I just finished watching this and had a fun ride, but apparently people call the show shit. Am I missing something or were they just expecting something different?
I just finished watching this and had a fun ride, but apparently people call the show shit...
Characters were god-awful and never did or said anything that made sense.
People like me expected Attack on Titan 2.0
(which in hindsight wasnt super great either) and were let down
Hipsters dislike it because it was popular.
It was way better than Attack on Titan.
Which characters didn't make sense? I understand that Mumei at the start was awfully antagonistic, but most everyone else seemed to have at least some set of ideals that they followed. Maybe Ikoma's "You've killed too many" was a bit out of place, since he went out of his way to not kill virtually anyone else.
Biba was almost universally despised, perhaps because he was too cartoonishly, irrationally evil, and shifted the focus from human vs kabane to the usual human vs human. I don't think he turned the show into shit, but he did make it less fun and turn it into something different from the previous 2/3ds of the series.
I loved the show personally; it was my favorite of 2016. I thought the characters were great, especially Ikoma and Mumei. The main flaw as I saw it was that the writers crammed 2 cours worth of story into 1. Five episodes weren't long enough to establish and destroy Biba as the final boss without painting overly broad strokes in characterization.
I think they should have left him out all together and concentrated on developing the main cast and world-building. The staff put a lot of work into the setting and 12 x 20 min episodes wasn't nearly enough time to explore it. It would probably be better suited as a novel series. I'm reading the prequel novel right now and enjoying it.
It is really a shame how much this series is hated because I don't think it deserves it.
Agreed on all points. Particularly that Biba should have been the next season antagonist.
>Maybe Ikoma's "You've killed too many" was a bit out of place, since he went out of his way to not kill virtually anyone else.
I don't think he is fundamentally opposed to killing, just unnecessary killing that divides people when they should be united against the kabane. That doesn't exclude executing people who have committed mass murder, as the Karikatashuu did when they used the kabane to destroy Iwato and Kongoukaku. So Ikoma is pragmatic rather than dogmatically pacifist; I liked that about him.
Anyone else here looking forward to season 2?
Aside from the pace of the second half of the series, I felt that the scope of the season was handled pretty well. As far as covering the bases go, the threat of the black cloud and its formation was laid out pretty clearly, and the white blood was introduced far before it could be used, which set up the final couple of episodes pretty well. I don't believe that anything came out of left field or rhat there were too many unanswered questions, which in my mind any series that can pull that much off is already doing quite a bit right.
>setup ikoma as muh thinking protagonist that builds stuff
>he doesn't build anything past his steam gun
>finale relies on him turning into godzilla and getting saved by biba
that fucking biba save was some serious bullshit right there, no excuse for that.
>too cartoonishly, irrationally evil
I don't get this. He had a clear goal and a clear way of getting there.
>he doesn't build anything past his steam gun
He also collaborated on developing jet bullets and kabane heart membrane-coated katana.
Biba injecting him with the white serum makes sense according to his philosophy that only the fearless should survive, since Biba finally found in Ikoma a fearless man, unlike himself.
>second season of the AOTY in 2018
Im ready
His goal was a society of strong people without fear. Breaking down the city gates to allow the kabane to invade leads to a high number of casualties in a short time, and seems way too drastic and crazy to accomplish what he wanted.
I would have liked him to be portrayed in a more morally ambiguous way. As he is, it's hard to defend him or see him as anything but a crazy, broken person, son of an equally crazy, abusive father. But in only five episodes, it probably would have been hard to give him much more nuance while still making his death justifiable in the last episode.
Anything you'd like to see in season 2?
I expect that Mumei will turn kabane at some point; it was hinted at too much in season 1 to not happen, especially since she seems to have been taking some kind of medicine meant to slow down her transition to kabane and presumably won't have access to it anymore.
I look forward to seeing Ikoma's prosthetic arm, which was apparently shown in an extra scene at the end of the compilation movies.
I don't want a season 2. The ending was perfect.
This needs to happen in season 2.
Thats why you watch only episodes 1-6 and act like thats the entire show. Goddamn I loved those episodes just for the fun factor. But yeah, Biba ruined it
It's fucking fun if you read the Sup Forums threads from the time it was airing.
The show is silly but I definitely enjoyed it more than SnK, Guilty Crown or Highschool of the Dead.
It was a bit overhyped from the shading, and felt rushed at the end.
those few episodes of guilty crown with shu being hitler were better than the entirety of kabaneri for sure though
Episode 7 was great too.
Anyone who, for some retarded reason, was expecting something more than bottom of the barrel "humanity vs invading force" garbage from the first episode hated the villain even though the show was retarded shit from the first episode.
people on Sup Forums have been calling things others like shit since forever just because someone has different tastes does not make something shit
I think people were expecting thrills like Train to Busan
Pretty much this. Good action with train fighting Kabane and the occasional heartwarming development between the Kabaneri was all the show needed and they still fucked it up.
The show was alright but the threads were the best part.
The last third wasn't as good as the rest but I still enjoyed the show. First two episodes were 10/10
it was terrible
First episodes were entertaining until they introduced Biba. Fuck Biba and his faggy hairstyle, they ruined the entire show. I'm still mad.
still better than attack on titan
I was more speaking for the shit reviews I saw on MAL. I already know not to expect much from Sup Forums.
>Humans are the real monsters
I just never enjoyed this with zombie fiction.
I get why it's a thing. Zombies can't really be villains. They have no real motivations, no goals, they're more of a natural disaster than an antagonist. But man is it annoying to watch.
It was a OK anime why the hell is it getting a new season ?
Wasn't it sponsored by Amazon or something? If they work anything like Netflix, they just keep making more of anything they have that wasn't an abysmal failure because apparently streaming services operate on different systems to traditional show production.
If you had fun, that's all that matters. Most people have already said that it's Biba and his shitty cast of rebels. Threads were bitching about nonsensical shit like steampunk skis iirc. Bitching and complaints, but fun nevertheless.
It's fun and has a great art style, Biba's motivations were just stupid as fuck.
Its a fun show
Sup Forums has shit taste
The threads were what kept me coming back week after week.
It was shit, fuck this shit getting a S2. It was ok to watch with Sup Forums though.