Gabriel vs Umaru
Who would you rather have as a girlfriend?
Gabriel vs Umaru
Who would you rather have as a girlfriend?
>Cute angel vs Living onahole
Gabu-chan. At least she can be redeemed.
Kanau kongou
Umaru is a daughteru
Girlfriend Satania
Adopt Umaru
Put Gabriel in a trash bin
Gabriel isn't slowed down by wanting to keep up appearances outside of the house. She is the clear win as there will be more time for gaming and lewd.
Vigne showed that you can get Gabe to do something at least remotely productive. I also don't want to be dating a hamster.
I'd prefer Satania, but Gab is much better than Umaru.
Gabriel by far.
You mean girlfriend TSF
Satania is cute and all but she's nothing compared to TSF
Satania will be the best after she is properly mind broken. I want to hear a demon beg for love and attention.
gabriel is a shitbag
umaru at least understands the concept of maybe not being assholes to people
Gabriel. She might be a cunt, but at least she's not as flagrantly deceitful and manipulative as Umaru.
>TSF is the nip abbreviation for gender bender
Realistically if Umaru would be real you wouldn't know her true personality as she's keeping a facade.
So Umaru. until her real personality comes out and we would break up and MAYBE she'll fix her spoiled personality.
>people picking Gab over Umaru just because its hip to hate on Umaru
>the only real difference between Gab and Umaru is Gab doesn't throw tantrums, but also doesn't bathe nearly as much
I guess if you're into stinky neet chicks thats fine
I shower maybe twice a week, brah. I can deal.
Gabriel. No contest.
You're gross.
I can't really remember Umaru - but it seems she was that girl who went into chibi-mode after coming home.
I'd take Gabriel since she obviously has supernatural powers.
If Umaru did lewd things with her onii-chan instead of begging and whining I could see her as the better girl. Throwing in a cute friend like Ebina would seal the deal.
Gab is more straight-forward and honest about herself and her intentions. I wouldn't want to date either of them, but I think Gab would be preferable.
If you don't love girl smell, you're gay.
>Sup Forums
>not gay
Umaru. She won't doom all of humanity if you look at her the wrong way or cheat on her with Vigne.
I'm gonna play the devil's advocate here and say that Umaru would make the better girlfriend. At least she can be clean and nice when she chooses, and isn't completely irredeemable like Gab. If you're not a limp-dicked doormat like her brother you could get her to balance her lifestyle more. Also, she has a way better body than Gab.
I shower like once a week or so
Umaru. I'm going to be honest with you all I deserve the suffering.
Angels don't smell tho
>the devil's advocate
>Umaru would make the better girlfriend
of course
Yes, that was intentional.
Gabriel, without a second thought.
Gab is just lazy most of the time, depending on Vigne for her homework or whatever. She'd probably be an alright gaming buddy or an alright geeky girlfriend or whatever but don't expect her to put in as much serious effort in the relationship as she should, she's a games > love kind of gal.
Umaru, on the other hand, is mean and manipulative towards her brother, demands he indulge her selfish whims, throws childish tantrums to get what she wants, is irresponsible, spends his money on stupid shit, and is in general just a shitty cunt. She's so bad mannered and immature you'd have to be just as terrible a person as she is to think she's a waifu-grade chick.
Everything you listed about Umaru can be applied to Gabriel as well.
This isn't a competition, brah, but I work six days a week in a greasy, smoky kitchen. Like you, I used to be able to go nearly two weeks without showering when I did nothing but lay on a bed all day.
She has a brother she is deceitful and manipulative towards to feed her, buy her stupid otaku things? She throws tantrums and rolls on the ground like a child?
Also forgot to mention that she's pretty straight-forward with people nor is she really deceiving people (except for the heavenly authorities so she doesn't lose her stipend) but with everyone else what you see is what you get. She's not leading a true double life, like a certain childish hamster girl who deserves bad things for being a twatwaffle.
All of your Umaru loving faggots need to wake up and realize that your shit-tier wannabe-waifu is now sub-shit tier, and take your buttmad somewhere else about it. She just can't compare to Gab.
switch XL?
I'd rather kill myself.
The only correct answer in this thread
It's quite amusing how you call others a waifufag yet you ignore all of the negative things about Gabriel, which definitely outweigh the good. I'm just answering OP's question from a neutral standpoint.
i love gabu and umaru but it's true that miss sylphynford is the correct answer
Gabriel has income
umaru is essentially on the dole as well, but hers comes from her brother rather than from deus ex machina
Gab, at least she's not an unbearable piece of shit.
Which of these two would be let me cum with full force without pulling out, and then keep thrusting in the afterglow?
Gabu-chan obviously
Umaru is for people who want to fuck annoying hamsters
I think those are just called onaholes.
I don't understand how people can do this.
Not for other's comfort, but your own. Not showering makes you feel icky.
Satania is that type of girl who's a loser you can fall for, but when you admit that you're also a loser, she'd laugh at you mercilessly.
Both are memegirls
Neither, I want Vigne. She is pure and lovely.
If I have to choose, at least Gabu is an angel so there is the chance she can be uncorrupted by the power of christ and become a good girl again.
How about neither?
Gab would probably let you get on top of her while she's laying on the floor playing her MMO. So long as you pay for a micro transaction or two.
Are Hella Awesome Subs meme free?
Do not lewd the nug
all that junk food went straight to her butt! her butt!
The former. That way my kids could have rad angel powers.
don't lewd the Himoutos