Of course they're not overtly manly yet.
How old do you think jotaro is?
He started reading too many books on ancient sculpturing and it influenced his work too hard.
Araki lost his mind. He's the Kubo of his era.
With the integration of stands came less of a need for overly muscular characters to show strength since any living thing can have a stand. Also, the 80's were ending along with the "manly man" manga that came with them (i.e. Fist of the North Star)
Jotaro is 1 year older than Giorno. Also, Jotaro is a special boy.
Things were a lot buffer back then. Not just manga, but films, cartoons, action figures, everything was all about big muscles and tall men. As time went on, sheer strength and musculature became less popular, and character designs changed to reflect that. Araki also chose to branch out from the traditional shonen tournament battle manga by emphasizing supernatural powers over physical powers, first demonstrated by Lisa Lisa and her considerably smaller figure. With JoJo becoming an established series, the setting becoming more modern, and the overall change in tastes, Araki went with trimmer muscles and shorter heights.
Even back in Dragon Ball, muscles weren't a surefire indicator of strength. Vegeta's original design was much shorter in order to signify the sheer power gap between Nappa and Vegeta. Freeza's final form was also a subversion of the traditional muscle power up, and in the Cell Saga, Super Saiyan Third Grade and Power Weighted Cell were both seen as highly impractical wastes of energy.
Is Vegeta a manlet? Or is Nappa just really huge?
Can't get much manlier than having four balls.
Both. Of course Vegeta grew larger to make interactions and fights a bit less silly looking, but he's always been emphasized as much shorter than Goku, and even Bulma at times.
When is a realistic announcement date for part 5?
Summer to Fall.
goku is apparently only 5'7"
Jojo was is still manly, and has been manly throughout its whole run. Just because the dudes aren't drawn as fuckhueg fridges doesn't change their personalities.
Hell, Gappy's one of the manliest characters yet, and just look at Gyro.
tl;dr: those twinks would still fuck your gf better than you.
Japs are known betas, so when Araki first approached with this series both he and editor probably thought that style HAd to be just like that big thing everyone was doing (i.e FotNS). But with time as JoJo gained more its own popularity Araki grew confident in his art and his overall abilities as mangaka.
And thats i guess is why jojo still fresh. Cause instead of pandering to masses, Araki dose what he enjoys. And people feel it.
Jojo is of 「PASSION」. That is true way of 「ART」.
Self insertion (his own) and fujoshi fanservice.
>Did Araki explain why he dropped manliness?
The Muscle Men era ended half way through the franchise. Remember Rambo and all that? It just became unpopular.
Juvenile delinquents where i live don't look like gaypride demonstrators.
i love jojo, but it always was one of the most homoerotic shows
The bottom crew is 100x more manly than the top, except for Fugo because he's a puccibitch.